Chapter Forty-Three - Facing Metatron and Consequences

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The encampment was as they expected it to look. Various oil drums were planted around with fires raging inside of them, people scattered everywhere, and makeshift huts around the place.
"Can I help you?" A gravelly-voiced man asked, approaching the pair along with a blonde woman.
"Take it easy, Chief." Dean held out a hand.
"You're Dean Winchester." The woman stated.
"Now, how did you know that?" Dean frowned.
"He said you were coming." The woman nodded.
Dean glanced to Elizabeth who gave a shrug before turning back to the woman.
"Well, here I am. Where's Metatron?"
"Marv." The man corrected.
"Sure."The Winchester rolled his eyes.
"In there." The woman told him, pointing behind her to an abandoned construction site. "Praying for our forgiveness."
"Forgiveness for what?" Dean asked. The woman gazed over to the floor a few feet away, where a pool of blood sat. "Is he now?"

Almost to the entrance of the partially constructed building, Dean stopped Elizabeth in her tracks.
"What?" Elizabeth frowned.
"You're not coming in." He said.
"The Hell I am." The Vampire scoffed. "I can help."
"I don't want you getting in my way and possibly screwing our chances to get at him." Dean told her.
Elizabeth recoiled, her mouth ajar.
"You're joking, right? What happened to team Deanabeth, taking on every monster Purgatory could throw at us?"
"This ain't Purgatory, 'Liza." Dean countered.
"No, yeah, I got that. This is easier. Plus, you're all juiced up now, just like me. This'll be a piece of cake." The Vampire replied.
She tried to move passed him, but he shoved her to the floor, plunging the First Blade into her thigh.
Elizabeth screamed out in agony, clutching the wound, clenching her jaw as blood pooled around her legs.
"So, there is something that can press pause on you, after all." He nodded his approval, looking over the blood-soaked Blade. "Sorry, 'Liza. This one's on me."

"Stay back! Where's Metatron?" Elizabeth heard Sam yell from the main section of the encampment.
"Sam!" She cried, feeling an extra twinge in her thigh.
Her teeth seized together as she winced, shutting her eyes tight as her hands gripped around the wound with everything she had.
"'Liza!" Sam shouted, running to crouch down at her side, his eyes widening at the First Blade-sized wound in her leg. "Baby, what happened?"
"Dean. He couldn't put me down with dead man's blood so he found the next best thing." Elizabeth groaned as he propped her up on a concrete block.
"Dean did this to you?" Sam exclaimed.
"He's totally lost it. He thinks he can take Metatron down by himself. You have to go and help him." The Vampire told him.
"What about you?" He asked.
"Just go! I'll be fine." She shouted.

Sam ran through the construction site as fast as he could, stopping forty feet away from them just as Metatron plunged an Angel blade straight through his older brother's chest.
Dean looked down, struggling for breath as the scribe pulled the blade back out.
"No!" Sam screamed.
Dean looked over at his brother with nothing but defeat in his eyes before his head fell back, his body falling to the floor.
Sam ran over, sitting his brother up.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey." He soothed, looking over the damage.
Dean looked up just as the building started to violently shake, pieces of concrete falling around them.
Metatron followed his gaze, knowing something in his plan had gone wrong.
Sam stood up, pulling an Angel blade from his jacket.
He lunged at the would-be God, but Metatron quickly zapped himself out of there.
"Sammy, you gotta get out of here before he comes back." Dean groaned, blood dripping from his swollen bottom lip.
"Shh, shut up. Save your energy, alright? We'll stop the bleeding, we'll get you to a doctor or-or I'll find a spell." Sam replied, frantically shoving a bandana on Dean's wound, applying pressure. "You're gunna be okay."
"Listen to me." The older brother looked him in the eyes. "It's better this way."
"What?" Sam frowned.
"The Mark. It's making me into something I don't wanna be. I... I hurt Elizabeth, man... Elizabeth. After all she's got me through - us through. I thought I could do this alone..." Dean mumbled through the blood. "You gotta tell her I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about Elizabeth. She'll be fine. You can tell her you're sorry, yourself. We'll figure out the Mark later. Just hold on, okay? We'll get you some help." Sam got up, throwing his brother's arm over his shoulder, lifting him to his feet.

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