25.[ Stay with me baby ♡]

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On the way back home, Ava didn't say a word to Jordan, she decided it was best to keep her mouth shut rather than to say something she could regret. The name 'Heidi' never left her thoughts as she tried to come to a conclusion and figure out where she saw that woman who mentioned the name. Ava wondered why Joey was quick to cut her off and why he ushered Jordan out the way he did. Was he covering for him? Is there something that Jordan left unfinished?
"Baby?" Jordan said as he continued to keep his eyes on the road. "Hmm" she answered casually as she kept looking out the window. "Somethin' on your mind?" He asks. "No not at all why" she responded and shrugged.Jordan didn't ask any further questions. " Actually" She began but then closed her mouth right away. "What?" He said as he tried to give her his undivided attention since they were now pulling into her driveway. " Swear, they are never home" Ava grumbled as she tried to open her door but it wouldn't budge. "It's locked" Jordan pointed out and chuckled. As soon as she unlocked it, she turned to him and spoke "aren't you coming ?".
"Wait, but isn't your mom home, wouldn't she be mad?" He questioned nervously. "No, she trusts me, I know how to defend myself and where to draw the line" she answered proudly and chuckled at his reaction. "What do you mean?" He asked and chuckled as he removed the keys from the ignition. " Nothing, don't worry c'mon, aren't you going to help me pack, I need to figure out what to bring or if not I can ask Joey" she spoke and he shook his head. "No that won't be necessary, you got all you need right here" Jordan said as he gestured to himself. Ava shook her head and laughed. "Excuse me but you won't be able to keep me warm" she said and then mentally facepalmed herself. "Wanna bet?" He asked with a cocky smirk. " I'd rather take my blanket" she responded and he laughed.
Ava unlocked the door with ease as Jordan followed behind her. She closed the door behind them and then placed her bag on the table before strolling over to the kitchen. "Care for anything to drink" Ava asked as she grabbed a bottled water. " A water please" He answered. A brief moment after closing the fridge, she noticed a small note on it. Ava groaned and shook her head as she walked toward Jordan, handing him his water. "My mom and Wilbert are not gonna be home until late at night". She explained. "Oh, why ? They didn't tell you anything?" He questioned as he opened the lip and took a swig of his water. "No, they said it was unplanned and apologized, they're having dinner with really important people from Wilbert's job"she proceeded. "Oh , are you ok with that?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess, I mean I do value my alone time" she responded. " But it's a big house to me and I'm alone at night, I told my mom we need to get a dog so that when they're not home, the dog can keep me company ". "If you want and if it's possible, I can stay the night.. I mean I can stay until they get home" he suggested and she quickly looked at him. " If it's no trouble and you're not busy, I would very much appreciate that" she accepted.

"So What is usually needed for a camping trip like this?" Ava asked as it was now almost 9 pm and they were currently having some fresh chicken soup that she just made. " Well we're in a cabin, so tents won't be necessary " he spoke. "I bring one just in case though" he adds. "In case what?" She questions. "In case Donnie forgets the key or somethin', it happened a few times and I doubt that it won't happen another" he says and she chuckles. "So it's only you guys and nobody else?" She asks as she briefly wipes her mouth with a napkin. "Just us yeah, we never invite anybody else unless we all agree on the person". " What do you mean agree?" Ava questions. "Like that we like them and trust that they won't go on about telling our business" he answers and she nods. "Has that ever happened?" She says as she picks up their plates and puts them in the sink. "Has what happened?". "Has somebody ever done you guys wrong and went about telling your business?" . " Only a couple of times" he admitted. " Wow, Well I can't imagine was bad things would be said about you guys, you guys don't seem to be the type of walk down a dark path or anything scandalous " she said and Jordan's face went blank for a moment. "Oh was it the girl that-" she began but stopped herself as the phone in the kitchen rang. Jordan let out a sigh of relief when Ava answered the phone and then walked back without resuming to touch on the subject.

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