Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight - The Killer Stuffed Dinosaur In Love

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Eden sat up in her bed, her wide eyes fixed on the wall opposite her as Velma rattled on about some old cases to her and Daphne danced around between the room and the bathroom, performing her night time routine.
Eventually, she managed to escape whilst Daphne and Velma were changing into their sleepwear, making a b-line for the boys' room.
Fred was already in bed, Shaggy was sat on the end of his, Scooby on the floor and Sam was stood, leaning against a fold-out bed by the door.
"Help." She panted, leaning against the door she just slammed behind her.
"Eden! Are you okay?" Fred gasped. "You look like you've seen a ghost!"
"I'm always this pale, thank you very much, Freddo." She scowled, wrapping her arms around Sam's waist. "I haven't shared a room with a girl in three hundred years. And now I'm being forced to share one with two. Do you know how many hair products Daphne owns? I think she blew out my nose receptors with her leave-in conditioner. I'll never be able to smell your freshly washed hair again." She moped, balling her fists into his yellow button-up night shirt.
Sam chuckled, engulfing her in his arms.
"Oh, yeah, Daphne, like, loves her hair." Shaggy interjected.
"Yeah." Scooby agreed, nodding his head vigorously.
"It's just for a night. I would've thought you'd be too busy drooling over Velma to notice there was anyone else in the room." He commented.
"I'm not sure any amount of celebrity crush could distract me enough from... That." She shivered.
Dean burst through the door, wearing a lilac night gown and matching cap.
"What the bloody hell are you wearing?" Eden scrunched up her nose.
"Are you wearing a... Night gown?" Sam frowned.
"It's called a sleeping robe." Dean countered, adjusting its long sleeves. "Between you and me, it's freaking comfortable."
"Take it from someone who went through centuries of seeing men wear those things," Eden cocked a brow. "It's a night gown."
Dean scowled at her.
"Shouldn't you be braiding hair with the other girls or something?"
The Dark Angel clenched her jaw and went for him, her fists no longer balled in Sam's shirt and simply just... Balled.
Sam gripped her a little tighter, stopping her from doing anything drastic.
"Dean, shut up." Sam narrowed his eyes before looking back down at Eden. "Like I say, it's just for a night. Why don't you go ask Velma if you can borrow her laptop and look for maybe getting us a way out of here?" He suggested.
Eden's gaze left him and travelled to Dean, who kicked the door open with his ankle, looking back at her with a smirk and crossed arms.
"You're lucky I love your brother." She hissed at him.
Sam gave a breathy chuckle, leaning down to give her a kiss.
"Good luck." He said.
"Yeah, yeah. G'night." She smirked, giving one last scowl to Dean on her way out. "Night, dickbag."
"Nighty night, Vampy Pants." He called after her, closing the door.

Eden closed the door back in the girl's room, seeing Daphne brushing her hair in front of a vintage vanity mirror.
"So, those new guys are kinda groovy." She said, looking back at Velma, clearly not noticing who had re-entered the room.
"Sure. They seem alright. But, that big lug? What a dummy - haunted? Sheesh. Like that's a real thing." Velma scoffed, pulling back the sheets on the large king sized bed.
"Huh..." Daphne uttered, crawling into the space next to her friend.
"What?" Velma put her hands on her hips.
"Oh, nothing, I just thought that 'big lugs' were kinda your thing."
"If that's the case, then she's got good taste." Eden smirked, making the pair jump. "Hey, Velma. Have you got your laptop with you?"
"Of course! Would you like to borrow it?" She asked, earning a nod as she pulled it out from her laptop bag on the floor by her bed. "Can't sleep in spooky places?"
"Oh, that's definitely not it." Eden laughed, taking it from her. "I just don't sleep that much. Don't worry, I'll let you two get some shut eye. I'll be downstairs with this."
"Oh, I don't know where I'd be without my beauty sleep." Daphne giggled, performing a little hair flip that made Eden's insides cringe.
"Right. Well, goodnight, girls. And, thanks Velma." She said, quickly leaving the room to venture downstairs into the large dining room to the left of the house.

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