Chapter Thirty-Two - Claustrophobic Flashbacks

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It could've been only months, it could've been years. Elizabeth had no idea.
The sun never seemed to set in Heaven and the Vampire was never able to sleep; even when she tried.
She spent her days gazing at the three off-white walls, sometimes for so long that pictures seemed to emerge from them.
Without a need for food, water or blood, she was alone.
Constantly alone.
No guard occasionally coming in to check on her or supply her with things to keep her occupied, just three white walls and a row of bars.
She'd heard from chatter down the hall that someone named Metatron was back in the picture. From what she'd picked up, he was the scribe of God who'd gone rogue.
One day, Elizabeth had been taken out of her thoughts by screams.
She ran to her bars to try and see what was going on, to no avail.
"What's wrong? What's happening?" She yelled.
And then it had all gone very quiet.
For the first time in who-knew-how-long, the halls of Heaven had fallen silent.

It wasn't long after that that Elizabeth got her first visitor.
"I heard there was a Vampire up here." A short, middle-aged man gave a grimacing smile as he walked up to her cell. "I just wanted to know if it was true."
Elizabeth looked him over with a hateful gaze. He looked homeless, judging by the way he was dressed, but seemed to walk around as if he owned the place.
"Metatron, I presume." She glowered.
The man laughed.
"How on Earth do you know that?"
"The Angels seem to make a habit of forgetting I'm in here. Or they just never cared. Plus, Vampiric hearing comes in handy. I have very little to keep me occupied here, so every bit of gossip is a gift." She replied.
The man gave a deep nod in understanding.
"Well, the Angels won't be a problem anymore." He smiled, bearing his teeth.
Elizabeth frowned, leaning against her bars.
"What do you mean?" She asked. "What have you done?"
"Well, dear one. To put it simply, I took over - Heaven's got new management. I've kept a trusted few Angels around to keep it running, but everyone else has... Well, fallen." He smirked.
"You banished all the Angels from Heaven?" Elizabeth scoffed. "Are you nuts?"
"On the contrary, I'm making Heaven better than it ever was." Metatron replied, holding his hands behind him.
"You can't do that. You're not God." Elizabeth sneered. "You'll never get away with it. The Angels? They'll rise up. They'll stop you."
Metatron let out another laugh, arching his back in exaggeration.
"No, my dear, they won't. In fact, from what I've heard, they're making their own little governments and whatnot on Earth. They're settling in rather nicely."
Elizabeth balled her fists around the bars of her cell.
"You won't last long." She sneered. "I'll bet you won't even last a year."
Metatron moved a step closer to her, leaning in.
"Be careful. Annoy me in the right way, your precious Angel - who now, by the way, is without his grace - won't last the year. And let's not even mention your Winchesters."
Elizabeth saw red.
She used her Vampire speed to catch him off guard, reaching through the bars to grab him by the throat, pulling him with such force, he feared he'd split through the metal poles.
"If you touch any of those boys, I will gladly put an Angel blade through your face." She growled.
At that, the look of horror on his face spread as he called for back-up. Two Angels came in tearing Metatron from the Vampire's grasp.
"Chain her up. I don't want the risk of her getting out." He said, backing away and straightening out his brown cardigan.
The Angels disappeared for a few moments, returning with a gurney and chains that looked thick enough to hold God, himself.
"No." Elizabeth hissed, backing away from the bars until her back hit the off-white wall behind her.
It was no use. Even her Vampiric strength wasn't enough against the Angels.
They grabbed her, slamming her body down on the gurney placed in the centre of the cell. They chained her to it, locking it securely with some sort of device.
"You'll never see those boys again." Metatron promised her.
With that, he vacated the dungeon.

If there was one fear Elizabeth had, it was claustrophobia. She had no idea why she had the fear, just that it was intense and sent her senses haywire.
She shut her eyes tight, using every ounce of her strength to try and free herself.
But it was no use. She wasn't getting free through sheer force alone.

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