Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Five - The New Queen of Hell

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"Hey, just thought you should know, Donatello's here." Sam said as he popped his head round the bedroom door, seeing Eden sat up in bed reading a book.
"He is? Why?" She frowned, resting her book on her now slightly popped belly.
"Dean had this idea." The Winchester explained, walking in to sit on the edge of the bed. "The Angel and Demon tablets were made in case Humanity was at risk and God couldn't protect them. Well, now we know that he's weak, Dean thinks the Demon tablet could lead us toward a plan to trap Chuck like he did to Amara."
"Interesting..." Eden hummed, gazing at the wall opposite her in deep thought. "I'll put some clothes on and come out."

By the time she was dressed in a black maxi dress and ballet style slippers, Donatello was sat at the table in the library and already through half a bucket of fried chicken. Dean was sat across from him at the table closest to the War room drinking coffee. Sam and Castiel were perched on another table, watching as the Prophet intensely studied the Demon tablet and wrote down what he found.
"Stop it..." Donatello grumbled, putting down his pen.
He turned sharply to Sam and Castiel, who immediately went back to reading some books. Then to Dean, who looked anywhere else but at the Prophet.
"In a good mood, I see, Donatello." Eden smirked, walking into the room with a glass of blood in hand.
"Eden, you're glowing." He gave a polite smile. "Pregnancy suits you."
"Does it? Am I? Because I feel like I've had one too many blood bags." She chuckled, sitting across from him.
"Honestly, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you looked like an Angel." Donatello replied.
"You are too kind, my darling." Eden hummed, taking a sip from her drink. "If there's anything I can do, let me know. These boys have had me on lockdown for weeks, since Lilith gave me a hard time."
Donatello nodded, looking back down at his work.

"Oh..." He said after a few moments. "This is interesting..."
Sam, Dean and Castiel rose from their seats, immediately grabbed by the Prophet's words.
"What is it?" Sam asked, wandering over.
"There appear to be annotations – personal observations." Donatello informed them.
"By Metatron?" Cas pressed.
"By the Scribe, yes. As if he were trying to give some context to God's actions." The Prophet nodded.
"For example?" Dean urged.
"The almighty guards his secret fear, but it is always there." Donatello read.
"Fear? Of what?" Sam narrowed his eyes, leaning over the table.
"Fear of what, I do not know." The man replied ominously.
"Well, what about Eden? We know he's scared of her." Dean suggested.
"I don't think so." Eden frowned. "What about a Nephilim? He was scared of Jack too."
"Yeah, but Jack's gone." The older brother sighed.
"This one isn't." The Dark Angel pointed down to her ever-growing belly. "We know Chuck can't kill me; only Amara has that power. Perhaps an Archangel Blade, perhaps the First Blade, but I don't particularly fancy testing those theories out. So it's likely that he can't touch our baby either."
"It makes sense." Castiel commented.
"We may not have to wait to find out. Listen to this; 'This he shares only with his favourite.'" Donatello continued.
"Favourite?" Dean frowned.
"Wait, his favourite... At the time... At the time this was written, Lucifer had been cast down. Michael sealed him in the Cage, so Michael was the favourite." Castiel said.
"Oh, yeah. A real daddy's boy." Dean rolled his eyes.
"But, if Michael helped Chuck overpower Amara, then maybe he also knows how to lock him up." Sam offered.
"Perhaps." Cas agreed. "But, even if we could get to him, he wouldn't tell us."
"I don't know..." The older brother's brows knitted together in thought. "But I mean, if my dad kept me locked up in a cage for ten years, I might be looking to get some payback. It's worth a shot."
"Swell!" Donatello grinned, getting up and raising his arms in triumphance. "So, you guys go talk to Michael. Problem solved, right?"
"Not exactly." Dean uttered. "Michael's in Hell."
"Yeah, he was possessing Adam, Sam and Dean's half-brother, when he fell into Hell with Sam – who was possessed by Lucifer - and then they were all sealed in the Cage." Castiel explained.
"WHAT IS IT WITH YOU PEOPLE? CAN'T ANYTHING YOU DO BE EASY? I mean-" Donatello's outburst ceased as he stood up straight, his face turning deadpan. Two seconds later, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed into the chair behind him.
"But where's the fun in that?" He continued. "This story just gets better and better."
"Donny, you going crazy again?" Dean asked, perching on the table behind him.
Eden studied the Prophet's trance-like state with a deep set frown on her face.
"No... This is more." She concluded.
"Oh... How right you are, Eden." 'Donatello' looked straight up at her. "Donatello's not here any longer. Hey, guys."
"Chuck." The Dark Angel sneered.
Instantly, the four backed away.
"Prophets speak the word of God. Sometimes indirectly, sometimes... They're my Bluetooth." The deity chuckled. "So, here's the thing. Usually, I really love our little process – I toss something at you guys and you slam it right back. It's fun, like tennis. With monsters. But this? Let this one go."
"Or what?" Dean challenged.
'Donatello' looked over at him.
"Or I go all-powerful. Maybe not on you. Maybe not right away. But let's see, there's... Willow, Jody, Donna, Eileen..." He turned to face Sam. "Pretty much everybody on your speed dial. So, drop it. 'Kay?"
Donatello's head dropped again and he came around.
"What the Hell was that?" He asked.
"Sam, where's Eileen right now?" Eden looked to her love.
"She's with Willow." Sam replied.
"You go check on them. Pigeon, check the warding. Dean, give Jody and Donna a call to make sure they're okay. I don't want to take the chance that that wasn't a warning of pre-emptive attack."
"You got it." Dean nodded, wandering off through the War room as Castiel and Sam dispersed as well.

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