The kiss Sequel to Best Frien...

By ashleyash2003

960K 17.6K 4.7K

Hey guys so this story is the kiss sequel to Best Friends Brother (raura) Ross and Laura got back together fr... More

Sad, Naked
The house
Telling lauras family
Sleeping like you.
The House!
Your scaring me!
Half skinny dipping.
Its my time
Super nice
I love you
The date
What have I done?!
Really important
The house!
Our 1st day
Cast off
I'm ready
Check up
Telling everyone
Side affects
Ultra sound
Baby stuff
I Hop
Ross forgive me!
A boy!
Dinner party!
Mad at eachother!
Mabye forgivness???
Babys room
Room is done!
Baby shower
Not fair!
Is he ok?
Are you ok?
Baby jake
32 weeks
Not gross
My dads!
Pumpkin patch
A break as in forever?
Embarrassing stories
Making love fail!
Halloween party
Why did you do that?
The baby is comming
First bath
Will you marry me?
Packing/somach bug
Long car ride/lake tahoe
Mini R5
Adult night!
Rydel and ratliff caught
Hidding things!
Going home.
Cute Bath Picture!
We always fight!
Wedding Dress!!!
More planning+Pain
Wedding cake+Crying Baby
Lauras's Birthday!!! part 1
Lauras Birthday part 2
Oh no..............
He's Back...........
Gone for a week,Sick.
I will miss you!!!
Im back!
Christmas eve!
Ross's birthday
Pree-Wedding, big news
Uh Romeo???
Bringing Rascal Home.
Tour troubles
3rd anniversary Part 1
3rd anniversay part 2
3rd anniversary part 3
Perparing for One Direction
One Direction Concet!
Lazy day!
Love making!
Jakes birthday!
What happened?
It was......Him
"Im might just kill him."
Fuck you!
Another Baby Shower?
Baby shower part 1
Dirty Raura edits?
Baby shower part 2!
Help with baby names?
Suprises, thoughts, tours
Getting naughty
Thank you guys!
Home, sex, fun
Home, sex, fun
Fun nights
Happy birthday, Romeo!
Where it starts!
Got you!
New world
Welcome London!
Stress takes over
Birthday getaway?
Will anything go right?
Home sweet home.
Sick baby?
Night out.......?
You knew?
Hate myself!
For Christams?
Hockey troubles?
I'm not dead.
Night in Vegas
Getting at it
Baby problems
Shes ok?

Going home.

4.2K 89 46
By ashleyash2003

Ross's POV
After Laura and I ate we went back to the house, on the water.

"So should we make some love in the shower?" I asked and Laura smiled.

"Dose this answer your question?" Laura asked putting her hands in my boxers and I smirked.

"Lets go!" I said taking her hand into the bathroom and I pulled off her sundress and Laura stripped me and we got in.

Laura then kneeled down and started sucking me and I grabbed her hair.

"Oh Laura!!" I said and she started softly biting my balls.

"Ohhhh! Fuck!" I said.

After Laura sucked me I picked her up, slid into her, and she wrapped her legs around me.

"OH ROSSY!!" Laura screamed.

After, we made love we got in bed.

"Goodnight Rossy." Laura said.

"Goodnight I put a bucket next to the bed if you have to throw up." I said and Laura nodded.

"Thanks rossy." Laura said and we fell asleep.

Well Laura ended up having a really bad night!

First, Laura woke up and threw up for like 6 minutes straight.

Second, Laura woke up and threw up on the floor and fell on the ground and being pregnant she was crying.

Third, again being pregnant, she accidentally peed in the bed and was crying.

I woke up and saw Laura sleeping and her eyes were all red and I felt bad. I then got up and made her a special breakfast. I walked back in the bedroom and I saw Laura waking up.

"Good morning, baby." I said sitting on the edge on the bed with her food in my hands.

"Is that for me?" Laura asked.

"Of course baby." I said handing her the plate and she smiled.

"That will cost you a kiss." I said and Laura smiled and I pressed my lips to hers.

Laura then ate and I saw riker sent me lots of pictures of Romeo playing with his toys and his hair sticking straight up and I chuckled.

"Baby look." I said handing her my phone.

"Baby boy!" Laura said and I smiled seeing how happy Laura looked seeing the pictures of Romeo.

"So laur I was thinking we should get a dog?" I said.

"A dog?" Laura asked.

"Yea, because I never had a pet growing up and I always wanted one. Also Romeo would probably love the dog." I said and Laura smiled.

"I would love to have a dog. I had one when I was little." Laura said and I smiled.

"Great when we get back home we will take Romeo to the SPCA and find the perfect dog." I said and Laura smiled and I got on top of her.

"Come on baby lets make some love!" I said and Laura giggled and we started making love.

Riker's POV
As Mom, Dad, Ryland, and I were downstairs watching TV rocky came down.

"Rocky, baby!" Mom said pulling him into a hug.

"Are you hurt?" Mom asked and Rocky chuckled.

"I was but I'm ok now." Rocky said.

"Are you sure Rocky?" Dad asked and rocky nodded.

"Guys I'm ok. I'm serious." Rocky said.

"Ok but we need to press charges against Alexa's Dad." I said and Rocky sighed.

"I know." He sighed. "But what if Alexa breaks up with me! I love her!" Rocky said in tears.

"Rocky, if she really loves you she won't leave you." Mom said.

"Ok we can go down to police tomorrow." Dad said and we all nodded and went to bed.

Ross's POV

"OH ROSSY AHHHHH FUCK!" Laura screamed.

"SLOWER PLEASE SLOWER!" Laura screamed but I was really caught in the moment.

"ROSSSSSSSS SLOWER SLOWER!" Laura screamed with tears coming out of her eyes but my eyes were closed thrusting with all my might.

"STOPPPPPP ROSSY PLEASE HELP ME HELP!!!!!" Laura screamed at the top of her lungs then I realzied what I was doing and I pulled out as fast as I could. I saw my penis had some blood on it and Laura was crying her eyes out.

"L-Laura I-I-" Laura cut me off.

"I'm scared p-please!" Laura said crying her eyes out and ran to the corner of the room. Tears came out of my eyes.

"L-Laura I d-didn't mean it I-I w-was l-lost I-in the m-moment!" I said in tears and Laura was hugging her legs and shaking.

"I-I w-want t-to g-go h-home!" Laura said and I felt so bad.

"O-ok I-I will p-pack." I said and left the living room, where we were making love, and I went into the bedroom and I started crying.

I raped Laura!



I called and booked a flight home then I called Riker.

"Hello." Riker said.

"R-riker l-Laura a-and I-I are c-coming h-home." I said trying not to cry.

"Why Ross? What happened?" Riker asked.

"S-so l-Laura and I-I were you know a-and she w-was t-telling m-me to s-slow down b-but I-I didn't l-listen t-then s-she was s-screaming f-for h-help! I-I t-th-think I-I-I r-r-ra-raped l-l-la-Laura!" I said barley getting out the last sentence.

"Holy shit Ross! Why?" Riker asked.

"I-I d-don't k-know. R-riker I-I have t-to g-go." I said.

"Ok bye Ross." Riker said and I him up and I packed all my things.

I then saw Laura walk in with her clothes on and I wiped my tears.

"Laura, please forgive me!" I begged and I saw a tear come down her face.

"Why? R-ross why?" Laura asked and I started crying and I fell to the floor.

"I-I don't k-know! I-I was l-lost!" I said and Laura started packing her stuff with a tears coming down her face and I felt so bad.

I then remembered THE BABY MY BABY!

"Laura, a-are you s-still b-bleeding?" I asked.

"N-no w-when you p-pulled out I-it stopped." Laura said.

"The baby!" I said.

I-I k-know r-ross!" Laura said falling to the floor and I picked her up and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm so so so so so sorry! Laura, I love you so fucking much!" I said and I felt her arms also around me and I smiled.

"Baby I'm so sorry I know it must of hurt I feel so bad I promise I will never ever ever do that again." I said and Laura pulled away.

"C-can we go?" Laura asked.

"Um oh yea." I said and grabbed both of our bags and we left the house. After 35 minutes we finally got on the plane but Laura really hasn't talked to me and has been really distant.

I did get us a private jet. Right when we sat down I looked at Laura.

"So, are you excited to see Romeo?" I asked and she nodded her head and I sighed.

"Will you fucking talk to me?!" I asked and she started crying.


"Baby, I'm sorry." I said and hugged her as she cried in my chest.

Well at least when she is hormonal she will hug me.

After, 3 minutes she stopped crying and I realized she fell asleep.

After, 2 hours Laura woke up and didn't say a word to me.

Finally, after 9 more hours, the flight was over and this is what happened during the flight.

First, Laura started throwing up in the bathroom.

Second, when we fell asleep she peed her pants.

Third, she was still distant and I kissed her cheek and she started shaking.

We then grabbed our bags and we were walking to my car and all of a sudden I heard.

"AHHHHHHH HELP ROSSY!" Laura screamed and I turned around and I saw some guy was trying to kidnap Laura.

I dropped my bags and ran up the the guy who was only like 5'5

"Get the fuck off her!!" I half yelled and pulled him off Laura and pushed him to the ground and got on top of him and punched him in the face. The guy then punched me where the sun don't shine.

"FUCKKKK!" I screamed and fell over and the guy ran away. Laura then ran up to me.

"Rossy!" Laura said.

"Baby! Are you ok?" I asked standing up and I put my hands on her face.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"I'm ok." Laura said wrapping her arms around me and I kissed her.

"Sweetie you leg is all bloody." I said.

"I know." She said.

"Come on baby, lets get in the car. I have a first aid kit." I said and Laura nodded and we walked up to the car and I put in the bags and I cleaned up Laura's legs.

"Ross, thank you for saving me." Laura said and I smiled

"Anything for you." I said and Laura smiled.

"Hey do you forgive me?" I asked as I started driving.

"Of course Rossy." Laura said and I smiled.

"Well, lets go see Romeo." I said and Laura smiled and I drove to my parents house and Laura and I went to the door and Laura knocked and we heard Romeo crying.

"My baby!" Laura said and I chuckled and Riker answered with a crying Romeo and he looked at us and right away stopped crying

"Baby boy!" Laura said with a big smile and Riker handed Romeo to Laura.

"My baby boy." Laura said and Romeo grabbed her breasts.

"Oh baby, Riker do you mind if I go inside and feed him?" Laura asked.

"Go ahead." Riker said and Laura smiled and when Laura walked in Riker looked at me.

"Dude! What the hell happened?" Riker asked.

"I told you just please forget it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Ok. Well everyone else went to the police station to file a report about Alexa's Dad." Riker said and I nodded and went inside to see Laura on the couch feeding Romeo and I smiled and sat next to her and I softly stroked Romeos head.

"Romeo, has more hair!" Laura said and I chuckled.

"Wait I just realized Romeo is 3 months old!" I said and Laura smiled.

"My baby is growing up!" Laura said and I chuckled then Romeo finished eating.

"I will go grab his stuff." I said and I went upstairs and grabbed his toys, diapers, pacifiers, and all his other stuff putting then in his diaper bag and went downstairs to see Romeo already in his carseat and I leaned over him and he smiled.

"Hi buddy. Daddy missed you!" I said kissing his cheek and I picked up his carseat and I took Laura's hand.

"Lets go." I said and Laura nodded and we said goodbye to Riker and left to go home.

We finally got home and I got out Romeo and we walked In.

"Yay were home!" Laura said and I chuckled.

"Well Romeo fell asleep I'm going to put him in his crib." I said and went upstairs and put Romeo in his crib and I went downstairs.

"Ross, my doctor called and I need to go in for an ultra sound at 4:3o." Laura said and I smiled.

"Great and we also need to go shopping. We have no food!" I said and Laura giggled.

"Ok well when Romeo wakes up we can leave." Laura said.

"Ok cool." I said and went in the music room and started playing guitar.

After, 30 minutes of playing I went downstairs and saw Laura taking a nap I smiled and went in the kitchen and threw out all the bad food.

All of a sudden I heard Romeo crying so I went upstairs.

"Hi buddy." I said taking him out if his crib and I changed his diaper.

"Lets go wake up Mommy and go shopping." I said and grabbed Romeos diaper bag and I set him in his carseat and went downstairs to see Laura awake.

"Ready to go, baby?" I asked.

"Yea." Laura said and we left to cosco.

We finally got to cosco and Laura got out her list.

Laura's list:
•mixed veggies
•mixed fruit
•Pancake mix
•Nail polish
•Sports Bra

"Really Ross Condoms, a vibrator, and sex toys?" Laura asked and I chuckled then Laura crosses them out.

"Grr!" I said making Laura laugh then we went inside and started buying everything.

After, we bought everything we went home and unloaded everything then we left for Laura's ultra sound.

We finally got to the hospital and we waited in the waiting room.

"Laura, I need to use the bathroom." I whispered in Laura's ear.

"Ok go." Laura said with Romeo in her arms.

"I don't have to pee." I whispered in Laura's ear.

"Gosh Ross, can you wait like 35 minutes?" Laura asked.

"I don't know!" I said.

"Just try." Laura said and I nodded.

"Laura lynch?" Amanda, Laura's doctor, called and Laura and I stood up and we walked in.

"So I heard you guys got married!" Amanda said and Laura smiled.

"Last week." Laura said and I smiled.

"Congrats!" Amanda said.

"Thank you." Laura and I said.

"Ok so Laura, have you had any symptoms of miscarriage?" Amanda asked.

"No, I have been feeling pretty good." Laura said.

"Great." Amanda said.

"But um my husband and I were having an intercourse and we were having it to rough and my husband had some blood on his member." Laura said.

"Ok was the blood from him or you?" Amanda asked.

"I think from me but Im not sure." Laura said.

"Ok Laura can you please change into this gown?" Amanda asked and Laura nodded and went and changed then came back.

"Ok I'm going to need you to lay down and I am going to check for tears. So can you open you legs birth style?" Amanda asked.

"Yea." Laura said and laid down opening her legs.

Gosh if this was a guy I would be freaking out!

"Ok Laura, I'm going to put a finger in you and feel around. If anything hurts let me know." Amanda said and Laura nodded and Amanda put a finger into Laura and Laura let out a little moan making me chuckle.

"So Laura, nothing hurts?" Amanda asked taking out her finger and taking off her gloves.

"Not at all." Laura said.

"Well then the blood came from Ross." Amanda said leaving me shocked.

"How?" I asked.

"Well, there are lots of reasons. You could have started bleeding. Do you want me to take a look?" Amanda asked.

"Um uh I guess." I said.

"Ok please take off your pants and boxers." Amanda said and started putting gel on Laura's stomach.

I then set Romeo in his carseat and took off my pants and boxers feeling awkward and Laura looked at me and laughed and I shook my head with a smile. Amanda then walked over to me.

"Wow pretty big load here. Someone's lucky." Amanda said putting on her gloves and looked at Laura making her chuckle.

Amanda then picked up my member and started looking around it. AHH SO WEIRD CAN THIS BE LAURA PLEASE!

"Oh yep Ross, you have a small cut under the head of your penis." Amanda said.

"Will I get an infection?" I asked.

"No, you should be fine. But if you ever feel itchy let your doctor know." Amanda said and I nodded and put on my boxers and pants. Ananda then walked over to Laura and put the wand on her stomach.

"Awe!" Laura said looking at the screen.

"Well, I think I can figure out your exact due date." Amanda said and Laura and I smiled.

"Yay!" Laura said.

"So you are exactly 6 weeks and 3 days along and your due date is October 10th of 2016 (2016 is the year in the story right now because ross and Laura are 20)."
Amanda said and Laura and I smiled. Romeo then started crying.

"Poor baby. You won't get left out!" Laura said to Romeo as I took him out of his carseat and I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Well, I will get you guys this ultra sound picture printed and you are free to go." Amanda said wiping the gel off Laura's stomach.
Laura then changed and took Romeo from me. We then got the ultra sound picture and left to go home.

Right when we got in the car I felt like I was about to poop my pants.

"Fuck!" I said and started driving and Laura giggled.

"You have to poop?" Laura asked.

"Like fuck!" I said making Laura laugh.

We then got home and I ran out of the car and ran into the bathroom.

"Ahhhh yes!" I said in relief and Laura walked past the bathroom, I am in with Romeo in her arms, and laughed.

"Feel better?" Laura asked.

"Ugh yea!" I said and Laura chuckled and left.

After, 15 minutes I was done and I went in Romeos room and I saw Laura feeding him.

"Romeo is really crabby right now." Laura said.

"Maybe he is tired." I said and Laura nodded.

"Laura then finished feeding him and set him on his play mat and I lifted up his shirt and blew raspberries on his belly and he slightly giggled.

"Oh my god!" Laura and I said.

"He giggled!" Laura said and I chuckled and blew another raspberry on his belly and he opened his mouth with a big smile.

"Holy shit Ross! Romeo is growing a tooth!" Laura said.

"What?" I asked.

"The bottom front!" Laura said and I opened Romeos mouth and I saw a small tooth starting to sprout and I smiled.

"That explains why you were a little turd at cosco today." I said and Laura chuckled. I then started changing Romeo clothes to pajamas.

"So Laura, tomorrow should we look for a dog?" I asked.

"Sure." Laura said and I smiled.

"Great we can also buy some dog stuff." I said and Laura chuckled.

I then finished changing Romeo into his pajamas and he fell right asleep so I chuckled and set him in his crib then Laura and I went into the kitchen.

"What would you like for dinner?" I asked.

"Salad!" Laura said making me chuckle.

"Only for a kiss." I said and Laura pecked my lips.

"That wasn't a kiss!" I pouted and Laura pressed her lips to mine for 6 seconds then pulled away.

"Perfect." I said and Laura smiled and I started making dinner.

More pictures on my Instagram.


Please comment baby names!

I can't believe what Ross did to Laura!

I love you guys! Thanks for all the comments and reads!


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