Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Four - My Favourite Show

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During a private concerto in the piano room, Eden stopped playing rather abruptly when her phone began to ring.
Seeing 'Impala 2' show up, she sighed and answered it.
"What's up?" She asked.
"Tell me a lie." Sam instructed.
"What?" Eden frowned.
"Just do it."
"Okay... Um... I love you. I... love you." Eden's frown deepened. "That wasn't a lie, I swear. I'm trying to say-"
"That you don't? Yeah. Something's happened. Seems like no one can lie." Sam replied.
"That's rather on the nose, Squab..." Eden mumbled. "Where are you?"
"Mirror Universe. It's a facial recognition place. Figured if Jack was flying about all over the world-"
"You'd be better off using his face than anything else to track him." The Dark Angel nodded.
"Exactly. Could you... Maybe get over here? Dean's a little frustrated about this whole 'no lying' thing and everyone else in this place is... Fighting." Sam sighed.
Eden groaned, lowering her forehead down on the edge of the piano.
"I thought I said I was staying out of this Witch hunt."
"I know, but... I really need you, Eden. I'm gunna lose it if something doesn't happen fast." The younger brother replied.
"Fine. I'll be-" Eden cut off as she disappeared, reappearing right in front of him in a very white and very modern hothouse for tech geeks. "Right there."

She looked around as she hung up the call, seeing every person in the building trying to metaphorically rip each other's throats out.
"Wow, you weren't joking..." She cocked a brow.
"Nope. No, I was not." Sam huffed, looking around the bull pen filled with bloodied, squirming bodies and all of the latest tech on each white desk. "Looks like lying comes in handy for more people than just us."
"You don't say..." Eden hummed, her attention still focused on the atrocity unfolding before her.
As a stapler came hurtling towards Eden's head, Sam grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a nearby office, rapidly closing the door behind them as soon as Dean was inside.
There was a small meeting table littered with laptops in the centre of the room and a TV displaying the news on the far sidewall.
"On what was supposed to be a speech on farming subsides, the President, instead, spent more than two hours disclosing his entire tax history, deep ties to Russia and North Korea, and a, quote; 'Demon deal' with someone named Crowley." The female blonde news anchor said.
"Dude. What the Hell?" Dean scoffed.
"Bloody Crowley. Haunting us from beyond the veil." Eden muttered.
"Did we just walk into a case?" The older brother asked, looking to his younger brother who didn't look like he knew what to think.
On the TV, the camera flicked to where a white haired Caucasian man in a blue suit and red tie sat with his hands rested on the desk he sat at, gazing longingly at his fellow anchor.
"I love you." He stated robotically. "I have always loved you."
Dean and Eden raised their brows as the news anchors awkwardly glanced to the camera before turning their desk chairs around to fully face front.
As the woman began to recite the news again, Dean reached for the remote on the table and switched the TV off.
"I think what's happening here is... Not just happening here. That's why I called Eden. I wanted to see how far this reached." Sam explained.
"Yeah, dude, it's... It's everywhere." Dean nodded, staring out at the people in the bullpen still ripping each other apart.
"It's Jack." Sam and Eden said in unison.
"That son of a bitch..." Dean huffed, relaxing his shoulders in a defeated stance.
"We have to find him. Like right now." He glanced out at the bullpen again as paper folders hit the frosted lower half of the floor-to-ceiling office window.
Sam sat down at the meeting table, dragging one of the laptops towards him.
As he began aggressively typing into the slim silver machine, Eden felt a wash of nausea come over her.
"What's up, Vampy Pants? Inability to lie got you all screwed up or something?" Dean commented, watching her ivory skin turn grey and almost translucent.
"I don't know... Something's not right." She frowned, putting her hand to her lower abdomen. "I'd say it could be morning sickness or something, but I don't think it is."
Sam stopped typing, turning the desk chair to look at her with deep concern.
"What do you think it is?" He asked.
"It feels like when Lucifer was on Earth. When I felt it back then but we thought he was dead. But it's stronger in some ways. It feels different." She explained, straining against a cramp in her stomach. "Just... Keep working. I'll be fine. It's not like it's going to kill either of us."

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