Chapter Ninety-Seven - Vamp Town

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A/N: picture above is my dearest Willow ♥  you'll be reuniting with her this chapter.
Rayna xoxo

As it turned out, playing nest leader to a band of somewhat competent Vampires hadn't been so bad. With the part-time experience she'd had back in the day with Alexander and her Alpha, Eden found the whole thing a breeze. She'd realised it was probably because they were terrified of her, but that was a whole other matter.
She sat at Alexander's desk – or her's, as it had become – leaning half her body over it as she held her phone to her ear.
"Your mum's been back?" She frowned.
"Well, not exactly. We were at this Hunter funeral a few days ago and she was there too. She said she needed more time, but she looks okay. And she says hi, by the way." She heard the smile in Sam's voice.
"She has my number, does she not?" Eden smirked.
"She does, but apparently it was to give me a reason to call you – as if I needed one." Sam chuckled. "So, what's it like being the Vampire Queen?"
"Shut up, I'm not the Vampire Queen." She giggled, leaning back in the burgundy desk chair to put her feet up. "If that's the case, I appear to be lacking a King. Know of anyone?"
"I think Cas is bored of Crowley by now. You could give him a call." Sam smirked.
"Ouch. I'll remember that next time you're all pent up." Eden cocked a playful brow, spinning absent-mindedly in her chair.
"Oh, man, I'm gunna regret that." He laughed. She even heard his palm hit his face.
"I'll make sure of it."
"Might have to drive down and see you if you're gunna be there much longer. It's been over a week. I miss my Angel."
"You two better not be on a sex call. Go to your room and do that." Dean could be heard on Sam's end of the line.
"Maybe you should come down." Eden smirked.
"We've got nothing going on... I suppose I could." The Winchester shrugged.
"Come see what your Vampire Queen's been up to this week."
"Come get me, I'd be a whole lot faster."
"Why would I want you to be fast? The build-up's half the fun." She teased.
"Can't argue with that." Sam chuckled.
"Oh my God, would you two stop, already? I don't wanna hear that crap from my little brother." Dean groaned from the other end of the line.
"Am I on speaker?" Eden laughed, putting her feet up on the desk.
"Uh, yeah, I was scouring the internet at the start of this call." Sam replied.
"That's hilarious. Screw it. Grab your crap, I'm coming to get you in ten minutes."
"Ten minutes?"
"Yes. I've got some business to tend to here before I can participate in... Extra-curricular activities." She smirked.
"Look at you, Miss Leadership." Sam chuckled. "Alright. See you in ten."

After warning Tobias and Langdon of a Human visitor and telling him to spread the news – making sure to include the information that if anyone went near Sam, they'd face consequences they couldn't imagine, Eden zapped to the Bunker and back with the Winchester.
"Look at you with your own office and everything." Sam smirked, looking around the room.
"Shut up." Eden gave a breathy chuckle, sat on the edge of the desk.
"So..." He continued, wandering over to her. "How bad am I gunna regret what I said on the phone?"
He nudged her legs apart with his thigh, inserting himself between them as he slid his hands down her sides to her hips.
"So much." Eden looked at him from under her lashes. "Fancy taking the tour?"
"I know somewhere I'd like to tour..." He mumbled.
"That's a damn shame, Sam." She smirked.
"Suppose it is." He huffed. "Come on then, grand tour of Vamp Town."

The tour had been as expected – the looks Sam got... Looks of pure hungry and predatory desire. But as soon as they were noticed, Eden glared at them with her black and red eyes, making them cower away or simply turn to avoid the gaze.
The authority she exuded lit Sam's skin on fire. Watching how everyone in the town became a submissive pup in her presence was quite something.
Just as they got back to the house, Tobias came running up.
"Eden! We've got company!" He shouted to her, pointing towards the west.
She looked over, seeing a silver SUV she didn't recognise.
"Keep everyone away. I'll deal with it." She instructed.
Tobias nodded, scampering away again.
Sam and Eden walked over to the oncoming car. Eden stepped out into the road, blocking its path as it slowly came to a stop.
"Can I help you?" She asked as the driver rolled down the window.
In the car was an African-American man, presumably his wife and two young children in the back.
"Just looking for somewhere to take a break from our road trip and get us back on the right track, ma'am. Don't suppose you could help us out? It's a little desolate out here." The man chuckled, slightly embarrassed.
"I told him to stop and ask directions, but you know what men are like when it comes to asking for help." His wife smiled, rolling her eyes.
"Well, I'm afraid this place isn't safe. We've had a lot of rain recently and are weary of a mud slide. Trouble with living in a bowl, you know?" Eden smiled, leaning her forearm on the edge of the car door.
"Oh, no! That sounds awful. I hope you don't have to evacuate or anything." The wife gasped.
"We're trying to avoid that. But, until further notice, I'm afraid we can't take in newcomers. We have a register of everyone in the town and newcomers may get lost in our system." Eden explained.
"Oh, I see. Do you know where the next town is?" The man asked.
"It's about an hour away; Boone. You should find a few lovely little cafés there to take a break and find your bearings. My personal favourite is Higher Grounds Coffee Shop. They do such amazing food there, I absolutely recommend it for you and the little ones." Eden smiled politely, feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket. "Say the word and I'll let the owner know you're coming. You'll be treated with the full VIP experience."
"Oh, well, thank you very much, ma'am. I think we'll take you up on that offer." The man nodded.
"Most welcome. Have a good day." Eden replied, stepping away from the car as they gave a mutual wave before driving off. She grabbed her phone, seeing a text from Dean.
"You've been here a week, don't eat and you've already made friends with the owner of a coffee shop in the next town?" Sam cocked a brow.
"It helps to have connections. The owner's brother works for the blood bank – helps with our blood supply." Eden shrugged, walking off back towards the house. "Your brother's just texted. He's wondering if I kidnapped you."
Sam's brows raised as he scoffed, in a slight state of impressed disbelief.
"I'll call him later." He chuckled.

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