Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Eight - Save Donatello

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The rest of the week had been just as chilled and relaxed as the first couple of days, minus the news.
Sam had insisted on doing at least half the driving back.
As soon as they opened the Bunker door, Dean, Willow and Jack had run out to the War room to greet them with their congratulations.
Willow hugged Eden as Sam and Dean did the same, all smiles and welcomes.
Eden was about to give Dean a hug when he dropped to his knees and hugged her stomach instead.
She glanced up at Sam, who was hugging Willow and Jack, with an amused smirk.
"I never thought I'd ever get to be an uncle - a biological uncle, I mean. No offence, Willow, but this kid's gunna be the most spoilt littlest Vampy Pants ever." He gushed.
"None taken. I'm a little old to be spoilt, anyway." Willow smirked, separating from Sam.
"Littlest Vampy Pants?" Eden cocked a brow at him.
Dean rested his chin on her abdomen to look up at her, his arms still secured around the tops of her thighs.
"You're Vampy Pants, Willow's Little Vampy Pants, the kid's gunna be the Littlest Vampy Pants. You know it makes sense."
"Fair enough." Eden giggled, smoothing a hand down his hair before he got to his feet. "Where's Pigeon?"
"He's, uh, out. He said he wanted to be here and sends his love and congratulations, but he's got some stuff he needs to do. Wasn't too hot on the details." Dean shrugged.
"You never thought you'd get to be an uncle. I started to think that maybe I was never gunna get any grandkids." Mary's voice came from the library, peaking everyone's attention.
She was stood in the archway between the library and the War room with a bright smile on her face.
"Mom!" Sam grinned, walking over to give her a hug.
"Hey, Sam." She hummed, holding her son tightly. "Congratulations."
"Thanks." The younger son chuckled, leaving the hug to hold her by her elbows as she looked to Eden.
"Look at you. That baby's been cooking for less than a week and you're already glowing."
"Hi, Mary." Eden smiled, walking over to hug her, too. "How are you?"
"All the better for getting this news. As soon as Dean told me you two were heading back here, I was in my car." Mary laughed, making Sam and Eden do the same.
"Well, we've got celebrating to do. So, how about a games night?" Dean
suggested, clapping his hands together.
"Sounds good to me." Eden nodded.

Whilst Dean was attempting to fix the Mouse Trap game and Jack, Willow and Mary were sorting snack food and Sam was out getting pizza, Eden was in the laundry room sorting out the week's dirty clothes.
"Alright, Winchester game night is a go!" Dean's voice came from down the hall.
Walking into the library, she saw Dean with a grave face, his phone to his ear as Mary, Jack and Willow watched.
"Dean?" Eden frowned as he put the phone on speaker.
"Dean," Donatello's terrified, shaky voice came through the phone. "It's me; Donatello. I need help! You and Sam! Help me, please!" The man's voice hissed in an ancient sounding language before the line went dead.
"Eden, you know what language that was?" Dean asked, going to the contacts in his phone.
"Ancient Hebrew, by the sounds of it." She replied.
The older brother nodded, putting his phone to his ear. He sighed heavily when hegot voicemail.
"Sam's not answering his phone. This whole town's a dead zone." He grumbled, looking up to the four. "Alright, we gotta go."
"What do I do?" Jack asked.
"Stay here with Willow and Eden. When Sam gets back, play him that voicemail and have him call my spare. Got it?" The older brother replied.
"Got it."
"Woah, woah, woah. I'm not staying here, I'm coming with you." Eden protested.
"Eden, you're pregnant. I can't have anything happening to you." Dean huffed.
"I'm carrying a bloody Nephilim, Dean. In case you haven't noticed, they're strong and so am I. I'm coming with you." She retorted.
The older brother sighed, walking over to her and taking her hands.
"Please, Vampy Pants. I don't have time for this, Donatello could be in real trouble. Please, just stay here. Teach Little Vampy Pants some more Hunter stuff, I don't care. I just don't want you out in the field. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you or the kid."
Eden sighed, glancing to Mary over his shoulder, who gave her a nod.
"Fine..." The Dark Angel mumbled. "But I'll be damned if this is going to be a regular thing."
Dean simply nodded an uttered a 'thank you' before kissing her forehead and walking off with Mary.

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