Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Seven - A Good Weird

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A bad mental health day led to Sam floating around the Bunker like some sort of ghost.
Nothing had happened since the incident the week prior and cabin fever was starting to set into the younger Winchester's head.
"Okay. I think it's time for that vacation we talked about." Dean huffed, shoving a slice of bacon into his mouth as he leant up against the counter in the kitchen.
"Alright... And what if you need us for something?" Eden cocked a brow, leaning back in her chair at the kitchen table.
"Then I'll call. But, seriously. It's been quiet and Sammy's getting all emo again. You guys need that break before it starts getting busy. Go screw your week away or something, I don't know." He shrugged. "Cas and I have got the kids covered. Just... Go and have some fun."
Eden scoffed, hiding her amused smirk in her glass of blood as she took a gulp.
"Any destination recommendations?"
Dean frowned, thinking for a moment as he ate another piece of bacon.
"Bobby's got a cabin up by the White Oak Gap in the North Georgia mountains." He suggested with his mouth full. "Probably kinda romantic and sappy, you know?"
"Not a bad idea..." Eden gave a mouth shrug. "I'll go talk to him."
Dean nodded, watching her chug the rest of the blood in her glass before getting up, washing it out in the sink and leaving the room.

"Sam?" Eden called, heading towards the bedroom.
"Yeah, in here." He replied through the door.
She entered, closing the door behind her and launching herself front-first onto the bed next to him.
"So... Dean's kicking us out." She smirked.
"What? Why?" He frowned, looking up from the book in his hand.
"He wants us to go on that vacation whilst its quiet. He recommended Bobby's cabin in the Georgia Mountains."
"What if something happens here and we're needed?" He sighed, putting the book down in his lap.
"We drive there. If we're needed, I zap us back. It'll be fine. We need a break longer than a few hours. Dean's somewhat reassured me that he and Pigeon will have everything handled here." Eden cocked a playful brow. "Come on, it'll be fun. I promise."
Sam sighed again, lifting a hand to put her chin between his index finger and thumb.
"You believe Dean has the capability to play babysitter to Jack and Willow for a whole week?" He smirked.
"No," She giggled. "I believe he'll take care of anything monster related and Pigeon will deal with anything on the kids front. It's kinda their couple's dynamic."
Sam chuckled, shaking his head.
"Fine. I'll go. You're right, we could do with a break." He gave a small smile as she leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"Get ready. We'll leave in forty-five minutes." She said, scrambling off the bed.

After packing and saying goodbye to everyone, they were on the road in Eden's Camaro. The journey would take roughly seventeen hours, so they made sure to pack plenty of blood bags, road food and other essentials for a long drive.
Much to Sam's enjoyment, Eden had installed a stereo system in the car, complete with aux cable so that he could plug in his phone and 'shotgun' could pick the music.

The cabin required some hiking, as Bobby had bought this particular cabin in case of something that required him to go entirely off grid.
But, boy, was the view worth it.
The cabin was small, but picturesque, overlooking a Y valley in the North Georgia Mountains.
They'd got there just as the sun was coming up the next day.
Sam put his arm over Eden's shoulders as they looked out at the sun coming up between the valley.
"It's beautiful." The Dark Angel smiled.
"Yeah, it is." He hummed, not looking away from her, only to close his eyes and kiss her hair. He turned her around in his arms, drawing her attention to him. "Thank you for this."
"There's no need to thank me, Sam. This was needed." Eden smiled, gazing into the hazel eyes that burned a very pale green in the sunlight.
"All the same... Thank you." He whispered, brushing a piece of hair from her face that had been caught by the morning breeze.
"You're welcome." Eden stood on her toes, her eyes falling closed as Sam's did, connecting their lips in a perfect kiss. "What do you say we get everything inside and make up for lost time?"
"Sounds good to me." Sam replied, chuckling lowly.
He released her and walked to the trunk of the car, fishing out their bags for the week while Eden unlocked the cabin door with the key Dean had told her was under a particular floorboard in the cabin's porch.

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