Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen - How The Hell

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When Eden reappeared, she was in a bar. The first person she looked at was Castiel. The second?
"Lucifer." She growled, storming over to the pair. "How the Hell are you back here?"
"Oh, hey, love monkey! Just dropped in a few hours ago, you know? Thought I'd come spend some quality time with my baby bro." Lucifer grinned, wrapping an arm over Cas' shoulders, which was quickly shoved away.
"So that's what I felt earlier." She mumbled, earning confused looks from both the Angel and Archangel. "A few hours ago. Oddly enough, I felt this overwhelming feeling of dread that almost had me on my arse. It all makes sense now. That dread was you."
"Heard you lost my son." Lucifer smirked.
"Hell no. You don't get to call him that." Eden scoffed. "He's your offspring. You don't get to call him your son."
"It's bad enough that you and the Winchesters were babysitting my son. But then you manage to lose him with Heaven, Hell and everything in between hunting him down?" Lucifer raised his voice.
"In their defence, they were doing their best to educate him." Cas uttered.
"About what?" Lucifer exclaimed. "What could the Winchesters possibly know about an entity like Jack? About his potential?"
"You mean an entity that just so happens to be the only one of his kind and way more powerful than anyone could ever imagine? Hm. Don't know, Luci." Eden hummed, balling her hand into a fist, sending Lucifer into a crumpled, magic-induced mess on the floor. "That was easier than usual..."
"Apocalypse world Michael stole some of his grace." Cas told her.
Eden's brows raised as she released the Devil from her magical grasp.
"Okay, you boys are going to tell me everything that's happened. Right now."
Lucifer huffed, sitting back down in his bar stool as Eden sat next to Castiel.
"Well, momma Winchester and I were minding our own business in the Hell world when my brother decided to drop by, kidnap us, torture me and then steal some of my grace so apocalypse Kevin Tran could create a spell to open a portal. I escaped and ran through said portal before Michael could get here. I came here to warn you guys and put up a fight for when he inevitably casts the spell again and tries apocalypse take two here." Lucifer explained, stretching out his limbs.
"You came here to help us? What, did he give you a little bit of humanity when he took your grace or something?" Eden glared.
"Sure. Why not." The Devil shrugged. "We find Jack, stop Michael and we don't get another world like the one I just came from."
"You're not going anywhere near Jack." The Dark Angel sneered.
A clap of thunder came from seemingly nowhere as the double doors to the bar burst open, revealing several Demons and Asmodeus.
"Great..." Eden sighed. Lucifer all of a sudden looked very uncomfortable. "What? Not strong enough to give him another couple of scars now that you're lacking a bit of grace?"
"Something like that..." Lucifer uttered as the Prince of Hell strolled across the bar towards them.
Castiel stood his ground, ready to fight.
As Asmodeus walked through the building, he pointed a finger at the bartender, who was clearing glasses from a table when he turned to ash.
Lucifer flinched.
"Hey, man." The Devil gave a lazy wave, doing his best to pretend he wasn't fazed.
"Lord Lucifer. Mother Eden. Reunited once more." Asmodeus spoke, holding his hands behind his back.
"Little Asmodeus. The one time stooge. Runt of the litter. Dimmest bulb in the string, etcetera, etcetera." Lucifer turned around to face him. "I see you must've taken over Crowley's spot, yeah? It's okay, you can stand down now. Daddy's home."
"Well, here's the thing, Lu. I'm real satisfied with my current position. Hell is hummin' along quite nicely, thank you. But, I do hope you, mother dearest and your little lap Angel would pay me a visit." Asmodeus replied.
"Yeah, well, you see, that's the thing." Lucifer sighed, getting up to walk over to Cas, beckoning him back. "We're all booked up, buddy."
"Oh, I won't take no for an answer." The Prince smirked.
Lucifer's face turned blank as he approached his creation.
"Now, you know better than to screw with me, Asmodeus." He said in a low, dangerous tone.
Eden watched on from her spot at the bar, sipping from her trusty flask.
"Oh, I know better than to screw with the old you." Asmodeus retorted. "But this new version seems a little more... Screwable."
Lucifer rolled his shoulders back, taking a deep breath as his eyes turned their glowing red.
"So help me..." He whispered.
"Awe, please." Asmodeus pouted.
He made a flicking motion with his fingers, sending Lucifer and Castiel flying back into the bar, glass and alcohol splashing everywhere.
Eden leaned over the bar, looking down at the dripping wet Devil.
"Is it mumma's turn now?" She asked.
"Have at it, hot stuff." Lucifer groaned, waving a hand in the general direction of their opponents.
Eden smirked, hopping off the bar stool to address her creation.
"Asmodeus. Come on, now. I've let you have your fun. Do you really want to get into this fight?" She cocked a playful brow.
"We never had a mother, son dance before. Always time for a first, right?" The Prince chuckled. "Let's have the little ones have their turn first, though."
Eden looked around as the Demons began to close in on her. Eden's gaze flickered down to the pool table three feet in front of her, their cues resting on top. From behind her, she heard Castiel lean up from the floor, placing his Angel Blade on the bar.
She smirked.
In less than a second, she'd grabbed the blade, thrown it at one of the Demon's, imbedding it in the vessel's head as two more came at her from either side.
She threw the one on her left to the floor, spinning around and placing her hand on the other's forehead, black smoke pouring out from and burning through his eye sockets.
The one on the floor got up as Eden went to the pool table, snapping one of the cues in half with ease.
Two more approached her. She outstretched her arms and flicked her wrists, the splintered ends of the cues marking their faces as they reared back, crying out in pain.
One of them tried to use their magic to send Eden flying, but nothing happened.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you think your pathetic little black-eyed self is going to do anything to me? You're sorely mistaken." She hissed, plunging the cue right through the Demon's mouth, through its head and into the wall behind it, keeping it in place.
With the other, she used the remaining pool cue half as a bat, swinging it so hard with all of her strength that it sent the Demon flying over the other end of the pool table.
Asmodeus watched on with a glimmer of fascination and amusement in his eye. But, his gaze faltered as Lucifer and Castiel got up from behind the bar to assist the Dark Angel. The Prince of Hell waved his hand, sending them flying back down to where they had come from.
Eden sped around the table, grabbing the Angel Blade from the skull of the first Demon, plunging it into the chest of the last one she'd thrown; golden orange sparks flying from every orifice.
She got up, walking towards the one she had pinned to the wall - the last remaining Demon. She pulled out the pool cue and replaced it with the blade, more sparks flying as it died.
A slow clap sounded from behind her. Eden turned around, seeing Asmodeus with an amused smirk on his face.
"You haven't lost your touch, I see, Odana." He said, taking a few lazy steps towards her. "I'm surprised you didn't just smite them all where they stand, though."
"Where would the fun be in that? Wanted to at least make it a little bit of a challenge." Eden shrugged. "It's not like I need to save my strength for you or anything."
"Bold words." He nodded. "Believe me, Eden, this won't be like our last fight."
"I should bloody hope not. That one bored the crap out of me." Eden replied, fake yawning.
"Let's take this elsewhere, shall we? I have plans." Asmodeus snapped his fingers, moving them, plus Lucifer and Castiel to the throne room in Hell.

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