Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Four - Grief

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When Eden eventually woke up, she was laying in the back of the Impala. Dean was driving, just pulling up outside of the Bunker.
"What the bloody hell was that?" She asked, blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust.
"Oh, looks who's finally awake. We were getting worried there for a second." Dean briefly glanced back to check on her.
"Are you alright?" Sam turned back, resting his arm on the bench seat to get a better look.
"I'm fine. I've never felt magic like that." She groaned, sitting up.
"Yeah. Seems those Witches knew exactly who they were dealing with and made a sleeping hex specifically for you." The younger brother explained.
"Well, what do you know? They actually finished it." Eden sighed, earning a confused look. "A few hundred years ago, the Ordo Maleficarum managed to get a hold of one of my feathers. They were trying to create a powerful spell to try and put me down. If they'd fully succeeded, that hex bag would've had me in a permanent coma, so long as it was within my immediate proximity. Did you find out what they were after?"
"Uh, yeah. They wanted pretty much everything Rowena had. When they found that spell on me, they were going to use it to bring back their sister." Sam explained.
"The dead girl on the floor." Eden clarified, earning a nod.
"But everything's cool. Between me, Sam and Eileen, we got 'em." Dean looked at her in the rear-view mirror.
"Good. Bunch of no good, hoodoo, hippy goth arseholes..." She mumbled.

In the Bunker's main bathroom, Sam had run a bath. With everything else for the spell set up, that was the final ingredient.
Eden watched over it all from near the doorway as he sprinkled a selection of herbs into the water.
"Okay so... I just... Get in?" Eileen asked.
"Yeah, I guess." Sam shrugged.
"We'll be here. You're perfectly safe." Eden gave her an encouraging smile.
"Then I say the words..." Sam trailed off as he dug into his back pocket for a folded piece of paper.
The couple watched as Eileen stepped up onto the platform surrounding the bath, taking one more look back at them with a small, hopeful smile.
Sam turned round for her modesty and read the spell loud and clearly as the Huntress slipped down under the water, not a ripple to be seen.
As soon as Sam had finished the last word, the waters moved as a nude Eileen came out from under the surface.
Eden grinned, clapping her hands together in excitement.
Eileen gazed at her soaking hands in awe and incredulity before she stood up, the feeling of dripping water and ripples around her knees was music to her skin.
Eden grabbed a light grey towel from the rack behind her, holding it out as she walked towards the woman and offered her a hand, helping her out.
"Sam?" Eileen called out. He turned around exhaling a breathy chuckle of disbelief as she moved towards him. She looked between him and Eden with a bright smile. Slowly she held out her hands, taking one of the pair's each. "Here's what I wanted to do earlier."
Sam and Eden's smiles only grew when they felt her cold, glistening skin dampening theirs. She released the Winchester's first, bringing it up to her mouth to sign and whisper 'thank you'.
Sam pulled both women into a tight and welcomed hug, resting his chin on Eileen's head after placing a kiss on Eden's.

Once Eileen had settled into a room and been given free reign of Eden's closet, Sam met his love in their bedroom, walking in with two huge boxes.
"What are those?" Eden frowned, closing up the book she was reading.
"Rowena's journals." He replied, setting the boxes down on the desk. "I thought you might want to read them. Particularly this one."
He took one of the books from its spot among its sisters and walked over to the bed, sitting to put his feet up like she was.
Handing it to her, Eden noticed the date on the spine. It was the same book she'd briefly looked through in Rowena's apartment.
"I've already seen it." Her frown deepened as she looked between him and it.
"Read the page two days after she took your memories." Sam urged.
Eden sighed, flicking through it until she landed on the right page.
"Tuesday the second of October seventeen eighty-seven. Eden is finally awake. Mister Finley informed her she had become a Vampire. Thinking she had been raised a Hunter, she was understandably distressed, though I hear she is doing well. I shan't join them in the drawing room. I am not sure I can bring myself to. What I did to that poor girl, it was barbaric. If it were not for her unique situation, I would never have even created that spell. I hope someday she finds her way back to Eden again, she deserves better than this. I must move on, though Mister Finley did his best to try and convince me of otherwise for her sake. I cannot even look at her, it breaks my heart. Someday soon, we shall meet again, I know it. I feel it in my bones. R."
As Eden read aloud, a stray tear trickled its way down her right cheek.
"There's more. Every two weeks, she wrote about how heartbroken she felt reading the letters Alexander gave her to update her on your situation. I read ahead, it goes on for at least a decade. Probably more, but I haven't read that far. She thought the world of you and I thought you'd want to see just how much." Sam explained.
Eden dropped the journal in her lap, twisting around to wrap her arms around his neck.
"Thank you, Sam." She whispered as his arms snaked around her waist.
"You're welcome." He whispered back, burying his face in the crook of her neck, placing a gentle kiss on the skin.

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