Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-One - Gone

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The silo smelt as good as could be expected. It hadn't been used for years, but the lingering odour of animal faeces, dank and musk still lingered.
Eden, still carrying Jorden on her hip, stayed at the top of the small set of stairs on the inside of the door, whereas Sam had gone down into the pit, throwing and catching a bottle of water nonchalantly as he did so.
Various types of warding from almost every culture littered the walls in black spray paint. Lanterns were placed strategically around the dark space to give the few dozen Hunters as much light as possible in the otherwise unlit room.
Eden watched as Sam approached Bobby, who had his tongue in cheek in thought.
"They get it, Sam." He said. "Now, whether you like it or not, you're the big man here. Told them getting here was the order from the boss an they came running. No hesitation. My only worry is the lav situation. Didn't have time to truck in a Port-a-John."
"On it." Eden called, placing Jorden down on the floor before zapping out.
"Yeah, well, if Dean and Cas can pull this off, we shouldn't be here too long." Sam added, holding out his hand for Jorden, who ran over.
"This the latest Winchester I've heard so much about?" Bobby asked, giving a soft smile to the child. Sam frowned, confused. "Charlie called basically everyone we know after you guys had finished up at her place." 
"Fair enough. Yeah. This is Jorden." Sam gave a knowing nod, looking down at her as she looked up. "This is your Uncle Bobby."
"Pleasure to meet ya, kid." The older Hunter smiled again.
"I saw you in my Momma's memories." Jorden frowned, hiding behind her father's leg. "But you're not the 'you' I saw."
"That's because this Bobby is from Apocalypse World. Don't worry, he's mostly the same as our one." Sam explained, placing a hand on the back of her head to try and coax her out from behind him.
The little girl took careful steps towards Bobby, as he knelt down in front of her on one knee with a croaky groan.
"Hi there, little Bug."
"Hello." Jorden held up a motionless hand.
"You gunna help your dad and your old Uncle Bobby look after these people?" The man asked.
"I'll do my very best, I promise." She nodded her head, wrapping her arms around Bobby's neck.
The man soon returned the hug, placing one hand on her head and the other on her back.
"Atta girl." He chuckled.
Once Jorden had separated from him, Bobby stood back up to re-address Sam.
"You think it'll work?" He asked, looking around at all the warding.
"Well," Sam sighed, also gazing around the walls. "Angelic warding; Aramaic, Enochian, Dark Enochian Eden's been working on and... I have this." He held up a book he'd retrieved from his navy jacket pocket. "Eden found it in Rowena's things. A spell; 'Praeses Magna.' Should boost the strength of all the warding."
"'Should.'" The older Hunter nodded.
"Bobby, apart from Eden and Jorden, this is all I got." Sam sighed.
Together, they looked around at entire families of Hunters, children included, as they made the best of what they had.

"Got some Port-a-loos. I'm sure the construction site I borrowed them from can manage for however long." Eden walked down the stairs into the silo pit, seeing Donna and Jack finishing up the last bits of warding.
"Great. At least that's a weight off everyone's mind." Sam nodded, keeping an eye on Jorden as she helped Charlie get the Hunters settled. "She's incredible..."
"She is, isn't she?" Eden smirked, following his gaze. "We made that."
"We did." Sam gave a small huff of air, passing it off as a chuckle before leaning down and kissing her hair.
He then walked to the other side of the room, taking Rowena's book out once more.
Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch as he recited the spell, their brows raising equally as the warding glowed a bright red for ten seconds, then died down again to their original painted black.
"So, now what do we do?" Charlie asked.
"We wait." Sam gave a short-lived half-smile.
"We wait and we hope that Dean, Castiel and Willow end Death as quickly as possible. The sooner that happens, the closer we are to getting you all back home and safe." Eden nodded.
Everybody jumped at a child's scream, watching in horror as a girl who couldn't have been more than nine years old vanished into dust right next to her older sister.
"Billy?" Bobby addressed the parent.
"Dana, where's your sister?" The child's father asked as the mother began to panic.
"I don't know!" The girl shrieked, her eyes wide with terror as she stared at the now empty space her sister had been.
"It's not working..." Sam realised.
The parents began to scream out for their youngest child, repeating her name; Lily over and over.
Dana ran over, hugging her mother and, just as she did, both her and her parents also disappeared into dust.

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