Chapter One Hundred and Six - Nothing Is Born Evil

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"I hope you realise how much you scared the crap out of me." Sam mumbled as he curled into Eden that night in bed.
"If I could have anticipated the Alpha would go that far or that he'd pick up on my weaknesses that quickly, I never would've gotten that close to him. But, hey, I'm fully healed and my powers are all restored. Turns out, all I needed to do was die for five months to get them back." She sighed, wrapping her arms protectively around him. "But, I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"I'm just glad I have you back." He hummed, kissing her hand. "I never lost faith."
"I know you didn't." Eden chuckled. "It's one of the reasons I adore you so much."
Sam smiled, his eyes already closing.
"Are you gunna sleep?" He asked, his voice slurred from exhaustion.
"I think sleeping for five months was quite enough for me." Eden smirked. "But, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. You sleep."
"I love you so much." He whispered.
"I love you too, Sam."

"So, where are we at with Lucifer's baby? Isn't the little Devil due to pop out some time soon?" Eden asked the next day.
She grabbed a blood bag from the cooler Dean had picked up earlier that morning.
"Well, we had her... And then we didn't." He sighed.
"Care to elaborate on that?" Eden cocked a brow as she shoved the blood bag tube into her mouth.
"We found her, but then Dagon found us and, well, it didn't go well." Sam replied. "Eileen says 'hi', by the way."
"Oh, you saw her?" Eden's brows raised as she took a seat next to him.
"Yeah. And I've texted her this morning. She's glad to hear you're alive – everyone is." Sam smiled. "But, as for baby Lucifer, I'm thinking he's due around May eighteenth."
"Sorry, I have no idea what month it is, let alone the day." Eden shook her head.
"We have less than a month to find her." Dean said.
"Damn, I missed a lot, clearly." Eden's brows raised. "Nephilim don't need a full nine months?"
"Not according to the lore." Sam replied.
"Even if we do find her. What then?" The older brother asked.
"I don't know." The younger shrugged. "I mean, how-"
He was cut off by Castiel walking in.
"I came as soon as I got your message." He said, jogging down the stairs. "Eden..."
"Hey, Pigeon." The girl smiled, opening her arms for him.
Cas practically fell into them, giving her a long, tight hug.
"Where have you been?" Sam asked him.
"Let me rephrase that for Sam." Dean grumbled. "Where the Hell have you been? And why have you ignored our phone calls? Why did it take 'Eden's alive' for you to show up?"
Cas pulled himself from Eden's hug.
"Where I was, the reception was, um, poor." He replied. "You telling me Eden was alive just happened to coincide with my return."
"No bars." Dean nodded, turning to Sam. "No bars, that's his excuse. Wow."
"I was in Heaven, I was working with the Angels." Cas elaborated. "When I saw Dagon had captured Kelly, I thought they could help."
"And?" Sam pressed.
"Nothing." The Angel shook his head.
"Well, at least you're back. We're glad you're back." The younger brother smiled.
"Really?" Dean retorted. "No, I'm sorry, 'cause while you were striking out in Heaven, we had a shot at Dagon... And we lost."
"I know." Castiel nodded. "I received your messages."
"Oh, you did receive the messages." Dean raised his brows. "Okay, that's good. So, not only were you ditching us, but you were also ignoring us. That's great. 'Cause we really coulda used the back-up. We were already one Angel short with Eden outta the picture, but, hey, you were too busy with – what was it – nothing?"
"Dean..." Cas sighed. "I-"
"What the Hell's wrong with you, man?" Dean shook his head. "You know what, it's whatever. Welcome back."
The older Winchester wandered off towards his room with a less-than-genuine chuckle, leaving the other three in an awkward silence.

A little later on, Cas went to go and speak to Dean to try and smooth things over a little.
Sam and Eden were in the library, researching all they could and anything relevant to the situation.
"Can't you just zap to her?" Sam huffed, running a hand over his face.
"I haven't met her." Eden replied. "Otherwise I would've done that hours ago."
"What about Dagon? You met her, Hell, you created her."
"She's warded against me. They all are. Have been since our falling out a few hundred thousand years ago." The girl said, taking her feet from the table.
Sam frowned, closing up his laptop.
"You know, these past months, I've been thinking..." He started. "If we had a kid, it'd be a Nephilim, right? And, not just any Nephilim; a Dark Nephilim."
"Yes, I'd imagine so." Eden nodded.
"If Lucifer's kid is inherently bad because of its father – a light Angel – does that mean ours will be inherently dark?"
Eden looked down at the table, suddenly taking interest in the direction the grains in the wood were going.
"I suppose so, yes, if we're following the same logic. But, we don't know that Lucifer's child will be bad. That's why we're trying to find a way to save it." She said. "Plus, even if our child is inherently dark, it made no difference to me, right? Except for the massacres, of course, but that wasn't so much because of the Darkness as it was God."
Sam looked back at his laptop, nodding thoughtfully.
"Do you think we could track it?" He asked, out of the blue.
"Track what?" Eden frowned.
"The Nephilim. It's hot-housing a unprecedented amount of power, right?" The Winchester pointed out.
"Yes, I suppose." The Dark Angel nodded.
"Come on, guys, get some sleep." Dean sighed, walking in through the War room.
"Dean, what if we've been going about this whole thing the wrong way?" Sam frowned with his feet up on the library table and his laptop perched on his stomach. "You know, we can't track Dagon, we've tried, but what if we can track the Nephilim?"
"How?" Dean pressed, sitting next to Eden, opposite Sam.
"Well, okay..." Sam huffed, closing his laptop. "The baby's half Angel, right? So, remember Gadreel?"
"The psycho Angel who took your body for a test drive? Yeah, what about him?" Dean rested his face in his palm with his elbow on the table.
"Alright, well, there was this spell – a spell Cas and I were working on to find him." Sam explained.
"Yeah, but it didn't work." Dean retorted.
"This is a rather big reach from what we were talking about..." Eden frowned.
"No, no, it just made me think." The younger brother shrugged.
"You needed Gadreel's grace and he couldn't yank enough out of you." Dean continued.
"Of course..." Sam scoffed, clearly having some sort of epiphany.
"Of course, what?" The older brother pressed.
"Of course I am an idiot." Sam smiled to himself.
"Well, there's no argument there." Dean uttered, earning a light tap on the side of his face from Eden, who proceeded to smirk at his comment nonetheless.
"No, stop, Dean, the grace extraction. The tracking spell was a bust, right? But, the extraction ritual worked." Sam elaborated.
"So?" Dean and Eden said in unison.
"So, what if Cas used it on Kelly's kid? I mean, a Nephilim is just a Human soul with angelic grace, right? So, you remove the grace-"
"Kid's just a kid." Dean nodded, following his brother's mind-set.
"Kid's just a kid." Sam repeated. "That way Kelly wouldn't have to die and neither would her baby." He scoffed at how simple the solution was.
"Hot damn..." Dean muttered.
"Hot damn." Sam gave an open-mouthed grin. "I mean, we obviously still have to find Kelly in the first place and it's just a theory, but-"
"No, no, That's... This is it." Dean held out his hands, looking to Eden. "What do you think?"
"I think I couldn't be impressed by you boys any more than I already was, but, bloody hell, you've done it." She chuckled in disbelief. "This is how we save them."
"I'll get Cas." Dean instantly got up, practically running towards the bedrooms.

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