Chapter One Hundred and Four - Alpha

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"Where's McGillicuddy?" Serena asked, sitting in front of a computer screen displaying the CCTV of the main gate into the base.
Everyone walked over just as the guard's dead body was thrown up into view of the camera. Serena shrieked.
"What's happening?" Mick asked.
"Seems like your base is under attack." Eden shrugged. "You should've taken them all out when you had the chance. They're still sentient beings. If they feel threatened, they'll attack. That's the whole reason you're doing this, so why shouldn't they?"
A group of eight or so Vampires gathered, dragging the guard's body over to the security panel to place his hand on the screen, opening the gate.
"We gotta lock this place down, ASAP." Sam said.
"Fall back." Mary ordered into a two-way radio.
"Lock this place down now!" Sam ran over to the table, grabbing a machete. "Eden, mom, with me."
The three ran through the corridors until they found some Vamps feeding off a guard.
Mary instantly swiped at one, beheading it with ease.
Sam kicked one back to the floor as Eden slid in and ripped its head off with her bare hands.
"Tell you what, you two go and I'll be fine on my own." She suggested. "Spreading out and having all our best hands on deck is going to be how we win this."
Sam nodded, running off with Mary.
Eden ran towards the open door that was fenced off on the outside. She quickly locked it and locked the main door behind her as two Vamps approached the fencing, snarling and clawing like rabid animals.

Barely ten minutes later, Sam called her.
"Problem?" She asked, stalking her way through the corridors.
"The Alpha's the one who tipped them off. He's here." Sam told her, stopping her in her tracks.
"Interesting..." She hummed. "Where are you?"
"Back in the hub."
"Alright, I'm on my way."

There was a beheaded Vamp on the floor of the hub when she got back.
"Damn, I missed all the fun." She huffed.
"Your, uh, extermination plan," Sam said to Mick. "Did it have any contingencies for this?"
"No." Mick replied.
"Good job we've got you here, then." Sam looked to Eden, who smirked.
"Comms are still out." Serena announced. "What about a scrying spell? If we can get a message to England-"
"No, we can't wait for back-up." Sam rubbed his temple in frustration.
"No, he's right. This place was not built for defence and those doors will not hold long." Mary nodded. "Okay, who here as ever killed... Anything?"
Pierce, Sam and Eden raised their hands.
"Great..." Mary sighed heavily. She looked to Eden. "You healed enough to take this on?"
"Probably. I took out my own Alpha Vampire when I was five inches shorter, this will be no problem." Eden shrugged.
"Okay, there's something." The mother nodded as the sound of clambering on the doors down the hall rang through the base.
"Alright, we gotta arm up." Sam announced, getting up from his perch on the table. "Everybody, weapons on the table. Blades, guns, spells..."
He looked around as everyone did so, seeing rope, numerous guns and machetes. Eden smirked, sitting cross-legged on the table next to him.
"Is this it?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." Mick breathed.
"That's not enough - even with Eden." Mary said.
"Most of our weapons are in the Armory, including the AVD." Alton replied.
"We could set it off in the vents." Mary suggested. "Maximise coverage, use the gas like a bug bomb."
"I don't wanna use the AVD. We don't know what effect it'll have on Eden and I'm not risking it." Sam huffed.
"Well, it won't kill me. Might sting a bit, but that should be it." Eden replied.
"Will it kill the Alpha?" Mick asked.
"Kill? Doubt it. Hurt? Maybe." Sam shrugged. "You got anything stronger?"
Mary and Mick shared a glance.
"Where is it?" She pressed.
"Where's what?" Eden frowned.
Mick went to his office, retrieving a black and silver case, placing it down on the table to open it up.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." The Dark Angel's brows raised as she stared down at the Colt.
Sam picked it up, exhaling sharply.
"Where'd you get this?"
"I stole it." Mary said. "From Ramiel."
"That was what he was talking about?" Eden growled, earning a slow nod from the woman.
"Yeah, but it doesn't work." Mick spoke up. "We've no bullets."
"Right..." Sam breathed, placing the gun back in the case. "You're right. Um, okay. We make some, then. Eden, you know the recipe?"
"Like the back of my hand." Eden smirked, picking up a notepad and pen from the table. "Holy oil, sage and myrrh, made into a tincture, coat a silver bullet. Then use this spell." She recited, writing it down before ripping off the page, handing it to Sam.
"Do you have that here?" Sam asked Mick, passing the paper to him.
"Yeah." He nodded. "That'll work?"
"I helped come up with it. It'll work." Eden replied, her smirk still present.
"Where's the Armory?" Sam asked.
"I'll take you." Mary patted his arm.
"I got your back." Pierce spoke up, following them out after grabbing his machete.
Eden took the Colt from the case, running her hand over it as though it were the most delicate thing on the planet.
"I've missed you." She whispered, holding it close to her chest.
"So the stories are true, then." Mick looked to her. "Samuel Colt gave his wife that gun on his death bed. You were the wife."
"Yes. Yes, I was." She breathed, blinking back tears. She took a deep breath, patting her thighs. "Get to work on that spell. I'm going out there to see if I can divert some attention away from this room."
Mick nodded as she placed the gun back in the case, hopping off the table.

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