Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Eight - Into the Rift

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Everyone gathered round the table in the library with Eden at the head. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing on the last person she wanted to visualise ever.
"He's in a bar." She told them, her eyes still closed. "It's perfect. He's moping, vulnerable, drinking straight from a bottle. Gabriel could easily slip in there and slip something in for him."
"Okay, great." Sam nodded.
"I might need a little juice." Gabriel pointed out. "I can either fly there or shapeshift and create him a loop so he can't escape. Not sure I have enough grace to do both."
"I'll fly you over, you get shifty." Eden replied, opening her eyes.
"You'll need this." Rowena spoke up, handing the Archangel a vial of pearlescent liquid. "Should knock him out for as long as we need."
"'Should?'" Eden cocked a sceptical brow.
"It will." Rowena huffed.
"You'll probably need this." Castiel held up the Archangel Blade, twisting the hilt in his hand to give to Gabriel.
"That ought to keep the little bastard under control." The Archangel nodded, slipping the Blade into the back of his belt.

After zapping Gabriel to the back of the bar, it was only about ten minutes before he called her back.
Eden grabbed Rowena just in case and zapped back over.
"What the Hell did you put in that drink, man?" Lucifer asked, his words slurring as he clung to the edge of the bar.
"White sage, a little burdock, a pinch of salt." Rowena spoke, moving slowly towards him. "Very simple ingredients for a very potent spell."
Lucifer laughed weakly, pointing a lazy finger in her direction as he looked between her and Gabriel, who stood on the other side of the bar wiping down glasses.
"I killed you, too!" The Devil gave an open-mouthed grin. "And you! How many Angel Blades did you take to your pretty little body?" He gestured to Eden, who was stood behind Rowena.
"Not enough, clearly." She glared.
"Yeah." Lucifer hummed. "Bye!"
He went to get up, but Rowena uttered a spell, balling her fists in front of her.
Something that resembled red lightning tied itself round Lucifer's wrists and brought them to his back. Gabriel appeared behind him and sat him down on the nearest bar stool, holding up the Archangel Blade.
"Oh, okay." Lucifer gave a panted chuckle. That chuckle soon turned into a wailed mixture of laughter and tears. "Well, okay, do it! Put me out of my misery, go ahead."
Gabriel didn't quite know what to do. He offered Rowena and Eden a slightly panicked look. The two women simply shrugged and watched with contained amusement as Gabriel hit Lucifer over the head with the hilt. The Devil grunted as he lost consciousness.
"What was that you were saying about the spell being potent enough to knock him out?" Eden looked to Rowena, who rolled her eyes.
"It did the job well enough, didn't it?" She countered. "Now, let's get back before your boys start getting all flustered."

Rowena was just finishing up the rift spell once again when Lucifer came to.
"He's awake." The Witch announced, glancing over to him as she continued her work.
"He doesn't need to be conscious to give his grace, does he?" Eden glared at him.
"No, but the only reason I was able to knock him out earlier was because of the juice Rowena gave him." Gabriel replied.
Eden rolled her eyes.
Lucifer looked up, making eye contact with Sam, who stood a few feet in front of him with a grave face and his arms crossed.
"Oh, hey, Sam. Oh, look at this! All the people I love to torture in the same room. What's the occasion, guys?" The Devil smiled, looking around at everyone else as Rowena moved passed him with the bowl of ingredients, placing it down in front of him. "Ah, okay. I think I see what's going on. You're planning a trip to save Mother Mary and you need my grace, is that about it?"
"Good guess." Castiel came up behind him, grabbed a fistful of his hair and dragged his Angel Blade along Lucifer's throat, causing a bright white light to slip from it.
Grace began to stream out of him like a divine waterfall, down into the bowl.
"Okay, you could've done this back at the bar." Lucifer commented, looking to Gabriel and Eden. "Could've drained me, killed me."
"That would've been the preferred plan, believe me." Eden replied bitterly.
"So, what's this really about? Humiliation? Revenge?"
"Na, those are just bonuses." Sam commented. "See, we got a lot of work to do back in Apocalypse world, but not a whole lot of time to do it. So, I realised something; I realised we could use you."
Rowena crouched down at Lucifer's side, whispering a spell into the bowl. She waved her hands in the direction of a clear space in the room and the rift opened up once again, brighter, thicker and stronger than ever before.
"Use you, not to just crack the door open, but to keep it open." Sam continued, picking up a backpack from the floor to sling over his shoulders. "So, we're gunna drain you. We're gunna keep on draining you."
"Like a stuck pig." Dean added, throwing his own backpack on.
"Grace on tap." Gabriel smirked. "Sorry, bro."
"I almost wish I could stay and watch." Eden cocked a brow.
"Not even for old time's sake?" Lucifer panted as another small piece of grace floated from his neck wound and into the bowl below.
"I have more important things to be doing. Sorry." Eden shrugged. "You'll have plenty of company, though."
She wandered over to Tobias and Willow, who had Nala round her neck. The Dark Angel tickled the snake under her chin and said something in her snake tongue. Nala gave a little nod as response.
"Seriously? You're gunna leave me with Witch Bitch and the two Vamps? Dad, that sounds like a crappy band name..." Lucifer grumbled.
"Pretty much, yeah." Sam nodded, taking a step towards him. "And then, when we get back, then we'll kill you."
"Ooh, fascinating. Who's gunna do those honours, huh?" Lucifer smirked.
"The person you've tormented the longest, of course." Gabriel shrugged, walking over to Eden, wrapping an arm over her shoulders as she gave a wiggled-finger wave.
"I didn't torment her! We were friends! I loved you!" Lucifer raised his voice.
"And that's exactly why it became torture. You smothering, overbearing little cretin. This has been coming to you since the Garden." Eden sneered before tilting her head to address the rest of the room. "We ready to go or what?"
"You guys gunna be okay back here?" Sam asked Rowena, Tobias and Willow.
"Aye. Someone needs to keep an eye on the Devil." The Witch replied. "Go. Save your mum."
"If he steps out of line, Nala's under strict orders to bite him. A healthy dose of rattlesnake venom should do him quite nicely. She'll also help out if you need her for a spell." Eden told her.
"Ooh! A handy wee thing, isn't she?" Rowena smiled brightly, wandering over to Willow to pet the snake. "Good luck to you all."
"You ready?" Gabriel asked, looking to Sam.
The younger brother turned, looking over the golden tear in reality.
"Ready." He uttered before walking through, shortly followed by Eden, Castiel, Gabriel and Dean respectively.

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