Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three - Jessica the Reaper

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Eden was woken up in her least favourite way - her phone ringing.
"Who's calling you so early?" Sam groaned next to her, his arm curling over her stomach as she leaned over to grab the device.
She squinted at the brightness of the screen, seeing 'Tobias' show up.
"Ugh... Something's up in Vamp Town." She sighed, answering the call. "Hello, Tobias. What can I do for you?"
"I'm sorry to call you so early, Eden." Tobias was panting, like he was running. "Banner Elk. It's fallen."
Eden shot up into a seated position in bed, instantly feeling wide awake.
"Excuse me?"
"Hunters, they came. The whole town is on fire. So many are dead. I barely escaped with Willow. I didn't know who else to call." Words tumbled out of the Vampire's mouth as he continued to run, the hand without the phone gripping Willow's tightly.
Sam opened his eyes, blinking the sleep out of them as he stared at Eden's back inquisitively.
"Oh my God... I'd... I'd invite you here but, it's not safe. We're kind of going up against Archangels at the moment." Eden sighed, running a hand through her bed-tussled hair. "Tell you what, head west. Head towards Lebanon, Kansas. I'll come and get you and take you somewhere."
Sam motioned for her to put the call on speaker, so Eden took the phone from her ear, pressed the button and held the device between the two of them.
"Hey, Tobias. What's happened?" The Winchester asked.
"Hunters. They knew exactly what they were getting themselves into. They burned the whole town down and beheaded anyone that exited the houses. I don't know how many escaped, but I have Willow with me and I don't know where we're going." Tobias explained.
"Where are you now?" Sam pressed.
"We're about a mile east of Heaton." Willow called from the background.
The younger brother looked to Eden, who nodded, confirming his silent question that she knew where that was.
"Go there. We're on our way." Sam instructed.
"We'll be a while as I don't have any teleportation right now. If you have any money, go book yourselves into a motel or something, text me where you are and we'll be as quick as we can." Eden added.
"Okay. Please hurry. I think one of the Hunters saw us run." Tobias told them.
"We will." She nodded. "If anything happens or you have to move, call me back, okay?"
"Okay. Thank you for this." The Scotsman replied, hanging up the phone.
"We've gotta get out of here. If a single one of those Hunters catch up to them, they're dead." Eden sighed, throwing the bed sheets from her legs.

After rapidly throwing on some clothes, the pair ran through the Bunker. Eden went straight for the garage, Sam going to the kitchen to get Dean in the loop.
"Going somewhere?" The older brother asked, sat at the table on his laptop with a cup of coffee sat next to him.
"Vamp Town got hit by Hunters. Tobias called. We're going to get him and Willow." Sam replied, piling some blood bags into a cooler at the fridge.
"Oh, crap." Dean's brows raised. "Need me to grab my stuff?"
"Uh, no, but if you could go to the blood bank and stock up..."
"Sure, yeah, no problem. Keep me updated." Dean nodded, downing his cup to get a move on.

"So... You know the Hunter population better than I do. Any idea who could've done this?" Eden asked, her eye fixed on the road and her knuckles white against the steering wheel of her Camaro.
"I have no idea... We explicitly told everyone we knew to pass the message on that Banner Elk wasn't to be touched. Either someone literally didn't get the message or they chose to ignore it." Sam shrugged, looking down at his phone as he texted Jody, asking if she knew of anything related to the attack.
"Yeah, well, something had to tip them off that Vampires lived in Banner Elk, so, if it was the latter, I want a word with whoever it was." The Dark Angel growled.
"Baby..." The Winchester sighed, finally looking up at her. "You can't kill a Hunter."
"The Hell I can't!" Eden raised her voice, glancing over to him briefly. "Those people did nothing wrong and they were under my protection. An example has to be made."
"Look, I get you're angry. Hell, I am. I lived amongst those people too, remember. But you've gotta start thinking straight. If you kill a Hunter, especially in defense of a Vamp nest, they'll see you as a threat and they'll come after you too. You know that'll just start a war we don't want or have time for right now." Sam pointed out, waving his hand in front of him. Eden huffed, rolling her eyes. "You know I'm right. So, just... Calm down. We can go get Tobias and Willow and then, if you want, we can go and see if there are any other survivors and bring them back too. I asked Dean to do an extra run to the blood bank, so there'll be plenty of food there for them when we get back."
"Fine." Eden grumbled. "But if I see any Hunters there, I won't be responsible for anything that happens."

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