Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Five - Find The Darkness Inside You

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"So... Atlantic City?" Eden heard Dean say as she walked into the library with a glass of blood.
"For the beachside Casinos or because Amara's there?" She asked, sitting down next to Sam with a small groan.
"How the Hell did you know Amara's there?" Dean frowned.
"Um... Hello? Only Archangel of Darkness she ever made? We have a connection. I knew she'd be a likely player in all of this, so I've been keeping an eye on her for months." She replied in a tone that made it sound like the most obvious thing in the world. "If you wanted to find out, all you had to do was ask."
Sam and Dean gave a knowing nod.
"Looks like your 'maybe Amara's there' just turned into an 'Amara's definitely there.'" Sam commented to his brother.
"Awesome. Sounds like a road trip to me." The older Winchester smiled, patting the table as Castiel ascended the steps from the War room. "Hey, right on time."

After getting ready to leave, the boys explained the latest occurrence to the Light Angel as they walked through the halls towards the War room.
"Well, I should go with you." Cas said, trailing along behind the brothers.
"We'll be fine. Eden's coming with us. We'll be perfectly safe." Sam told him.
"So I'm just, what, supposed to just sit here?"
"Well, somebody's gotta keep an eye on Jack in case Billie shows up for his, uh, thing." Dean replied.
"Right, while you track down one of the most powerful beings in existence and lie to her face." Cas countered.
"Exactly." The older brother nodded.
"Dean, Amara's dangerous. You can't just charge in."
"We're not, okay? Like we said, Eden's gunna be with us and I really friggin' doubt Amara would do anything to hurt her, least of all while she's pregnant." Dean groaned. "Plus, you know, she and I used to have a thing, so..."

When the boys got back to the library, Eden was just packing a few blood bags into the cooler that usually lived in the trunk of the Impala and Jack and Willow were looking at Sam's laptop.
"Sam, what's this case about?" Jack frowned up at him from his seat at the table.
"I wouldn't worry about it." Sam replied. "It's not our kind of thing."
"You sure it's nothing... Spooky?" Dean prompted.
"I mean, a kid got killed in Missouri." The younger brother sighed. "It's tragic, obviously, but the local cops can handle it."
"Great." Dean gave a short mouth shrug. "But, you know what? Why don't you, Willow and Cas go run it down just to be sure?"
"Really?" Jack's whole face lit up.
"What?" The Angel grumbled.
"Yeah, you know, extra powerful, supernatural B-Team. We've got the big stuff handled, I'm sure you three can handle the day-to-day cases for a little while." Eden shrugged.
"Yeah." Dean looked to Cas. "You said you didn't wanna sit around here after the whole Mrs Butters thing."
"Mrs what?" The Angel blinked.
"Ah yes. Almost forgot you haven't been around these past months. Nevermind about it. It's a long story I'm sure Jack and Willow can fill you in on." Eden nodded.
"Exactly. Just get out there, you know? Stay busy." Dean added.
"With a murder investigation..." Cas didn't look all impressed.
The Angel sighed heavily, looking to the younger brother.
"They're not wrong." Sam shrugged. "Besides, this case, maybe you can help."
Jack and Willow sent hopeful, expectant looks Castiel's way, making him release another long sigh.
"Alright, well, you guys go 'Highway to Heaven' that bitch." Dean made a tight-lipped smile before nodding and walking off with Sam and Eden towards the garage.
"I'll get my suit!" Jack grinned to his father figure. "Can we wear matching ties?"
"Yeah..." Cas mumbled. "Blue's a good colour on you."
"The article says he was a volunteer at a Church-based cafeteria for the homeless at the local community centre. I can sign up and scope the place out from the inside." Willow offered.
"Yeah, good idea. We'll leave in ten." The Angel nodded, walking off.

From through a thunderstorm, the journey to Atlantic City hadn't been so bad thus far, besides some deep potholes that made Eden feel as though she was going to give birth any second. Three quarters of the way there, however, Castiel called Sam, who picked up and put it on speaker.
"Hey. What's up?" Dean answered, his eyes still fixed on the road ahead of him.
"It would appear that this is a Human case. We spoke with a Crossroads Demon who confirmed it. Apparently there hasn't been any Demon deals going on since Rowena took the thrown, so they've been bored." Cas replied.
"Rowena's got Hell on lockdown, huh?" Dean mouth-shrugged.
"Yeah, it would appear so."
"Well, it's about time somebody who wasn't Vampy Pants took charge." The older brother commented.
"Hey, how's Jack and Willow doing?" Sam asked.
"Well, Jack is focused and Willow's just itching to get back on it." The Angel sighed.
"That's my girl." Dean smirked, earning the same reaction from Eden in the backseat.
"We were with the police earlier." Cas explained. "Another woman has gone missing. Apparently she and Conner were from the same Church group."
"Sounds like a real lead." Sam frowned.
"Yeah, okay, well, just... You know, be careful with those hallelujah types. I mean, most play it straight, but there's some that think every Fed is Deep State." Dean warned. "If I were you, I'd divide and conquer. Have the kids drink the Kool-Aid and sign up. You go in flashing a badge, you know?"
"Okay. I understand." Cas sighed again. "How's the search for Amara?"
"Well, it's dandy." The older brother replied. "We'll talk to you later."
With that, Dean grabbed the phone from Sam and hung up.
"Hey, are you sure about this?" The younger brother asked.
"Hey man, like I said; we find her, talk it out, then we get a Casino buffet. Pretty good plan if you ask me." Dean smirked.
"That's not what I meant." Sam huffed. "We've been on the road for almost two days and I get not wanting to talk about it, I do, but, you know, what we're planning on doing; killing Amara..."
"Hold on, we're actually going ahead with that?" Eden's brows raised as she leaned forward as much as she could in the back seat without crushing her enormous baby bump. "Thanks for the head's up."
"It's more of a last resort thing if she decides blood is thicker than the end of the world." Dean told her. "Besides, we're not pulling the trigger."
"Sure, but we still have to sit across from her and lie to her face. We gotta set her up for her own death." Sam pointed out.
"Hey, man, Billie called us 'Messengers of God's Destruction', okay? Did you think that was, what, gunna be easy? Bloodless? Mhm-uh. We knew there was gunna be a catch. Least this time it's not you or me." Dean replied.
"Yeah, but it could be Eden. It could be Jorden. Hell, it could be both of them. Could you live with yourself if anything happened to them after Amara's gone? I know I couldn't." Sam countered.
"It won't come to that. We'll find a way." The older brother sighed.

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