Chapter Ten - Raphael

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"Hey!" Sam yelled, making himself known as Virgil gunned down several of the show's crew members.
The Angel spun around to shoot him, but just as he pulled the trigger, Dean tackled him straight through a set wall, wasting no time in punching him repeatedly in the face as soon as he was down.
Virgil blocked one, getting his own lick in.
Dean staggered backwards and, just as the Angel was about to make his move, he grabbed him and threw him over a double bed on the set piece.
Sam burst through the set door, Elizabeth coming in from the hole Dean and Virgil had made in the wall.
The Angel went for Sam, but the Winchester got there first, punching him straight in the face so hard that Virgil fell to the floor.
As Elizabeth held him down and Dean punched him, Sam grabbed the key from Virgil's pocket.
"Guys, got it." He said, getting up.
Elizabeth gave the Angel one more punch with all of her strength, just to be sure he wouldn't go anywhere.
It knocked him out cold, instantly.
The set began to rattle. The trio looked around, seeing one of the windows had the symbol from the spell on it, glowing profusely.
"Raphael. Run." Sam growled, but they were shoved back, through the window, by some unknown force before they could.

"You two have the strangest luck." A dark, sinister looking woman in a pantsuit strutted towards them.
Elizabeth looked around. They'd come out of a motel room window. They were back.
"Raphael?" Dean panted, getting to his feet. "Nice meat suit. Dude looks like a lady."
"Now? Really?" Elizabeth scoffed, earning a shrug.
Raphael balled their fist, their powers making it feel as though the trio were being squeezed to bone-breaking point.
The boys fell to their knees in pain. Elizabeth could stand it a little more, but it still hurt like Hell.
But the key fell out of Sam's hand.
Raphael bent down, picking it up just as the rustling of wings sounded.
"And that, will open your locker at the Albany bus station." Balthazar sauntered over to them, a smug smirk decorating his face.
"Really..?" The Archangel sighed.
"You see, I needed a modest decoy to make it more convincing."
"Give me the weapons." Raphael ordered.
"Sorry, darling." Balthazar shrugged as the trio rose to their feet. "They're gone."
"What?" Raphael exclaimed.
"I said; too bloody late." The Angel replied. "You see, they're so well hidden that I needed time to find them, so I volunteered these two marmosets and their Queen of the Damned for a game of fetch with Virgil. You three were such an adequate stick. Thank you. Thank you, boys. Thank you, Lizzie."
"You've made your last mistake." Raphael said.
"Oh, I've got a few more up my sleeve." Balthazar smirked. "Honey."
The Archangel was about to make their move, walking over to him.
"Step away from him, Raphael." Castiel appeared a few feet from them.
"Oh yay..." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Jimmy's here to save the day... It's so good to be back."
"I have the weapons now. Their power is with me." He continued.
Thunder and lightning came from nowhere, casting a shadow of Cas' wings behind him on a building.
"Castiel." Raphael hissed.
"If you don't want to die tonight, back off." Castiel growled, moving towards the Archangel.
Balthazar watched with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed as Raphael disappeared with nothing but the sound of Angel wings.
"Well Cas," Balthazar started, walking towards him. "Now that you have your sword, try not to die by it." With that, he disappeared.
Castiel stalked over to the trio, enveloping them in a group hug to be able to touch them simultaneously.
"Get the Hell off me, daddy's girl." Elizabeth grumbled. When she looked around, they were back in Bobby's living room, the thunderstorm outside lighting up the room. "I would've rather walked..."
"Wait, you were in on this?" Sam shouted. "Using us as a diversion?!"
"It was Balthazar's plan. I would've done the same thing." Cas replied, facing away from them.
"That's not comforting, Cas." Dean growled.
Castiel slowly turned around.
"When will I be able to make you understand?" He asked. "If I lose against Raphael, we all lose. Everything."
"Yeah, Cas, we know the stakes. That's about all you've told us!" Dean yelled.
"I'm sorry about all this." Cas sighed. "I'll explain when I can."
And then he vanished.
"Friggin' Angels." Dean muttered.
"Once you get into bed with one of them, you're in bed with them all." Elizabeth sighed.
"The Hell's that supposed to mean?" Dean grumbled.
"Funny that you were the one to get antsy about that comment." The Vampire smirked.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Dean's eyebrows knitted together.
"Aw man, Dean. You're too easy." Elizabeth laughed, wiping away a fake tear. She clapped her hands together as she walked towards the hall. "Right, I'm off. This has been fun and all but I need to go get my car and hit the road."
"Wait, you're just leaving?" Sam asked.
Elizabeth turned around to face him.
"Uh, yeah." She nodded, biting her bottom lip. "I got some crap to do anyway."
The room went silent except for the thunder cracking outside.
"Right... Okay then." Dean mumbled. "Fair enough."
Despite the awkwardness she felt she should confront, Elizabeth opted not to, turning again to make her exit, leaving the boys on their own.

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