Chapter One Hundred and Twelve - Hellos and Goodbyes

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When Eden woke up, the sun was just beginning to rise.
With Jack long gone, she checked on the boys to see if they were, at least, still breathing, then went outside to Castiel.
A tear slipped down her cheek as she looked down at him.
"I'm so sorry, Pigeon..." She sniffed, grabbing his arm to slip his body over her shoulders.
She took him inside, gently laying him out on the dining table.
"Okay... Where are you, Jack?" She sighed, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes.
She pictured him, mostly his eyes, trying to seek him out to teleport to him.
But, nothing happened.
Eden sighed again and sat down next to Cas' body until she heard movement upstairs.
"Where is he?" Dean demanded.
"He left. You scared him." Eden replied.
The older brother mumbled something inaudible, making his way outside with his gun in hand.
"Can he teleport?" He asked.
"What?" Sam was on his heel, following him out.
"The kid. Does he have wings?"
"I don't know." The younger brother panted.
"Not that I saw. He was walking when I caught up with him, but then he used his magic on me again and knocked me down the stairs. I haven't long woken up." Eden sighed, running her fingers through her hair, frustrated.
"Can't you zap to him?" Dean asked.
"I tried that earlier. I can't pinpoint him." She replied.
"Damn it..." Dean huffed. "Get in the car."

"We still got Holy oil, right?" The older brother asked as he accelerated down the road.
"Why?" Sam frowned.
"'Cause we're gunna have to hit him with everything we got." Dean told him.
"Woah, hold on a second..." Sam protested. "Can we just talk about what happened back there?"
"Sure. Which part?" Dean's tone was obviously sarcastic. "Crowley's dead, Kelly's dead, Cas is... Mom's gone and apparently the Devil's kid hit puberty in thirty seconds flat. Oh, and almost killed us."
"Yeah, because you tried to shoot him." Sam argued.
"We try to shoot the monsters, Sam, it's kinda what we do."
"Jack isn't a monster." Eden snapped. "Jesus, Dean, this is why Cas wanted to keep you out of it."
"The Hell's that supposed to mean?" Dean scoffed, turning to look back at her.
"Look at the road!" Sam grabbed the wheel as the car began to swerve. "We don't know what he is yet, Dean. Eden and I had it under control."
"I'm sorry, are you defending the son of Satan?"
"I'm not defending anything! I'm just saying- look, with everything that's happened, I'm obviously spun out also, but we need a plan!" The younger brother raised his voice.
"Yeah, kill him, okay?"
"We're not killing him!" Eden shouted. "You didn't see what Cas and I saw. He's not evil. He's not anything yet except a scared child!"
"He showed you what he wanted you to see!" The older brother countered. "The plan is, we find him and we end him before he hurts anybody else. Once we do that, we figure everything else out."
"I swear, Dean, if you try and kill him without hard, solid evidence that he's hostile, I'll do whatever I bloody have to, to stop you." She growled.
"Oh, you gunna kill me, Eden? Is that it?" He retorted, glaring at her through the rear-view mirror. "You see how messed up he's got you? You're willing to put this kid's life over mine. We went through freakin' Purgatory together, but, oh no, Lucifer's spawn is far more important to you."
"Nobody's doing anything!" Sam yelled, taking a deep breath to lower his voice. "What about Cas? Is he... Is he really dead?"
"You know he is." Dean mumbled.

The first sign of civilisation they came across was a lakeside, pirate-themed fast food place.
"Well, you really think Lucifer Jr's at 'Pirate Pete's Jolly Treats?'" Dean scoffed as he put the Impala in park. "That he was like, what, 'before I destroy the world, let me just grab a bag of curly fries.'"
"Look, if he'd have kept to the main road, he would've walked passed it. And I need-"
"Fine, just make it quick." Dean sighed, cutting his brother off.
"What, you're not coming?" Sam frowned.
"No." Dean shook his head. "Look, maybe you're right. Maybe the Devil's kid is in there just hanging out, okay? Or maybe he's half way across the country torching Chicago. I'm gunna call Jody and check in, see if she can't put out a nationwide APB on a creepy Satanic nudist."
"I'm coming with you." Eden sighed. "He chose Pigeon and I to be his guardians, if he's in there, he should respond to me."
"Okay. Good." Sam nodded, getting out of the car.
"'Good' is not the word I would use." Dean commented.

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