Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Four - Date Night

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"Eden, I am so sorry for what happened back there..." Sam sighed on the car ride home.
"It wasn't your fault. You don't need to apologise." She mumbled, slumping down in the centre back seat.
"I feel like I do. I know this probably felt like the Becky thing all ove-"
"It did." Eden interrupted. "But that wasn't your fault either."
"Will you please just let me say my piece? And then we never have to talk about this again." Sam huffed, earning silence in return. "I feel awful about what you had to see back there. With Cindy and... I know - now for sure - that this brought up some long-forgotten crap for you and I'm sorry, whether you want me to say it or not, I am. I love you and no spell or anything will ever change that."
"I know. I love you, too."

Back at the Bunker, the three found Dean in the War room, looking a little discombobulated.
"Hey! How was Arkansas?" He asked, composing himself.
"Arkansas was..." Sam scoffed as he trudge down the stairs. "It was... Weird."
"That's one word for it." Eden commented.
"Heard you wore a cardigan." The older brother smirked to Sam as he walked over to wrap an arm over Eden's shoulders.
The Dark Angel and the younger brother gave a warning glare to Castiel.
"Yeah, I told him about the cardigan." He shrugged.
"Great. Thanks." Sam breathed.
"And the wife." Dean added, squeezing Eden's shoulders a little. "Pissin' off my Vampy Pants with an out-of-the-blue wife just seems to be a running thing for you, doesn't it? He said you were, uh, 'really happy.'"
"Thanks." Sam uttered to Castiel again.
"Where's Jack?" The Angel opted to quickly change the subject.
"In his room." Dean replied, prompting Cas to turn away and walk towards the bedrooms. "Really happy, huh?"
"I mean... I guess I was happy, but it wasn't real. I'm happy with the woman I have." Sam threw a small smile in Eden's direction as he shrugged off the overnight bags on his shoulders, placing them down on the map table.
"Well, not a lot of happy going on around here." Dean sighed, letting go of Eden.
"I hate this place right now... I hate it." The younger brother hissed, his eyes welling up as his love moved over to hug his waist. "Everywhere I look, I see them - I see Maggie. I guess that's why I'm so desperate to get out of here - why I kept running us ragged... But, I've gotta stop that. I can't keep running. This is my home - this is our home. I think I just need some time."
"Okay." Dean replied, patting Sam's shoulder. "Here's an idea. Why don't you two just... Go somewhere. Get out of here, get out of this headspace. Go somewhere nice for a week or whatever, no hunting, no thinking, just romantic and relaxing."
Eden looked up at Sam, resting her chin on his chest as he looked down at her.
"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." He nodded. "But maybe not right now. With Jack the way he is, I don't want to just disappear and leave you guys to deal with whatever comes out of all this alone."
"What did you end up doing, anyway?" Eden asked.
"Uh, I took the kid to see Donatello - see if he couldn't make some sense out of all this." Dean replied.
"And..?" She pressed.
"He doesn't think his soul is entirely gone, but he knows there's something not right. I think we've just gotta keep an eye on him, you know?" He sighed, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans as the pair in front of him nodded. "Hey, if you wanna put your trip off, that's cool with me. Just make sure you go on it. When even was the last time you went on a date or did something that didn't involve killing things or furthering the crap-heap plot that is our lives?"
"Um..." Eden frowned in thought. "I... Don't actually remember. Does alone time in Vamp Town count?"
"No." Dean stared blankly.
"Then... Probably our first date, before it was interrupted by Alexander." Sam shrugged, chuckling in slight disbelief. "Damn, we really need to get out more."
"Apparently so..." Eden sighed, then frowned at a realisation. "Wait... That first date was just after the Becky thing. Maybe we should stop only going on dates after you get a wife."
Sam matched her frown, thinking back.
"Was it? Damn, you're right." He chuckled, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly. "How about I only do the wife thing once more."
"Sounds good to me." Eden smirked.
"Well, there you go." Dean waved a hand. "If you don't go on a vacation or whatever right now, then at least go out and have some fun. Go watch a movie, stargaze, even just go for a drive, I don't care. But, you're banned from the Bunker for the next few hours at least."
Sam and Eden gave a gentle laugh, nodding their heads.
"Fine. I'll go get changed." She said, leaning up to kiss Sam's cheek before heading towards the bedrooms.
Dean buried a hand into the pocket of his jeans, fishing out the Impala keys to hand to Sam. Before the younger brother could take them, the older pulled them out of his reach slightly.
"You can take her. Just don't screw in her." He warned.
"You're gross." Sam screwed up his nose, grabbing the keys.

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