74.[Midnight without you</3]

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December 26, 1992

After she finished packing, Ava took a much-needed nap on her bed. Tucked under the duvet, she tried to find a comfortable position. The loud ringing by her bed jolted her awake. Thinking nothing of it, she reached behind her to answer it.

"Hello?" her voice laced with tiredness.

"B-Baby?" said a familiar voice.

Immediately, she sat up on her bed and spoke again not expecting it to be him.


"Yeah it's me" he confirmed.

"How have you been sweetheart?" he added his voice small.

"Been good. How have you been?" she replied.

"G-Great" he answered.

"I-I miss you" he said his voice wobbly.

Ava noticed this. Her eyebrows furrowed as she trying to figure out what to say next.

"I miss you too".

"It's not the same without you here" he said his voice soft.

"Jordan, I am coming back" she reminded.

"I know but when?" he questioned his voice cracking.

"I don't know exactly when" she lied trying to sound convincing.

"I wish you were here" he muttered.

"I'll be there. Jordan are you ok? You sound worried" she asked softly.

"Yes I am. I just miss you. Need to feel you". There was longing in his voice.

She shuddered when he said this.

"I love you" she told him as a tear streamed down her cheek.

Ava didn't know why, but she felt like he needed to hear this. And she felt like she needed to tell him.

"I love you more" he responded sounding needy.

"I have to go now. Take care sweetheart".

Before she could say anything else, he hung up.

'That's weird' she thought as she placed the phone back in its place.

'What's going on with Jordan?'

The following week ;

Her flight was 2 days before new years. Her godparents took her to breakfast before taking her to the airport. They cried and hugged her tight assuring her that she was welcome to come back any time. She thanked them and cried along. Knowing that the doors were always open for her. The flight back to Boston was bittersweet.

Boston MA; 1992

Her stepfather picked her up at the airport. It was about midday when her plane landed. Ava was very jetlagged from flying and fell asleep on the way back home. Her mother greeted her at the front door, took her bags and allowed her to go to her room to rest.

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