Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Nine - Emotionally Unstable

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Jack walked into the cell behind Eden, a weary frown on his face.
"I said I wanted to talk to him alone." Nick said, looking up at them.
"And you will. As soon as we've got the information we need." Eden replied, walking over to settle behind him.
"Wha- what are you doing?" The man stuttered, turning his neck in various directions to look at her.
"Did Dean hit you a little too hard or something? I've literally just told you what I'm doing." The Dark Angel rolled her eyes.
"Tell us where Donatello is and she won't have to go searching through your mind." Jack glared at him, standing a few feet away, head on.
"Wow. You're so tough." Nick chuckled. "That's your pop, you realise."
"My father was a monster." The Nephilim retorted.
"Everybody's a monster. Even your three dads and your mom. How many innocent people do you think they've killed?" The man smirked.
"Answer the question!" Jack shouted.
"He loved you. You know that? He did." Nick nodded. "I felt it. He loved you so much. And you broke his heart. Come to think of it, you both did. Ain't that a kicker?"
"I know better than anyone the toxicity of Lucifer's love. It's worse than his hatred." Eden muttered.
"He preferred you with a soul, though, Jack-y." The man laughed.
Jack saw red. He stalked over to Nick, grabbed the collar of his white button down shirt and head-butted him, sending blood droplets from the both of them flying everywhere.
"I have a soul!" He yelled.
Eden's brows raised at the sight as Nick glanced down to Jack's blood on his shirt.
"That's enough. If your goal was to get battered, well done. But this conversation isn't going any further." She looked to Jack, who nodded before healing himself.
Before Nick could say anything more, she put her fingertips to his temples and closed her eyes, sending black smoked magic through his brain.
Nick let out an ear-piercing scream as her magic flowed through his memories, tracking down exactly where he'd put Donatello.
"Please! I'll tell you! Please, just stop! I'll tell you where he is! I can take you to him! Please!" He wailed.
"Want me to stop?" Eden asked.
"No. Keep going." Jack replied.
That had been a test.
Eden stopped what she was doing and stared in disbelief at the boy as Nick's head lulled forward, gasping for air.
"Squab..." She whispered.
"Why did you stop? We need to find Donatello!" Jack demanded.
"He just told us he'd take us to him and you want me to torture him anyway?" Eden frowned. "You're the most caring person I know, Jack. You'd never tell me to do that. And you definitely wouldn't watch like I know you did. Your soul really is gone, isn't it?"
Jack sighed, looking to the floor.
"Does it matter?" He mumbled, walking off towards the door, where Mary, Sam and Dean were waiting on the other side.
"How did it go?" Mary asked.
"He said he'd show us where Donatello is." Jack replied, walking off towards his room.
The three Winchesters looked between each other before peering into the room at Eden, who sighed, shaking her head.

After making an antidote for the poison, Eden handed it to Sam and sent him, Dean and Nick to the Impala.
Meanwhile, she decided to go and talk to Willow, who was in her room.
"Come in." The young Vampire called after Eden had knocked.
The Dark Angel pushed the door open and gave the girl a smile.
"Hey. You okay?"
"Yeah..." Willow sighed, leaning back on her bed. "I, uh... I was just thinking about Banner Elk – about Tobias."
"We made quite the team." Eden nodded, stepping into the room. "You and I still do."
"Yeah, we do." The girl replied. "I just miss him..."
"I know, Baby..." Eden uttered, walking over to sit next to her on the bed. "Today must've been tough. Seeing Nick... Seeing the only version of Lucifer you ever met."
"It was horrible... I felt all those emotions just rush me all at once. Tobias was like a big brother to me. I feel like I should've done more to protect him."
"Darling, the only thing doing more would've done is get you killed alongside him. If Rowena wasn't there that day to protect you, that's exactly what would've happened. I'm just glad it didn't. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you, too." Eden pulled her into her side, stroking her hair as the girl began to weep.
"Eden?" Mary called from down the hall, shortly followed by the sound of running footsteps.
"In Willow's room!" She replied, waiting a few moments until the footsteps got louder and the mother appeared. "What's wrong?"
"Nick. It wasn't Valium he injected Donatello with, it was grace. He injected him with Angel grace." She panted.
Willow lifted herself out of the hug, a confused frown on her face.
"Why would he do that?" She asked, rubbing the tears from her cheeks.
"I don't know. But, I think the boys are walking into a trap."
"Have you called them?" Eden stood up, readying herself.
"Sam knows." Mary nodded.
"Okay. Stay here." The Dark Angel instructed before disappearing.

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