30.[ Just like this♡]

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The couple waited until they heard their friend's familiar voices having small conversation outside of the tent to finally step out of it. Joey informed them that Donnie had finally obtained the key and unlocked the cabin. "Finally" Jordan said and Ava agreed. " We already put everything inside, oh and If you guys need to use the bathroom, you can use the one without a bath or shower but if you need to shower,you gotta wait, Danny is currently showering " he added. " We also got food inside, so go grab somethin' to eat if you're hungry" Joey finished. They walked with him back to the small cabin located just a few minutes away and sat down with Donnie who was currently having a bowl of cereal briefly after taking turns freshening up in the basic bathroom.  " Care for coffee?" Jordan asked her as he pulled out one of the small chairs for her. She nodded and smiled. While Ava, Donnie and Joey made small talk, Jordan was trying his best to use his memory for preparing his girl's favorite hot beverage. " So Ava, did you sleep soundly last night?" Joey asked as he took a sip of his orange juice. " I did thank you for asking " she answered politely and smiled. " That's good to hear" Joey responded with a small smile. " We're gonna probably go hiking later on, so put on something warm because we're gonna explore a lot today" Donnie informed her and grinned. "Danny insisted, and well, the view is quite gorgeous so we figured why not" Joey added. A few moments later, Jordan had brought back a fresh warm cup of coffee, placing it right in front of Ava. She thanked him and in response, he gave her a brief kiss in the cheek. " You guys make me sick, but in a good way, seriously,the cutest pair of lovebirds I have ever met" Joey teased making Ava slightly flushed and Jordan smiled proudly. Danny joined them just a few minutes later and they all had a lovely breakfast together.

After everybody was done, Ava went to change, preparing for the planned hike. She slipped on a pair of black joggers and a simple white long sleeve along with her comfortable sneakers. It was quite a chilly morning, and in that case, she decided to bring one of her hoodies. When she was done, so were the rest of the guys, since she was all wandering about individually. Jordan walked out bare-chested like nothing as she sat by the lake and admiring the nature surrounding it. He threw on his white shirt and then went to join her. " Ready?" He said as he stood behind her and played with her hair since it was down from briefly washing it as she had brought enough essentials for the trip. She sighed and relaxed into his touch, such a simple but loving gesture made her heart feel so warm. "Aren't you going to wear a sweater or something?" She asked as she continued to feel his hands in her hair. " Yeah, I'm gonna go get it when the rest of the guys are ready" he assured. " Thank you for caring" he added and leaned over to kiss her right cheek. God, she could never get tired of his lips on her skin, even if she tried. " Course baby" she responded in the sweetest tone of voice. At this very moment, Jon approached, greeting them in the process. " Joe and Donnie are just fixing some stuff, Danny is almost done " he informed them". " Where's your sweater?" He asked his brother. "I'll go get it right now" Jordan said and excused himself to retrieve it. Not a few moments later, Joey walked out of the front door and went over to them. " Heard the sunset is beautiful where Danny is leading us" he said excitedly. "I love sunsets" Ava answered and grinned with eagerness. "Boston has amazing sunsets that's for sure" Jon added. Within 10 minutes or so, everybody was ready to go on the hike. They walked in pairs, Danny with Donnie, Joey with Jon and of course, Jordan with Ava. They began to follow along with the small dirt road path that appeared to be for hiking. It was quite a peaceful and lovely walk since all aspects of nature surrounded them. It was a gloomy day in Boston, the wind kissed their skin with a subtle yet frigid breeze. Every so often, they would take small breaks to just admire the small things. It felt like they walked for a good 2 hours or so until they finally reached the desired spot that Danny mentioned. 

It was absolutely breathtaking, there was not much to see but it was the simplicity and the heartfelt atmosphere that created a lovely setting. "How about a game of hide and seek?"Joey suggested and everybody agreed. "But don't stray too far guys, it could be dangerous"Jon  cautioned."And we must play fairly, meaning that we shouldn't abandon our spot at all, so that the game can be more challenging and fun"Joey added. "Okay so who's counting?" Donnie asked. "I'll count"Jordan volunteered. Whilst everybody else went to search for a hiding spot, Jordan found a nearby tree and closed his eyes to begin counting. Danny found his hiding spot behind a bush, Joey, behind a huge rock, Donnie lied on the ground surrounded by immense tall grass and Jon sat under a large tree. Ava wasn't very creative but found it quite amusing to just stand behind the tree that Jordan's face was counting on. She figured that he would just go the other say since everybody's else's footsteps were heard moving towards that direction and she was right. Jordan was completely oblivious that she right stood on the other side of the tree as he went to search for his friends. The easiest to find were Donnie as he groaned when he got a leg cramp and Joey since he couldn't hold in his giggles. Danny grew bored of his hiding spot and tried to move but was caught in the process by Joey. Eventualy, Jon was found but everybody wondered where Ava was. "This girl must be good at being stealthy"Joey spoke as they all wandered about with a purpose to find the last hider who just so happened to be the winner. 

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