Chapter Forty-Five - Back From Black

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Getting Dean back to the Bunker had been... Interesting.
Not in the sense that he kicked and struggled wherever he could, but in the sense that he didn't.
He just strolled into the cell as though it were his desired destination all along.
Whilst Sam made the trip to get as much blessed Human blood as he could get his hands on, Elizabeth sat at the table in the kitchen, drinking a glass from her supply. It was almost hurting her brain that she didn't know what Dean was up to - especially as he made it so obvious that he was up to something.
"You ready to do this?" Sam's voice knocked her out of her thoughts so deep that it actually made her jump. "Are you okay?"
"Me? Always okay. Let's go extinguish the little bastard's flame." She gave a small smile as she got up, placing her empty glass on the counter as she went.

"Really?" Dean smirked as they walked in with blood transportation box in Sam's hand.
They'd handcuffed him to a chair in the centre of the room - to the centre of a Demon trap.
"For whatever it's worth, I got your blood type." Sam told him.
"Sam, I know you think you're gunna try and fix me, but did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't wanna be fixed?" Dean asked. "Just let me go live my life. I won't bother you."
"Did it ever occur to you that maybe we don't care what you want?" Elizabeth countered. "I didn't want to be kidnapped on pain of Sam's life. But there those six weeks went."
"Aww, come on, Vampy Pants. You enjoyed it for a little bit, don't lie." He chuckled.
Elizabeth Vamp sped over to him, gripping him by his throat.
"Only Dean gets to call me that." She sneered. "Not this messed up husk version of him."
"Ouch." Dean smiled. "That hurts, 'Liza. Really chills me down to my core."
The Vampire's hand spat him back out as she walked away from him.
"What do you care anyways?" The Demon continued.
"What do I care?" Sam asked, turning around to face him with a flask of Holy water in his hand.
He paused as he thought about whether or not he should answer. Eventually, he just began the Demon curing ritual, reciting the designated Latin, pouring Holy water around the Demon trap.
"You think I'm just gunna sit here like Crowley, getting all weepy while you shoot me up?" Dean asked as his brother said the words. "Well, screw that. I don't want this."
"Yeah, I pretty much figured that out." Sam replied after he'd finished.
"You don't even know if this is gunna work, do you?" Dean smirked. "You know, I got a Hell of a lot more running through me than just Demon juice."
"Yep." Sam replied, holding up a syringe of blessed Human blood he'd prepared. "That's why she's here." He motioned to Elizabeth, who was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.
She smirked, wagging her fingers at him in a wave.
"So, what? I get outta this trap, you're gunna rip my head off, is that it?" Dean chuckled.
"If I need to." Elizabeth cocked a brow. "Or maybe you and I could take my teleportation ability for a test drive - see how far it can really go. Maybe I'll leave you on some asteroid orbiting Pluto or something."
Dean smirked as Sam walked over.
"Buckle up." The younger brother mumbled.
"Sammy..." Dean gave a warning tone. "You know I hate shots."
Sam nodded.
"I hate Demons."
Dean instantly retaliated as his brother walked towards him, flaring his black eyes, giving a demonic snarl.
Sam threw Holy water over him, rearing him back and wasted no time in injecting him with the blessed Human blood.
Dean's whole body tensed up, the tendons on his neck becoming visible in the strain.
He groaned out as the blood entered his veins.
"Look, we got a whole bunch more of these to go. You could make it a lot easier on yourself." Sam told him as he backed away.
Dean gave his brother a dangerous look. But then, it faltered.
Something was happening inside him.
He tugged at his bonds, crying out with an animalistic voice that wasn't his.

After another dose, Dean made it clear that there was more fight left in him.
"For all you know, you could be killing me." He gasped out.
"Or..." Sam mumbled, placing the empty syringe on the table. "You're just messing with me. Either way, the lore doesn't anything about exceptions to the cure."
"The lore." Dean chuckled. "Hunters... Men of Letters. What a load of crap it all is." Sam didn't say anything, though his brother was expecting it. "Oh, you got nothin'?"
"What, you want me to debate you?" Sam frowned. "This isn't even the real you I'm talking to."
"Oh, it's the real me, alright." Dean smiled. "The new real me - the me that sees things for what they really are. Winchesters and co. The do-gooders - fighting the natural order. Let me tell you something; guys like me, we are the natural order. It's the way it was set up."
Sam sighed.
"Guys like me," He started. "Still gotta do what we can."
"Don't be so full of yourself, Sammy." Dean replied. "'Cause, see, from where I'm sitting, there ain't much difference from what I turned into to what you already are."
"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Sam narrowed his eyes.
"I know what you did when you went looking for me." Dean said, grabbing Elizabeth's attention. She frowned. "I know how far you went. Crowley told me all about it. So, let me ask you... Which one of us is really the monster? Hm? Starting to come back to you now? It's funny, you two are supposed to be in love or whatever, but 'Liza, here, looks about as confused as I've ever seen her. You been keeping your antics a secret from her, Sammy? What? You wouldn't think she'd approve of your methods?"
Sam glanced over at the Vampire for a split second, ashamed of the memories that had re-surfaced.
"What did you do, Sam?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yeah, Sam. What did you do?" Dean smirked.
"Lester Morris." Sam mumbled. "I'm the reason he sold his soul."
Elizabeth's eyes widened.
"You were trying to get a twenty on us from any Demon you could snag. But Crowley didn't wanna be found and no one showed when you summoned. But you found a way, didn't you, Sam? You would've liked to have gotten there before the deal went down, but you didn't really care about poor ol' Lester, did you? Oh, and so you know, I killed Lester, myself. And that wife of his married the tattooed guy."
"Well, that last bit's full of crap. You only killed Lester the other day." Elizabeth commented.
Dean chuckled as Sam slammed his fist down on the table.
"I never meant-"
"Who cares what you meant?" Dean snapped. "That line that we thought was so clear between us and the things we hunted ain't so clear, is it? Wow. You might actually be worse than me. I mean, you took a guy at his lowest, used him, and it cost him his life and his soul. Nice wor-"
"That's enough." Elizabeth growled.
Sam moved towards his brother with a face of fury, stabbing him in the neck with another dose of blood.
Dean yelled out in agony. It must've felt like lava through his veins.
"Sam, a word." Elizabeth mumbled as the younger brother threw the syringe to the floor.
She left the room to go out into the hall.
Sam looked back to Dean, who smirked.
"Go have your little rom-com moment. I'll be here."

Roads Untraveled ~ Sam Winchesterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن