Chapter Seventy-Seven - Please Keep Loving Me

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Eden woke up, much like Sam had - with a feeling of lonely dread.
"Valentine's Day..." They'd both sighed, scrunching their faces up into their pillows.
What followed, however, had been far from the same.
Sam had gone to do research over breakfast in the kitchen, only to see Dean walk in with a huge hickey on his neck. He had claimed he was a 'hopeless romantic' and 'just doing my civic duty'.
Eden, had sat up in bed to Lucifer strolling in with massive bouquet of blood red roses.
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love." He grinned, placing the flowers down on her bedside table.
"Not in the mood, Luci." She grumbled, throwing the upper half of her body back on the soft Egyptian cotton, closing her eyes again.
"Oh, come on, Angel. You gotta get over Sammy sooner or later, it's been ages." Lucifer whined, throwing himself onto the bed next to her.
"Don't call him that." Eden snapped. "Only Dean calls him that."
"Whatever." Lucifer rolled his eyes, smirking as he rolled over to face her. "So what are we gunna do today? Watch sappy chick-flicks and stuff our faces full of over-priced chocolates from a heart-shaped box, shortly followed by pints of various flavour ice cream?"
"I don't eat." Eden pointed out. "And neither do you."
"No, I choose not to, there's a difference. I'm sure I could make room for two portions of chocolate and ice cream if you're not joining, though." Lucifer shrugged.
Eden sniffed.
"Is that actual blood on those roses?" She frowned, opening her eyes.
"They were white when I stole them." Lucifer grinned.
"Ugh. You know me so well." Eden groaned, sitting up again and running a finger over one of the petals, licking the liquid that came off it. "Mm, that's good." She sighed contently.
"So... What are we gunna do today?" Lucifer asked, leaning over to dip his finger on the petals, himself. "Lady's choice."
Eden leaned forward as she thought, resting her forearms on the bed between her covered legs.
All that sprang to her mind was Sam. Before all this had happened - before her memories returned, he'd promised her a proper Valentine's Day. He'd had a surprise lined up and everything. It would've been the first Valentine's Day they'd had together since their relationship began, since one of them had been either missing or having hallucinations of the man who was now sat next to her - so Sam had wanted to make it extra special before something else happened.
But, of course, something had to happen. That was just their luck.
"I want to go for a walk." Eden eventually said.
"Great. Did you have a destination in mind or are we winging it?" Lucifer asked. "No pun intended, but certainly welcomed."
"I want to go for a walk alone, Luci." She glared back at him.
Lucifer put his hands up in defence.
"Fine, fine. I'll let you have your self-pity party. I'll just sit here wondering how great we could've been had Sam said 'yes' to my invitation." He smirked.
"Sam was never going to say yes and I wouldn't have let you, even if he did." Eden retorted.
"Two boyfriends in one a little bit much for you, huh?" The Devil commented.
"You're not my boyfriend, Lucifer. No matter how many blood-coated roses you bring me." The Angel of Darkness threw the sheets off herself and got up, grabbing her phone and a change of clothes as she walked passed them on her way to the bathroom.
Eden's chosen walk attire had been a no make-up face besides mascara, a gorgeous black velvet gown with flared sleeves, deep hood and a dipped cleavage, paired with a simple pair of ballet-style slippers. Nothing particularly extravagant, but certainly suited to her.
She didn't even bother exiting the bathroom. She was rapidly growing bored of Lucifer's come-ons. She was perfectly aware that her flirtatious attitude wasn't exactly helping the situation, but that was just how she was. So she simply unlocked the bathroom door and disappeared in a rustle of feathers.

Eden found herself on the highest reach of Myrtle Point in Tennessee. She gazed over the breath-taking scenery illuminated by the mid-morning sun. It was stunning... And yet, all she could think about was how much she wanted to share the sight with Sam.
Her phone suddenly pinged in her hand.
Eden looked down at it, her eyes grazing over the picture of her and Sam to see a text... From Dean.
Impala 1: Sam's a wreck. He found a case to distract himself but I think it's a little too metaphorical for him.
The girl frowned as she texted back.
Eden: Too metaphorical?
Impala 1: Heart ripped out.
Eden: Werewolf?
Impala 1: Shifter.
Eden: Interesting... What do you want me to do about your brother? He broke up with me. I believe that makes it your problem now.
Impala 1: Don't act like you don't give a crap. He told me you said you still loved him despite no longer being Elizabeth. He had a plan for you two tonight, remember? He's tearing himself up about it.
Eden: That didn't answer my question.
Impala 1: Stop feeding on people. Stop whatever games you're playing. Get your ass over here.
Eden: The whole reason I'm staying away is because of him. Do you seriously think he's going to suddenly change his mind and want me there? Besides, I'm not dressed for a hunt.
Well, now she was just making excuses...
Impala 1: He invited you to the Bunker. He wasn't kidding. And if you're not dressed for a hunt then you're probably dressed in what normal people would consider date wear.
Eden sighed, looking up at the view.
Eden: Are you alone?
Impala 1: Right now I am, yeah. Sam's gone on a food run.
The girl locked her phone, took one last glance to the view and then disappeared.

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