The kiss Sequel to Best Frien...

By ashleyash2003

960K 17.6K 4.7K

Hey guys so this story is the kiss sequel to Best Friends Brother (raura) Ross and Laura got back together fr... More

Sad, Naked
The house
Telling lauras family
Sleeping like you.
The House!
Your scaring me!
Half skinny dipping.
Its my time
Super nice
I love you
The date
What have I done?!
Really important
The house!
Our 1st day
Cast off
I'm ready
Check up
Telling everyone
Side affects
Ultra sound
Baby stuff
I Hop
Ross forgive me!
A boy!
Dinner party!
Mad at eachother!
Mabye forgivness???
Babys room
Room is done!
Baby shower
Not fair!
Is he ok?
Are you ok?
Baby jake
32 weeks
Not gross
My dads!
Pumpkin patch
A break as in forever?
Embarrassing stories
Making love fail!
Halloween party
Why did you do that?
The baby is comming
First bath
Will you marry me?
Packing/somach bug
Long car ride/lake tahoe
Mini R5
Adult night!
Rydel and ratliff caught
Hidding things!
Going home.
Cute Bath Picture!
We always fight!
Wedding Dress!!!
More planning+Pain
Wedding cake+Crying Baby
Lauras's Birthday!!! part 1
Lauras Birthday part 2
Oh no..............
He's Back...........
Gone for a week,Sick.
I will miss you!!!
Im back!
Christmas eve!
Ross's birthday
Pree-Wedding, big news
Uh Romeo???
Going home.
Bringing Rascal Home.
Tour troubles
3rd anniversary Part 1
3rd anniversay part 2
3rd anniversary part 3
One Direction Concet!
Lazy day!
Love making!
Jakes birthday!
What happened?
It was......Him
"Im might just kill him."
Fuck you!
Another Baby Shower?
Baby shower part 1
Dirty Raura edits?
Baby shower part 2!
Help with baby names?
Suprises, thoughts, tours
Getting naughty
Thank you guys!
Home, sex, fun
Home, sex, fun
Fun nights
Happy birthday, Romeo!
Where it starts!
Got you!
New world
Welcome London!
Stress takes over
Birthday getaway?
Will anything go right?
Home sweet home.
Sick baby?
Night out.......?
You knew?
Hate myself!
For Christams?
Hockey troubles?
I'm not dead.
Night in Vegas
Getting at it
Baby problems
Shes ok?

Perparing for One Direction

3.1K 103 19
By ashleyash2003

If you didn't know that's Jon playing Laura's love interest in her new movie.

Ross's pov
Well, Laura and I ended up falling asleep on the beach so in the middle of the night I took Laura home because I really didn't want to get caught by the police. Surprisingly, I got Laura home and in bed without waking her. Being a nice husband I also put clothes on her.

I woke up from the feeling of my boxers being pulled down. I quickly looked up to see Laura on top of me.

"Good your awake," Laura said sexually turing me on.

Right away I grew hard in Laura's hands.

I bit my lip.

Chills were sent down my body when Laura licked my tip.

I jumped feeling Laura bite my balls.

Next thing I knew Laura was sucking me.

"Ugh," I softly moaned.

Laura then pulled away with her eyes widened.

"Oh crap!!" Laura said jumping off the bed and started changing.

"Laura, what's wrong?" I asked sitting up totally confused.

"I forgot I had filming today! I'm a full hour late! Look it's 10:00!"

Laura was freaking out.

I pulled up my boxers and run up to her.

"Laura, calm down, please," I said holding her hands in mine.

"Ross,-" I cut her off.

"Take a deep breath," I said.

Laura took a deep breath and she started calming down.

"Now, go get ready I will call the director (Jerry) and tell him you will be late," I said and Laura nodded.


Laura then went to take a shower. I then smiled remembering Laura is 2 months pregnant today. I then picked up my phone and called Jerry.

"WHERE IS LAURA!" Jerry yelled on the phone.

"What the fuck! No need to yell! What's your problem?" I asked.

"My problem is Laura isn't on set!!" Jerry half yelled.

"Well, we over slept because yesterday was our anniversary," I said.

"Fine! But she better be here soon!" Jerry half yelled and hung up.

"Damn," I mumbled.

Laura ended up being ready in an hour.

"I'm going to come today," I said.

"Ok cool," Laura said.

I then drove us to the set of her new movie. When we walked in Jerry came running up to us.


Laura about jumped on me in fear.

"Dude, take a fucking chill pill!" I said getting pissed off.


Tears were running down Laura's face and I was pissed. I then pushed Jerry to a wall. Oh and he is about half my size and scrawny so I could probably beat him up in seconds.

"Now, Jerry, you listen to me! Laura, is pregnant and if you make her cry you are hurting my Laura and my next child! And if you think you have the right to yell at me or lay a finger on my family! You are in deep crap, got it?" I flashed in anger.

"Yes!" He said clearly frightened.

"Good!" I said releasing him from the wall, walking back over to Laura.

"Laura, I'm sorry," Jerry said and she nodded as I wiped her tears away.

"Ok well, let's get filming." Jerry said.

In the middle of their filming I got a call from Riker.


"Ross, thank god I didn't think you would answer," Riker said.

"So what's up?"

"Well, we are out of formula for Romeo and he won't stop crying."

"Crap, I'm on my way!"

I then rushed home grabbing Romeo's formula and rushed to my family's house.

I walked inside to see Riker trying to calm Romeo down.

"I got it," I said taking Romeo from Riker and feeding him.

"Thank you!" Riker, Ryland, and Rocky said.

"Where is Mom and Dad?"

"Shopping," all the guys replied and I nodded.

"So, how was Romeo?" I asked.

"He cried a lot," Ryland said and I laughed.

"That's what babies do," I said.

"I bet you and Laura had fun last night," Rocky said with a smirk on his face making me laugh.

"Oh come on we had more then fun,"

All us guys laughed.

I ended up staying for about 2 hours then I decided to take Romeo home. Sense it was about 1 and it's almost Romeo's nap time so I guess I can give him a bath. I then went into the bathroom and turned on the bath. Right when I did Romeo got a big smile on his face.

"Bath time,"

I then put on my swim trucks and stripped Romeo naked and I got in the bath with him.

"BAAAAAGHA!" Romeo screamed splashing the water making me laugh.

"Hi buddy!" I said with a big smile on my face making him smile.

I then blew raspberries on his stomach making him giggle.

"Hey Ross,"

I looked over and saw Ryland.

"How did you get in here?!" I asked.

"Laura let me in." Ryland said and my eyes widened.

"Laura's home?!" I asked.

"Yea," Ryland said.

"Yea! I was her ride!" I said.

"Oh damn," Ryland said and I sighed.

"Anyways, I was wondering if I could borrow your skateboard? I lost mine."

"Go ahead. It's in the living room by the bookshelf."

"Thanks." Ryland said and left.

I kept playing with Romeo then Laura came in.

"Romeo!" Laura said with a smile. Romeo then looked at Laura and smiled.

"Laura, I'm sorry," I said.

"Rossy, it's ok."

"Who took you home?" I asked.

"Jon, and he was really sweet because he lives 15 minutes away from where we film but from our house it takes him 30 minutes to get home."

"That was nice," I said and Laura smiled.

"But, why didn't you call me?" I asked.

"Look at your phone."

"I would but I'm in the bath with Romeo," I said and Laura chuckled.

"Your a good Daddy. Romeo loves the bath," Laura said and I smiled.

Romeo then started splashing everywhere making me laugh, same goes for Laura.

Laura then went downstairs to make a sandwich because of how hungry she gets being pregnant😂.

I then washed up Romeo and when I took him out he started crying.

"I'm sorry, Romeo but it's nap time."

I then dried him off, put clothes on him, and wrapped him in a blanket.

"Nap time!"

I then took Romeo in his room and rocked him to sleep. When I finally got hin to sleep I changed out of my wet swim trunks and put on clothes.

"Woah! Laura, are you ok?" I asked walking downstairs to see her throwing up in the sink.

"It's ok," I said rubbing her back.

When Laura finished throwing up se cried in my arms.

Yay mood swings are back😒<Note to sarcasm>

"Laura, it's ok, Baby."

I kept rubbing her back calming her down.

After, 5 minutes Laura calmed down so I pulled her in my lap as I sat on the couch.

"Are you ok?" I asked and she nodded.

"I love you," I said and Laura smiled.

"I love you too Rossy,"

It's now been a week and today's the day of the one direction concert Laura's been all excited for the entire week. Also, Romeo is growing in another tooth. As for Laura's pregnancy she has been really tired, nauseous, and she has had a little bit of mood swings. Also, Laura is almost 3 mounts pregnant! That means we find out the gender soon😄

"Rossy, get up!" Laura said shaking me.

"Ugh," I groaned turning over.

"Rossy, One direction today!!!"

I then opened my eyes to see a naked Laura.

"Still naked from last night I see," I smirked.

"Yea, Yea, that doesn't matter right now only One Direction you lasy ass!" Laura said and I chuckled.

"Babe, the concert starts at like 7 tonight."

"But the meet and greet is at 5!!" Laura exclaimed making me laugh.

"Damn, we only have 9 hours to get ready," I chuckled making Laura groan.

"Stop starring at my boobs!" Laura said putting a blanket over herself.

"I can't help it I'm a 20 year old guy," I said and Laura giggled kissing my cheek.

Laura then put on a gown and started pulling on my arms.

"Get upppp!" Laura said.

"Let me sleep," I groaned.


"Yesssssssssssssssss," I mocked.

Laura then threw the blanket off the bed to reveal my naked body.

"It's cold!"

Laura laughed.

"Please get up!" Laura begged.

"Fine!" I said getting up and putting on boxers.

"Piggy!" Laura said standing on the bed making me laugh.

"Ok," I said Turing my back towards her so she could jump on my back.

"Giggy up!" Laura said making me laugh. I then went downstairs and set her on the couch.

"Oh crap!"

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at Laura.

"I need to get my nails done!"

I laughed.

"Call Rydel and Mom they might go with you," I suggested.

Laura ended up calling Mom and Rydel and of course they said yes.

"Ok I'm meeting them at the nail salon in 1 hour I need to get ready!" Laura said.

"Babe, you need to eat."

"To bad," She said running upstairs and I sighed.

I then made French toast, eggs, and bacon for Laura leaving it on the counter. I decided to see if Romeo was awake and when I went back downstairs I saw a rascal eating all the food off the counter.


Rascal looked up and ran into another room.

"Fuckkkk," I groaned.

Laura then came downstairs all ready.

"Bye, Rossy."

"No, you need to eat."

"What did you make?" Laura asked.

"Well, Eggs, bacon, and french toast."

"Yay!" Laura exclaimed.

"But Rascal ate it," I sighed.


"I know can you please eat something before you get you nails done?" I asked.

"Ok I will. Bye Rossy," Laura said kissing me and leaving. I then saw it was only 9:45. I am still tired so I decided to try and get more sleep before Romeo wakes up. Right when I fell asleep I heard Romeo crying.

"Hi bud, don't cry."

I picked him up out of his crib and got him ready.

Romeo then started crying again.

"Mommy is gone. So you have to eat formula," I sighed.

I then made Romeo some formula and fed him.

It's now been 2 hours and it's 11:40. My family is coming over at 3 so we can hang out before the concert. As for Romeo and Cody they will be watched by ratliffs Mom. As for Laura she isn't back yet I have called her but she said she is also going to the mall with Rydel and Mom.

"I guess it's just us guys." I said looking at Romeo, who was trying to eat one of his toys and Rascal who was asleep next to Romeo.

I sighed.

Laura's pov
I then laughed seeing Ross posted a picture on Twitter of Rascal and Romeo sleeping on the floor and his caption was.

Such a party!

Ross's pov
It's now 1 and Laura finally came home. I ran up to her kissing her.

"Woah!" Laura said puling away.

"I missed you!" I exclaimed making her giggle.

"I wasn't gone that long," Laura said.

"4 hours! And Romeo and Rascal slept half the time!"

Laura laughed.

"So, what did you get from the mall?"

"Nothing," Laura said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I didn't see anything I liked."

"Oh," I said.

It's now 3 and all my family is over and everyone is sitting on the couch talking.

All of a sudden Laura stood up.

"I have something to say!" Laura said and everyone looked at her. She then took off her jacket and she was wearing a shirt that said.

I'm going to be a Daddy's girl.

ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you guys excited?!!!?!?!


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