Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five - Reminiscent

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A/N: Picture above is of Eden in her gown in her story.

-Rayna xoxo

Weeks past, more phone calls from Castiel, more excuses as to why he couldn't come back to the Bunker or meet to find a way to get Jack back.
And then suddenly, he showed up.
"Why can I smell Angel blood? Is it my birthday already? When even is my birthday? It's not like we had calendars back in the Garden..." When she saw the cause of the smell, Eden gasped, stopping instantly in her tracks. "Pigeon! Where the bloody hell have you been?"
"That's what I was just trying to find out." Dean grumbled, perched on the table in front of the Angel, Sam stood next to him.
"Asmodeus had my phone. You've been talking to him." Castiel replied.
"What did he want with you?" Sam's eyes were wide, his tone in a state of mild disbelief.
"He mostly wanted Lucifer and Eden. I just happened to be in proximity." The Angel told them, looking to Eden. "How much have you told them?"
The brothers looked to the Dark Angel, who shrugged.
"Just what you and Lucifer told me in that bar. Though, you were a bit vague."
"Yeah, well, before Asmodeus interrupted, we were going to tell you that Apocalypse world Michael plans on coming here and performing a do-over." Cas sighed. "That was why I met with Lucifer. He wants to help us fight Michael."
"Oh, yeah, right. Lucifer wanted to help. Sure." Sam scoffed.
"If he were lying, I'd have known it – Eden would've known it. He was... He was scared." Cas retorted.
Eden walked over to Sam, wrapping her arms around his waist as he draped one of his over her shoulders.
"To be fair, I did sense he seemed a little... On edge, but I thought that was just because of Asmodeus' impending visit with him so weak." She said.
"Like I say, we would've told you more, but Asmodeus showed up. And... When we escaped, Lucifer did try to kill me." The Angel added.
"So much for helping." Dean commented.
"Did he say anything about our mom? Other than she was alive?" Sam pressed.
"She's alive. That's all I know, I'm sorry." Cas said sincerely, turning back to Eden. "Would we like to discuss how Asmodeus is as powerful as he is?"
"Not really..." Eden mumbled, looking down at the floor.
"Lucifer said that he was originally the weakest – that he didn't have a fraction of the power he now has."
"And he was right." Eden shrugged. "Asmodeus was the runt of the litter. He's got some serious juice hidden somewhere to be able to take on both me and Lucifer – weakened Devil or not."
"What sorta juice?" Dean asked.
Eden shrugged again.
"I honestly have no idea. But, it's going to be just about as powerful as they come without it slipping into primordial territory."
"Great..." The older brother sighed, walking off.
"Hey, look, I've got an idea. How about I go do that, you boys come up with something on your own and I've got plan B." Eden suggested, looking up at Sam. "How's Donatello doing? Haven't seen him in a while. Might need him."
"He's okay. A little reluctant to do anything Prophet-like, but he still helps." He replied.
"Great. How about you go get him and I'll go get my end." Eden nodded.
"Sure. Okay. I'll give him a call."

After getting dressed and explaining the plan, Eden zapped out of the Bunker.
She walked down between the church pews, spying the elderly Hispanic man she needed, speaking with one of the parishioners.
"God be with you, Joy." He smiled, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder before she walked away. "Eden. My, two visits in the same year. God must be smiling on me."
"I doubt that for this particular reason, Marco." She cocked a brow with a smirk to match. "I was wondering if you could come with me."
Father Costanello gave a curious frown, urging her on.
"I need your... Expertise... With a small Demon issue." She continued.
The old man gave a knowing nod.
"I assume more information will come when it is willed." He said. "Allow me to let one of my boys know I'll be gone and I'll be with you."
Eden nodded, watching him hobble off towards his office. He returned a few minutes later with a warm smile.
"Prepare yourself." She warned.
The Father frowned as she touched his arm.

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