Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen - Shifters

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The week passed far quicker than either celestial being would've liked and, soon enough, they were back in the Bunker.
Dean had been in the War room when they returned. Eden didn't even look at him. She simply looked back at Jack, gave a nod of her head towards the bedrooms and walked on.
"Hello, Dean." Jack said with a polite smile.
"Uh, yeah. Hi." Dean mumbled, only looking up at him for half a second.
Back in her and Sam's room after settling Jack back into his, Eden whipped out her phone, texting Sam.
Eden: We're back. Where are you?
Impala 2: Just picking up some breakfast. Back in five.

Eden had stayed in the bedroom until Sam got back, listening to Jack play a video game on Sam's laptop in his room through the walls.
Before Sam came in to see her, he stopped in with Jack first, asking about the trip. Jack had gushed about it, happily, but then things grew quiet. That was when Jack admitted to over-hearing their conversation the previous week.
Sam had sat down with him and told him about Mary being stuck in the apocalypse world, making a point to add that he cared about the Nephilim irrespective of whether or not he could bring Mary back.
Jack then went on to talk about Dean wanting to kill him. Sam had reassured him that he and Eden would never let that happen, then talked him into going on a case with them.

"Hey. Welcome home." Sam smiled, walking into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
"Hey. How was your week?" Eden asked, speed-reading through a page in her 'Complete works of Shakespeare' book.
"Yeah, it was okay. I heard your's was pretty eventful. Disneyland? Really?" The Winchester chuckled, moving to sit down next to her.
Eden looked over her book at him.
"Everyone needs to experience Disneyland at least once in their life - no matter how young or old you may be. Although, not everyone gets an actual ghost hunt like my first time." She frowned at the memory. "I heard you were thinking of taking Squab on his first case."
"Yeah, I thought, if he wanted to get on better terms with Dean, he needed to show Dean what side he was on and that he could have our back just as much as you or Cas." Sam explained.
Eden simply nodded, her eyes falling back on the page in front of her.
"I think I might skip this one, if that's okay." She said after a moment.
"Really?" Sam frowned.
"If I go, I might just end up shooting your brother if he makes one more comment at Jack - I don't pretend to be an expert on relationships, but I'd say that would seal our fate pretty nicely. Besides, I think saying that you care about Jack and actually showing it to him by having his back are two very different things." Eden shrugged.
"You're his guardian. What if he needs you?" The Winchester pressed.
"Then he can zap over to me or you can text me and I'll zap over, myself."
Sam sighed, looking aimlessly around the room.
"Yeah, okay. I get it. I guess I'll see you when we get back, then." He nodded.
"I'll be here. Basking in the peace and quiet." She smirked, eyeing him under her lashes.
Sam chuckled, leaning down to kiss her before getting up and leaving the room.
As soon as she heard the Bunker door close, she let out a deep sigh, placing the book down in her lap.

The next day, Eden received a text message.
Impala 2: Need your help with something. Could help the case.
Eden sighed down at her phone, zapping out of her piano room.
She landed outside of a sky blue house, converted into a family therapy centre.
"What am I needed for?" She asked, leaning against the Impala with her arms crossed.
"You're helping with our cover story." Sam explained. "Both victims have been here to see a grief councillor, then showed up dead at the hands of the person they're grieving."
"Who are we grieving?" Eden frowned.
"We're not. Bereavement isn't the only thing this shrink does." The Winchester replied.
"Well, I can see family therapy's one of them- " Eden cut herself off when she saw the sign. "Oh, no. We are not doing that." She whined.
"I'm not all peaches and cream about the idea, either, but here we are." Dean grumbled, earning a glare from the Dark Angel.
"Come on." Sam sighed, already walking down the path towards the house.

Roads Untraveled ~ Sam WinchesterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora