Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Six - Adam

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"Well, Donny's got zip." Eden heard Dean huff. "What about you?"
"Nothing that screams 'Archangel.'" Sam replied, throwing down his tablet as the Dark Angel walked in.
Dean sighed as his phone vibrated in the library, so walked over to go and fetch it.
"Yo, Donny."
"I know where he is." Donatello stated.
"Really? Already?" Dean frowned.
"I think he's in- Woah! There! No, there! No, there! There!"
"Damn it, Donny." The Winchester huffed.
"He's hurtling all over, Dean. There! Alright... He's stopped." The Prophet panted. "He seems to be staying put."
Sam looked over to Eden, confused.
"He thinks he's found Michael." She whispered to him.
"Okay, where?" Dean asked.
"Cairo. Egypt." Donatello replied. "Excuse me. I need Bourbon."
The line went dead, leaving Dean giving a bewildered look to his phone.
He turned slightly, seeing Castiel further in the library.
"Alright, we know where he is. Bad news is we can't get to him in time." The Winchester informed his company. "Not before he moves again."
"Eden's met him. Surely she could just fly over there and convince him to get his ass over here." Sam suggested.
"You're joking, right?" Eden scoffed. "He hates me. As soon as he sees me, he'll know who I am. And in case you've all forgotten, he and his brothers were ordered to kill me. Not to mention that he escaped from the Cage. If he's got half a brain cell in Adam's skull, he'll be warded against everyone and everything."
"Fair point..." Sam sighed.
"Then we bring him to us." Cas spoke up, still staring at Dean. "I'll pray to him. You all should prepare in case he actually listens."

And listen, he did.
Castiel arranged to meet with Michael at a disused metal workshop.
He'd said his piece with the Archangel just as Sam, Dean and Eden walked through the deliveries door, seeing him surrounded by a ring of Holy fire.
Dean took out the Angel cuffs, displaying them for the Archangel, who then made eye contact with Eden.
"You..." He sneered and went to go for her, but second-guessed when he remembered the Holy fire.
"Hello, Michael. Long time, no see." Eden sighed.
"Why aren't you dead?" He asked, glaring daggers into her.
"You know what? I ask myself that at least once a day. Never really get any answers though." The Dark Angel shrugged.
Michael turned to his fellow Light Angel.
"Castiel." He growled. "What have you done?"
"I made a friend." Cas replied.

Back at the Bunker, Michael paced the length of one of the study rooms they'd put him in, the handcuffs securely on.
"Even for you – especially for you – this is stupid." He commented.
"Good to see you too... Mike." Dean retorted.
Michael clearly elected to ignore the nickname, turning to the younger brother instead.
"Sam. You look well. Last time I saw you was in the Cage." His deep, gruff voice said.
"Yeah, well, it doesn't matter." Sam dismissed.
"Clearly nothing matters anymore. Because now, not only have you let Heaven, Hell and Earth's biggest threat in, you've impregnated her with an even bigger abomination." Michael glared down at Eden's growing stomach.
"Honestly..." Eden rolled her eyes. "You Light Angels need to come up with a new insult. That one got boring about three hundred thousand years ago."
"We need your help." Sam changed the subject. "God-"
"I've heard." Michael interjected, taking a seat at the table in the centre of the room. "Repeatedly."
"Well then, you're aware-"
"I am not 'aware' of anything." The Archangel cut Castiel off. "You're asking me to trust you. You, who doomed me." He looked between Sam and Dean. "You, who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in Hell. All the while, consorting and procreating with my Aunt's biggest mistake."
"Doing what we do, we've had to get used to losing people." Sam cut in, taking a step forward. "Probably too used to it. With Adam, we said goodbye because we thought we had to... We were wrong."
Michael studied the Winchester with a slight smirk on his face.
"Well, don't tell me." He said. "Tell him."
Sam frowned, then watched as Michael's eyes glowed a white-ish blue for a second. Then, his entire posture changed as he gave an awkward look between the brothers.
"Hey, Sam. Dean." He chuckled through a forced smile.
"Adam?" Sam clarified.
The half-brother raised his cuffed hands, forcing out another chuckle.
"Wait... Michael let's you... Talk?" Dean frowned. "I mean, he let's you... Be?"
"Yeah. In the Cage, we came to an agreement. We only had each other." The youngest brother explained.
"Adam, look, I know we bailed on you, okay, and there is nothing we can say that will fix that..." Dean joined his brother a few steps ahead of him.
"How 'bout... 'I'm sorry.'" Adam sighed heavily.
His eyes flashed the white-ish blue once more, the demeanor changed and Michael was back.
"Enough." He growled. "Why am I here?"
Dean turned to Castiel for an answer, watching as his Angel stepped forward.
"Michael, we needed to speak with you because God is back." He said. "You didn't think the Cage just opened on its own, did you?"
"If my father is back, he will usher in paradise." The Archangel replied.
Eden scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Best joke I've heard since I was in the Garden..."
"Eden's right. He won't." Dean told him. "Because paradise is boring and your dad is just looking to be entertained. Which means we're his puppets. All of us. Especially you."
Michael sharply stood from his chair, a look of fury painted on his face.
"I won't hear this. You're lying." He pointed to each of the four in turn. "Now, I don't know what your agenda is, but you're lying."
"Michael..." Castiel warned, but then the Archangel's eyes flashed again.
"Hey. It's Adam." The half-brother awkwardly chuckled. "I'd give it a rest. He's not listening."
"So, how about you listen for him." Eden suggested.
"I don't think he's up for that... Whoever you are." Adam replied.
"Uh, yeah. Adam, this is Eden. My fiance. Michael's cousin, I guess." Sam introduced.
"I'd rather you didn't give validation to the fact that he and I are technically related, thank you very much, darling." Eden cocked a brow at him as he mouthed a 'sorry'. She turned back to Adam. "We're running out of time and options. So, not that we deserve it for letting you rot in the Cage for a decade, but please... Help us make him see sense."
Adam sighed, but nodded.

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