Chapter Sixty-Four - Amelia

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The trio had received a call from Castiel, telling them to get to Tulsa Memorial Hospital as Claire had been hurt.
Of course, they couldn't get on the road fast enough.
"Thanks for coming." He said as they got out of the Impala.
"Yeah, 'course." Sam replied.
"Look, Cas, I'm glad to help, but Claire and I aren't exactly on the best of terms. I mean, should I even be here?" Dean frowned.
"I need help from all three of you. You were all troubled teens - within reason." The Angel glanced to Elizabeth. "You speak her language."
"Alright. How is she?" Sam asked.
"I... Haven't gone in yet. I was waiting for back-up." Cas mumbled.
"Back-up..." Dean repeated, earning a smirk from Elizabeth. "Three men, a Vampire-ish and a lady. Let's do this."
"Do you guys want me to take the lead on this one? You guys aren't exactly teenage girl savvy." Elizabeth frowned.
"Probably best." Sam nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Claire asked as they entered her room. "And why the Hell did you bring him?"
"Awesome." Dean huffed.
"We're here to help." Elizabeth told her.
"The police found my number in your emergency contact list." Cas mumbled.
"Yeah, well. That was a mistake." Claire retorted. "You can go now."
"Claire... Why were you at a bar?" The Angel asked.
"So much for me taking the lead..." Elizabeth whispered to herself.
"I wasn't." The teen shook her head.
"Claire, what were you doing in an alley outside of a bar?" Sam elaborated.
"Wrong place, wrong time. Story of my life."
"Look, we're not leaving until you tell us whatever the Hell really happened." The younger brother pressed. "So if you want us gone... Talk."
"Maybe less of the third degree?" Elizabeth cocked a brow, leaning against the far wall with her arms crossed.
"What, are you coaching them through teenaged girl talk or something?" Claire scoffed.
"I was supposed to be the one doing the talking. But you know what these boys are like." The Vampire smirked.
Claire chuckled sarcastically.
"Unfortunately, yeah." She muttered.
The boys looked to Elizabeth in surprise that she'd even managed to crack some sort of a smile out of the girl.
'Told you.' She mouthed, pushing herself off the wall to approach the hospital bed.
"What happened? Maybe I can help. You know, got a couple of centuries worth of girl problems." She shrugged.
"How about mom problems?" Claire mumbled.
Elizabeth frowned, looking over to the boys.
"What about mum problems?" She asked.
"I was looking for her. I want to find my mom and... Tell her she ruined my life." The girl said.
"Your mom didn't-"
"She left me." Claire cut the Angel off. "And so did my dad. But Jimmy's gone, right? Has it easy up in Heaven. So... Mom's the only one left I can tell off."
"I think we all have a few choice words we could say to our mothers." Elizabeth chuckled.
"What did yours do?" Claire asked.
"Um... Lost me so that I could do God's bidding, just like you and your mom lost your dad, and decided to retaliate by creating every single monster species we hunt." Elizabeth sighed with a shrug.
The girl's eyes widened a bit.
"Jeez, I thought my family was messed up." She uttered.
"When's the last anybody heard from your mom?" Sam pressed.
"Um..." Claire started, leaning back to dig around in her bag to grab her journal. "When I was living with my grandmother, she used to send me postcards. This was the last one. I got it just before my grandma died - a few years ago. Nobody's heard from her since." She pulled out a card from Curtis' Motor Court. "It was sent from a motel here in town. That's where I've been crashing. I was at Susie's Bar looking for a loser named Ronnie Cartwright. Mom's diary said she was gunna meet him around the time she disappeared. Before he knocked me down, he remembered her name."
"Wait, he did this to you?" Elizabeth exclaimed, earning a nod from the teen. "I can't wait to meet him."
"He knows something." Claire told her.
"Why was Amelia looking for him?" Cas asked.
Claire leaned back to place her journal on the table next to her.
"She went looking for miracles." She said as though it were obvious. "She went looking for you."
"Can I talk to you three outside for a minute, please?" Castiel sighed.
"We'll be back in a sec." Elizabeth whispered, giving the girl a comforting smile.

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