Chapter Fifty-One - Truth

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A body had turned up round the rear of the cabin lodge.
One of the Sheriffs was dead.
Sam and Elizabeth had gone to the Sheriff's department to see if they could hack their surveillance. The local Sheriff had lied about their being footage of the first kill.
"Hey." Sam announced their arrival back at the retreat.
"You got something?" Dean asked, clearly fresh out of a close conversation with Jody.
"Uh, well, there was something. I hacked into the surveillance server but the files have been deleted." The younger brother replied.
"Clearly Hibbing's Sheriff didn't want something getting out." Elizabeth sighed.
"I thought you said Sheriff Cuse was the only one who had access to those files." Jody looked to Dean just as Donna came over looking a little flustered.
"Jody, can we talk a sec?" She asked, glancing to the boys and Elizabeth. "Alone?"
"Yeah, we'll go look around." Dean nodded.
"What do you think that was about?" Sam frowned as they walked away.
Elizabeth tucked her hair behind her ear, listening in.
"Okay, but first of all, back there, I was wrong to butt in. I know it hurt you and I'm sorry." Jody said.
"What?" Donna's brows furrowed. "Oh, yeah. Quit being a doormat. Yeah. I hear you, Jody, it's okay. We're okay. Only, there's something else I can't quite wrap my head around." She looked around to see if anyone could hear them. "Do you ever think there are things out there? Things that don't end up in the police spotter?" She whispered.
"Can you give me some specifics?" Jody asked.
"Yeah, okay." Donna nodded. "Uh, well, I was kinda far away, so maybe I didn't see it right, but what I think I saw... Were teeth."
"Uh oh..." Elizabeth's eyes widened.
"What?" Sam frowned. "Are you listening in again?"
"Maybe..." The Vampire gave a nervous 'I knew you wouldn't approve' smile.
"Well? What's going down?" Dean asked.
"Um... Sounds like Donna saw a Vamp." She replied.
"Uh oh." Dean repeated.
"It was Sheriff Cuse." Donna hissed. "I saw him standing over Sheriff Goodhill's body and his mouth was full of... Shark teeth like... Some kinda-"
"Monster." Jody finished.
"You think I'm crazy." Donna whispered.
"Not at all." Jody shook her head. "Did he see you?"
"No. I hid. Like a chump." Donna sighed. "You really believe me?"
"Yeah." Jody nodded. "And so will those guys from the FBI." She pulled out her phone.
"If you say so." Donna replied.
"It was Sheriff Cuse." Elizabeth scoffed, turning to face him. "He's the Vamp. Sam, turn on your damn phone. How's anyone supposed to reach you if it's off?"
Sam frowned, pulling out his phone from his pocket.
"Oops." He muttered. "Did Jody just try to call me?"
"Yeah." Elizabeth nodded, turning back around. "We should go ba-Where did they go?"
The boys looked over to where the two Sheriff's had been talking, seeing they were gone.
"Crap." Dean mumbled.

After finding out from Jody's voicemail that Cuse had rented room 304, the trio made their way upstairs.
They were greeted by Jody, armed with a machete and a very shocked looking Donna, pointing a gun at them.
"Woah, woah." Sam exclaimed as all three of them put their hands up. "Got your voicemail."
The two Sheriff's put away their weapons, speaking at once.
"We know Cuse is a Vampire. I was listening in." Elizabeth sighed, earning a raised brow from Jody. "What? I was worried."
"What the cuss? A Vampire?!" Donna hissed.
"You wanna give her the talk?" Dean asked Sheriff Mills. "You should probably explain the whole Elizabeth thing whilst you're at it too – save some time."

Elizabeth waited by the bar downstairs as Jody explained the rough ins and outs of Vampires to Donna and the boys got back into their regular clothes.
When the girls got back downstairs, Donna gave Elizabeth a very different look to all the ones she had earlier in the day.
It wasn't exactly fear – most likely thanks to Jody – but it was almost certainly nervousness.
"You okay?" The Vampire asked her.
She just shook her head quickly, following Jody out to the front of the building.
"Heck." Donna breathed. "Just... Heck."
"We good?" Dean asked.
"Wait, so when we were at the weight loss spa..." The local Sheriff trailed off.
"Monsters." The older brother nodded. "Suckin' on your fat. We took care of it."
"Aw jeez... I knew losing ten pounds that fast was too good to be true." Donna's voice was shaky. Dean shrugged as she pulled out a slip of paper from her back pocket. "Here. Maybe this is where Sheriff... Vampire went."
On the slip was a scribbled over etching of an address that had been written on the paper above it.
"Good job, Donna. Old school tricks. I like it." Elizabeth smirked, earning a small smile and a nod from the Sheriff.
"Could be anything." Dean pointed out.
Sam typed the address into his maps app.
"What have you got?" The older brother asked.
"Looks like it's an old farm outside of town." Sam replied.
"Could be something." Dean corrected himself.
"Secluded areas are usually the sorts of places a nest could be hiding out in. We should be careful – come up with a plan." Elizabeth stated.
"D-did you have a nest?" Donna asked, making everyone look up at her, then at the Vampire.
"Um... Yeah, once upon a time. But I, uh, disagreed with the way they did things and killed them all." Elizabeth nodded.
"Oh..." Donna breathed, shaking her head out of the slight daze the answer had put her in. "Anyways... It's the only lead we got."
"'We?'" Sam raised his brows, earning a nod from the woman. "With all due respect, Sheriff, but Vampires are far more dangerous than the jawns you throw in jail."
"You're gunna sit this one out." Dean agreed.
"Stuff you, Dean - or whatever your real name is." Donna scoffed, scrunching up her nose.
Elizabeth and Jody smirked.
"Hanscum's good." Jody nodded.
"Agreed." Elizabeth chuckled.
The brothers looked between the three women.
"I said she's good. Elizabeth – the most experienced Hunter here, says she's good. So she's good." Jody cut the younger brother off.
"Okay, alright." Dean huffed as Jody opened the driver's side rear door on the Impala. "You stay in back. We're taking the lead, okay?"
"She can stay alongside me." Elizabeth said, looking to Donna. "But I'm not babysitting. If you want in, fine. But you're gunna learn how the rest of us learned – by the blade."
Donna nodded, climbing into the backseat.

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