Chapter Seven - Balthazar

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Elizabeth found herself on a case. There had been reports of 'occult type disturbances' at an abandoned warehouse in Denver, so had decided to check it out.
That was where she'd met the second Angel in her life.
"Name's Balthazar. Will you be my murderer for the day?" The Angel arched a cocky eyebrow.
"That entirely depends on you." Elizabeth replied. "The other Angel I know is a daddy-worshipping feather duster. But he's off limits. If you're anything like him, I think I will."

Turns out, Balthazar wasn't so bad, after all. He was entertaining, to say the least. They'd been discussing movies one day and, apparently, that had given him an idea.
The next thing Elizabeth knew, they were no longer in a bar playing pool. They were in Bobby's living room.
"Hello, boys." Balthazar greeted, walking over to Bobby's desk.
"Balthazar?" Dean frowned as he and his brother rose from their seats.
"Hello, boys." Elizabeth sighed, leaning against the archway to Bobby's hallway with her arms crossed. "Dean, nice to see you're back in the game."
Dean gave a bewildered half-cocked smile in her direction as the Angel continued.
"You've seen the Godfather, right?" He asked, clearly not expecting an answer. "You know, the end, where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big, bloody swoop."
"Hey!" Dean protested as Balthazar began moving things around, grabbing salt and a bowl among other things and putting them on Bobby's desk. "What is he doing?" He asked Elizabeth.
"Beats me." The Vampire shrugged. "We were talking about movies and then he just kinda had a lightbulb moment and this happened." She beckoned to the Angel as he flapped around doing who-knew-what.
"Dead sea brine. Good, good, good." Balthazar muttered to himself as he poured some of the ingredient into the bowl he'd placed on the desk. "You know, Moe Greene gets it in the eye, and Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door?"
"I said 'hey'." Dean repeated, a little louder.
Balthazar stopped what he was doing to address the older brother.
"You did. Twice." He smiled patronisingly. "Good for you."
With that, he went back to what he was doing.
Both Winchesters looked back at Elizabeth, who shrugged again.
"How the Hell do you two even know each other?" Sam asked.
"Honestly, this is as much of a surprise to me that you two know him. Though, I know I shouldn't be, really." The Vampire commented, earning a look from Sam that told her to go on. She sighed. "We met about a month ago. I was on a case, tempted to kill him and then he just turned out to be the fun arsehole instead of the... Other... Feathered arsehole we know."
"Yes, yes, now that we're all caught up." Balthazar continued his ramblings, waving a dismissive hand. "Blood of lamb... Blood of lamb..."
He disappeared, reappearing behind Elizabeth in the kitchen. He was rummaging through the fridge.
"Beer, cold pizza... Blood of lamb! Yes!" He grinned, holding up the jar for them to see. "Blood of lamb!"
"Why are you talking about the Godfather?" Sam asked as Balthazar appeared back over at the desk.
"Because we're in it, right now, tonight. And in the role of Michael Corleone... The Archangel Raphael." The Angel stated.
"So wait, you've dragged me onto a mission you were already working with the Winchesters just because we happened to be talking Al Pacino movies? Man, I'd love to spend five minutes in your head..." Elizabeth chuckled in disbelief.
"You mind telling us what you mean?" Dean asked.
"No, no, no, no..." Balthazar continued mumbling to himself as he looked frantically around for a particular ingredient. He ripped apart a drawer in Bobby's desk, finally finding what he was looking for. He looked to the trio before him with a toothy smile. "Yes. Bone of a lesser Saint. This vertebra will do very nicely. Your Mr Singer does keep a beautiful pantry."
The cogs in Dean's head began to fit the pieces together.
"Wait, Raphael is after you?" He asked.
"Raphael is after us all." Balthazar replied, crushing the bone into the bowl. "You see, he's consolidated his strength and now, he's on the move."
"And where's Cas?" Sam frowned.
"Oh Hell no, you didn't tell me the Pigeon had anything to do with this." Elizabeth whined, stamping her foot like a child.
"Because I knew you'd get all girly about it." Balthazar retorted as he moved towards Bobby's bay window. "Cassie? He is deep, deep underground. So, good old Raffy put out a hit list on every last Samaritan who helped our dear Cas; yes, that includes you, Lizzie, as well as the both of you." He gestured to the brothers. "But, so much more importantly - me."
"Bollocks to that, I didn't help him with anything!" Elizabeth protested.
"Well, that's not the way big brother feels about it. After the failed apocalypse, he had it in for you as well." The Angel smiled. "See, he wants to draw Cas out into the open."
"And you expect us to just believe you?" Sam cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh, don't." Balthazar said, painting his concoction on the window. "You'll go where I throw you either way."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Dean asked just as the Angel finished painting.
"That's all the time we have, gentlemen, lady." He gave a small nod their way.
Elizabeth frowned, moving over to the boys as Balthazar opened up his suit jacket, revealing a bleeding wound.
"Whoa... What happened there?" Dean motioned to it.
"He said it was a Demon accident." Elizabeth told him, now feeling awfully sceptical.
"Oh. Garish, I know. Sorry, Lizzie. Didn't want to 'freak you out' as the kids would say. You see, Uncle Raffy sent one of his nastiest to handle me. I'm flattered, actually... And down a lung... But that's alright. Oh, these are for you." He handed Sam a set of keys.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" Sam asked.
"Run with it." Balthazar waved a dismissive hand just as an unknown force sent him flying towards the archway Elizabeth had previously been stood by.
He hit the stairs with a heavy grunt just as an Angel appeared from the kitchen.
Elizabeth stood her ground, separating the Angel from the Winchesters.
"Virgil!" Balthazar tried to grab his attention, to no avail. He kept storming towards the trio. "I said run!" He yelled, using his power to blast Sam, Dean and Elizabeth through Bobby's window.

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