Anything You Ask Of Me: Jorda...

By Coffeeclifford

69K 1.4K 624

An unpredictable move from California to Boston opens a whole new chapter of adventures, friends, opportuniti... More

Greetings Blockheads/Baby Blockheads♥︎
1.[ Big News]
2.[Why Boston?]
3.[Boston bound☁︎]
4.[You're not from here are you?]
5.[Only a dream]
6.[Cheese and Wood]
7.[ Knight Brothers]
8.[I never wanted anyone like this♡]
9.[Meet you halfway]
10.[Tender gestures♡]
11. [So I hold you close to help you give it up♡]
12.[We're The New Kids On The Block♥︎]
13. [So, it's a ____? ♡]
14. [Date with a Knight in Shining Armor♡]
16. [In love♡ ?]
17.[You have my blessing]
18.[So you're dating my baby brother?]
19. [If you were beside me right now ♡]
20. ...Or he's in love ♡
21.[ My girl.♡]
22. [His kiss♡]
23. [Jordan✎♡]
24. [Kisses and Vibes]
25.[ Stay with me baby ♡]
26.[Ghosts of the past☾]
27.[Deja Vu]
28.[Naked heartbeat ♡]
29. [Sunkissed♡]
30.[ Just like this♡]
32. [She can't have you]
33. [Ice cream kisses ♡]
34. [Anything You Ask Of Me♡]
35. [Cloudy thoughts☁︎]
36. [One in a million☽]
37. [Repulsion]
38. [The calm after the storm ♡]
39. [Employed]
40.[Best he's ever had]
41.[In the blink of an eye]
42.[We're gonna fix this okay? ♡]
43.[Every step she takes]
44.[Your lips pressed to my neck♡]
45.[Thank you♡]
46.[ Can't wait ♥︎]
47. [Pink & White Roses♡]
48.[It's a surprise baby♡]
50.[♡Let's Play House♡]
51.[2 in the morning ♡]
52.[All along♡]
54.[Gave him life ♡]
55.[ Happy Birthday J ♡]
56. [So many reasons to love you♡]
58.[ Need♡]
59.[Stress reliever♡]
60. The nakedness, she wears♡
61.[Cake day♡]
62.[I do♡]
63.[Knighty knight ♡]
64. [More ways than one ♡]
65.[Secretly but sincerely mine ♡]
66.[Wanna Know A Secret?♡]
67. [If they tried it again]
68.[ I know ♡]
69. [Sad Girl♡]
70.[She Is Art♡]
71.[Perfect Fit♡]
72. [Until you return♡]
73.[What's up with J?]
74.[Midnight without you</3]
75.[Two Broken Halves]
76.[Broken By You]
77.[Story Of Another Us♡]
78.[Rewinding the tape♡]
79.[Wandering Eyes♡]
80.[Coincidences like ours-♡]
81.[ Back in 92'♡]
Not a chapter but IMPORTANT
82. [Close, but not close enough♡]
83. [Are You Still Mine?♡]
84. [Risky Invites♡]
85.[ No Barriers♡]
86. [ Do I want to know?♡]
87. [ A love that he never deserved♡]
88. [5/5♡]
89. [What could be♡]
90. [ "I trust you-, I don't trust me"♡]
91. [Need you tonight♡]
92. [I want to be your man ♡]
94. [When she's ready♡]
95.[Can I Come Over Tonight?♡]
96.[Till Death Do Us Part]
97. [This Man♡]
98. [Forget About You]
99. ['314'♡]
100. [The end? ♡]
101. [Just like the good old days huh?♡]
102. I'm Still In Love With You ♡
103. [When he was her man♡]
104. [The Ashes after the Fire♡]
105. [Not the end♡]
106. [ Back to Boston]

93. [Mixed champagne and Whiskey♡]

435 12 5
By Coffeeclifford

When Jordan was picked up by none other than Victor, he was informed that there was a change of plans. The guys decided to spend as much time with their loved ones as possible leading up to Christmas. Instead, they would travel after the holidays ."Rough night?" Victor asked as Jordan laid his head against the window. "A long night" he responded letting out a defeated sigh. He didn't want to talk about it, he just wanted to leave. If he saw Ava walk past those front doors, he'd stay with her.

Meanwhile, Ava had taken the first taxi back to the office and then drove herself back home. She was exhausted and mentally punished herself for listening to Jordan, yet again. She was angry for wasting her time with him. It was clear as water, that she was taking unnecessary risks. There was really no point in this, besides feeling guilty and ashamed.

Jordan's wife had been calling him nonstop asking about his whereabouts, ever since she found out the rest of the guys were with either loved ones or friends. He decided to assure her that he'd be home before midnight, he just needed to take care of some things. Thankfully, she agreed and let him be. Jordan knew that what he almost did with Ava was wrong, and he did not quite know how to approach the matter. He was planning to make love to a woman who wasn't his wife. The idea of that sounded detrimental.

After a hot shower, Ava sat in her room with a tightening in her chest. Many thoughts clouded her mind and the only thing she longed for was a good rest. Knowing that Jordan was most likely on his way to the airport to take a plane far away from her was almost relieving. She wouldn't have to see him at least for the rest of the month, as Christmas was only a week or less away.

Christmas week

Gracie was planning to come home to spend the holidays with her mother. Ava was stoked to hear this as she missed her daughter so much and needed to connect with her again. Gracie's arrival would bring her back to earth and remind her of why she returned to Boston in the first place. Jordan was just a distraction or so she thought.

A few days later...

"Hi Mom" Gracie greeted as she hauled a small red suitcase behind her. Ava had been waiting for her at the entrance of the main gates. "Hi love" Ava responded as she opened her arms. Gracie didn't hesitate to walk into her mother's embrace and smiled. "I missed you mom" she uttered softly. Ava's grip tightened around her beloved daughter.

"I missed you most honey".

Pulling away, Ava brushed Gracie's soft curly hair and gestured for them to walk back to the car. It was near sundown as they walked down the lonesome sidewalk. Ava felt immense tranquility with Gracie by her side. The past few months have been hell to say the least. "Are you hungry?, want us to get something to eat?" she suggested with a small smile. "Sure, you decided what we eat though" Gracie responded as she returned her attention to her phone. Ava chuckled and agreed. As they approached the curve where a streetlight stood, somebody caught Ava's attention. It was Jordan, his wife, and what looked to be his son walking out of a restaurant. The woman next to him held his hand while the young boy seemed distracted by a small game console. They were walking opposite in her direction. A wave of discomfort washed over Ava as they made brief eye contact. Jordan's warm brown eyes fixated on her amber ones but Ava turned away at an instant. She took but only a small glance in their direction, big mistake. In that moment, Jordan's wife pulled him in for a quick kiss. Her stomach flipped and her heart dropped. Such a simple sight, pained Ava but she refused to accept it.

Her POV♡

Why is he here? Wasn't he supposed to be with the guys? Oh god. That hurts. My heart hurts? Why does it hurt? It's not suppose to hurt.

In response, Jordan kissed her back with just as much want as her and that's what killed Ava inside. He claimed that he wasn't happy with his wife and here he was, kissing her like he couldn't get enough. "Eww please stop" the young boy said as his face twisted in minor disgust making Jordan chuckle. "Just go back to your game" he told him as his wife kissed his cheek. Jordan took this opportunity to look at Ava. He gave her an apologetic look but, fury threatened to consume her. Ava prayed for the light to flicker as they walked past them and stood next to the thick street pole. Tears of anger were on the verge of pouring out of her eyes but the soft touch of her daughter's hand grasping hers made her realize that she wasn't alone. "Mom are you ok?" Gracie asked casually as she locked her phone and walked beside her.

Ava's POV♡

Not happy with my wife, my ass. You're a fucking liar. Wasting my time. Messing with my heart, playing fucking games. You asshole.

They made it to the car as soon as they crossed the street. Ava's hands slightly trembled as she placed the key into the ignition. She pulled out onto the street and turned on the radio. Gracie wore her headphones so she didn't mind. Ava decided to take them to a nearby sandwich shop before heading back home.

Jordan, meanwhile was unpacking his luggage inside his shared bedroom with his spouse. He mentally cursed at himself for kissing his wife back in public. Although, he shouldn't feel this way but Ava didn't deserve to see that. He wondered how he would explain this to her. Jordan could not shake the disheartened expression on her face. Normally, he didn't mind a little PDA because he was a married man but he just hated the fact that Ava saw everything. But he was being a loving husband, it was the role he played oh so well. Out of all the people that saw, it had to be her. It angered him how their paths always crossed but during the wrong times. It was like the universe was going against them and punishing them for feeling what they felt.

Ava shut the bedroom door, the sight of her daughter sleeping relaxed her. Gracie was finally home for a few weeks and that filled her heart with joy. When she closed the door, tears formed in her eyes, her bottom lip taken in between her teeth to stifle in her sobs. Ava leaned her head against the door and closed her eyes. She had been holding in her pain for too long. Shaking her head she sank her teeth deeper into her lip.

The sound of her phone ringing for a brief second, caught her off guard. Wiping her tears with the cuffs of her sleeve, she reached for it. It was a message from Jordan.

"Idiot" she muttered to herself as she read it.

'Thinking of you right now. Don't let my actions fool you'

She didn't even think twice before responding ;

'Bullshit. Leave me alone Jordan.'

She turned off her phone for the night and decided to go into the kitchen to make herself tea. Turning on the tv, she hoped that 'Family Guy' was on, for she could use a good laugh. But instead, an nkotb music video began to play. On the screen, was Jordan trying to flirt with a gorgeous petite woman in what looked like a club. "Oh for fucks sake" Ava muttered angrily as she quickly changed the channel. She let out a loud sigh and threw the remote on the couch. The piercing sound of the kettle going off caused her to jolt. As she poured the hot water into a mug, she reminded herself to wake up extra early to grocery shop as Christmas Eve was the next day.

Jordan slipped on his white t-shirt as he just got out of the shower. He made sure to erase the message he sent to Ava before placing his phone inside his drawer. "Coming to bed babe?" a feminine voice purred pulling him out of his deep thinking. He turned around and noticed that the lights were dimmed. His wife had dressed in a sexy black lingerie set, settled herself on top of the sheets and had a set of bedroom eyes that held wicked intention. Jordan swallowed hard before speaking "Huh, oh no, I need to go to the kitchen and grab myself somethin' to drink" as he opened the bedroom door. "Jordan" she repeated, this time firmly while slowly crawling to the edge of the king sized bed they shared. But he closed the door behind him and walked away. She was left hot and bothered.

Tonight, he was not in the mood. He couldn't find in himself to physically engage in sex. Because that's all it really was at this point, pure sex to keep his woman satisfied. It sometimes physically drained him to do it but as long as she was satisfied, it didn't matter. Although, that didn't mean that he didn't take advantage of the dopamine it gave him. He needed that stress relieving just as much as she did.

He walked into the large living room with a tall and wide Christmas tree illuminated in the right corner. While holding a glass of water, the soft carpet cushioned his bare feet as he took slow steps towards the small chair near the tree. There was a ton of gift bags and wrapped presents spread out on the nicely decorated arrangement around the trunk. He looked out the window, there was a full moon plastered in the horizon. It immediately reminded him of Ava and her love of the night. He wished to be with her and longed for her company.

The sound of heavy footsteps earned his attention as his wife fumed towards him. "If you weren't in the mood, you could've just told me instead of having me waiting" she said as she placed a pillow and a blanket on the couch. "I'm sorry- I just didn't know you wanted to-" he explained but was caught off. "I'm your wife- I would appreciate it if my husband allowed me to satisfy him while he was home for a few weeks before leaving for god knows how many months. I miss you when you're gone and you just push me away when I can actually have you". Jordan's eyes softened, feeling guilty for being so distant with the woman who had loved him since they were kids. Jordan tried to speak but before he could, she had stormed back into their room and locked it. He knew that she missed his touch but he didn't feel right about being with her while Ava was on his mind. It just wasn't fair.

As Jordan was fixing the couch to sleep, the sound of the door swinging open caused his head to turn back around. This time she came back with something small in their hand. It was roughly shoved into Jordan's and after that she spoke " If you're home, the least you could do is wear your ring so I can be reminded that you are still my husband and that you still love me". Jordan looked down at the silver band as she walked back into the room. He sighed as he slipped the ring onto his left forefinger but then took it off and slowly placed it on top of one of the coffee tables. It felt foreign, like it didn't belong there.

"That's not me" he muttered under his breath. He made a mental note to himself to wake up earlier than usual and put it on before she woke up. He knew that she'd have a fit if she did not see him wearing it.

The next day...

Ava woke up early in the morning to get dressed and head to the local grocery store. She wanted to grab everything she needed for tonight. Before she left, Gracie stayed on the couch watching old cartoons. Ava smiled adoringly at her, it was nice to have her home again. She arrived home within 2 hours or so with a few hefty bags full of food and found Gracy taking a nap. Ava figured she shouldn't bother her and took in the groceries herself.

Hours later, Gracie had woken up to the smell of french toast and fresh coffee. She smiled realizing that her mother was home made her way into the kitchen. Ava was currently bending over in front of the stove to take out the dirty pots and pans from the oven. "Hey honey- " she greeted noting Gracie's presence in the room. "Hey Mom-, why did you wake me up to help you with the groceries?" Gracie spoke as she looked through some of the bags sitting on the counter. "You were asleep and I didn't want to bother you" Ava responded with a small smile. "There's french toast and coffee, I just finished making both about 10 minutes ago" she added. "Sweet!-, I'll eat a little bit and then I'll help you with the food for tonight" Gracie answered as she grabbed herself a plate and a mug from the wooden cabinet near the sink.

When they finished preparing the food, Ava told her daughter to go shower and get ready as the evening was near. Gracie obliged and went to her room to get herself dolled up. Her parents promised to spend Christmas with them and they planned to be there within the hour or so.

Gracie stepped out of the shower and dressed herself into a wine red velvet fabric long sleeves, black tights and small brown boots. Meanwhile, Ava had just received a phone call from her parents saying that they were going to pick them up instead, to meet up with close friends. "But I just finished cooking" Ava said letting out a frustrating sigh. "I know-, but don't worry, it'll only be a few hours and we'll be back home before midnight to eat and open presents" Wilbert assured and she eventually accepted. "Thanks dear- , and get yourself ready, its Christmas Eve!" he finished before hanging up. Placing the phone down, she rushed into her bedroom and turned on the water. As the water warmed up, she pulled her clothes from the closet and set them on top of the bed. Her shower was short considering the fact that she had already taken one in the morning. Ava followed with her usual routine and then combed out her hair. After finishing her makeup, which included a bold cherry red lip stick and light gold eyeshadow, along with a layer or two of mascara, she finally put on her outfit of the evening. Ava settled for a black pencil skirt and a gold see-through blouse with ruffled cuffs. Under, she wore a thick white tank top and matte black toes- closed heels. Her hair was straightened and to accessorize, she wore gold teardrop shaped earrings. Once finished, she went to see if Gracie was ready. Knocking on the door, she heard a soft "come in-" and then opened the door to see what her daughter was doing. Gracia was just about done as she was laying on her bed with her eyes locked on her phone. "Change of plans honey- we're gonna go out with grandma" Ava announced as the solid sound of heels clicking against the wooden floor echoed in the room. Gracie looked up, her eyes widened. "What?" Ava asked as she sat on the edge of the bed. "What do you mean what?- You look gorgeous mom!" Her daughter said making her chuckle. "So,this old woman still has it?" Ava joked as she tousled her hair a bit. "Let's just say, I hope your genes get passed down to me, instead of dad's" Gracie answered proudly. "It's nice to know that I'm not aging as much as I should be" Ava commented and shrugged. "No, mom you're beautiful, no wonder men stare at you when we're walking down the street" Gracie added. "Like that man at the restaurant, he was so attractive, plus, he couldn't keep his eyes off you, no matter how hard he tried". 'Jordan' Ava thought, remembering that day. Their conversation was cut short by the phone ringing in the living room. "Where are we going?" Gracie asked as she followed behind her mother.

"I'm not sure-, but get your jacket, they're outside".

Meanwhile, Jordan was spending Christmas at Jon's house. The home was filled with their closest loved ones and family. Endless chitter chatter echoed around the room as Jordan tried to hold a conversation with his older brother David. He was thankful when David excused himself to the bathroom and walked outside to the front yard. He noticed his youngest son playing a game of soccer with his cousins on the grass and smiled at the sight. A reassuring grip around his shoulder caused him to turn his head to the side to see who it was. "Hey J" Jon greeted with a warm smile. "Hi Jon" Jordan responded and smiled back. "Somethin' on your mind?" Jon questioned noting his little brother's lack of interest. "No, nothing is on my mind?" Jordan answered. "Oh-, is somebody on your mind?" Jon continued as he watched his nephew cheering in the distance for scoring a goal. "No-, nobody is on my mind" Jordan forced out and then opened his arms for his littlest one was running towards him for a hug. "Did you see that daddy?" his littlest one asked excitedly, his eyes beaming with joy. "I sure did buddy, great job on that score" Jordan responded as he squeezed his son and then kissed his cheek. "Proud of you, give me a high five" Jon commented as they pulled away. The little boy high fived him and then excused himself to go play.

"You're such a great father J" Jon told Jordan as he patted his back. "They're my world" Jordan responded as his lips curved into a proud smile. When Jon walked away, his slowly smile faded.

Ava spent the beginning of her evening outside of a beautiful home. The house was located near an open landscape with an irrestible view of the sky. Leo had invited them to have a couple of drinks and socialize with one another. Many people who worked at the office were there. Fairy lights hung over their heads as adults danced while others enjoyed appetizers. The house was open to anybody but most of the guests preferred being outside, including Ava. She held a champagne flute filled with a rosy bubbly drink while walking down a lonesome path a small distance away from the commotion. Looking up at the sky, she marveled the way it looked tonight. It eased her from her mind to her body. The sound of small rocks being dragged softly across the dirt path earned her attention. It was Leo walking towards her. "Hey you" he greeted with a charming smile. He wore an elegeant fit, black slacks and a navy blue button that hugged his torso just right. "Hi" she responded faintly following his movements until he stood beside her. "What are you doing here?- The party and people are over there" he spoke and then playfully shoved her with his shoulder making her chuckle. "I know-, I've just never been a party animal, let alone an expert socializer" Ava answered then took a small sip of her strawberry champagne. "Well- you're in luck" Leo said as he kicked a small rock with his shoe to the side. "I'm in luck?" Ava repeated her eyebrows furrowing. "Yes mam-" Leo confirmed. "And why is that?" she challenged amused by his commentary. For a moment, he was mesmerized by her cherry red kissable lips. It was hard for him to find his next response but when he did, it came out in small shaky breaths."Because, this evening, you look so beautiful that you leave people speechless" he finished, his voice soft. Ava felt a bit unsettled yet flabbergasted at the statement. "Good one Leo, actually, not a very good joke-, how much have you had to drink tonight?" she brushed off his charm, placing her arms over her chest while still able to hold her drink. It had about two sips left. "You're kidding me right?- any man, better said any person with eyes could marvel your beauty inside and out" he spoke turning to look at her. Eyes panning her from head to toe. "Well, beauty isn't everything mister-" she said as she turned on her heel and made her way back to the crowd of noisey people.

He followed close behind her but their footsteps were cut short since a crowd of people circled around Taylor and a rather attractive man, whom Ava could tell was her husband. "Kiss!" they chanted as the man smoothly dipped Taylor and planted one on her. The crowd cheered and clapped. "Alright who's next?" announced Michael, the security guard who was holding a small plant with a red bow holding the arrangement together. He made eye contact with Ava and in no time was swinging the mistletoe above both Leo and her. This seemed to excite the guests as they all chanted "kiss, kiss, kiss!" over and over again. Including her parents but her daughter was nowhere in sight. Ava eyes widened and she thought about millions of ways to escape this. But there was really no exit since Her champagne flute was taken out of her hand by a random lady near her and Leo took this opportunity to sneak his arm around her waist. Ava's chest heaved up and down, as his lips inched closer to hers. Before she knew it, the taste of mixed champagne and whiskey caught her off guard. Leo's lips were oh so soft and Ava was relishing in them.

How's that for an update??? 

Guys, I'm so sorry for the huge lag. I've been dealing with a lot. But writing helps me relax and escape my issues. 

I cannot wait for what's coming ♡

Jordan and Ava are in for a treat! (;

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