The kiss Sequel to Best Frien...

By ashleyash2003

960K 17.6K 4.7K

Hey guys so this story is the kiss sequel to Best Friends Brother (raura) Ross and Laura got back together fr... More

Sad, Naked
The house
Telling lauras family
Sleeping like you.
The House!
Your scaring me!
Half skinny dipping.
Its my time
Super nice
I love you
The date
What have I done?!
Really important
The house!
Our 1st day
Cast off
I'm ready
Check up
Telling everyone
Side affects
Ultra sound
Baby stuff
I Hop
Ross forgive me!
A boy!
Dinner party!
Mad at eachother!
Mabye forgivness???
Babys room
Room is done!
Baby shower
Not fair!
Is he ok?
Are you ok?
Baby jake
32 weeks
Not gross
My dads!
Pumpkin patch
A break as in forever?
Making love fail!
Halloween party
Why did you do that?
The baby is comming
First bath
Will you marry me?
Packing/somach bug
Long car ride/lake tahoe
Mini R5
Adult night!
Rydel and ratliff caught
Hidding things!
Going home.
Cute Bath Picture!
We always fight!
Wedding Dress!!!
More planning+Pain
Wedding cake+Crying Baby
Lauras's Birthday!!! part 1
Lauras Birthday part 2
Oh no..............
He's Back...........
Gone for a week,Sick.
I will miss you!!!
Im back!
Christmas eve!
Ross's birthday
Pree-Wedding, big news
Uh Romeo???
Going home.
Bringing Rascal Home.
Tour troubles
3rd anniversary Part 1
3rd anniversay part 2
3rd anniversary part 3
Perparing for One Direction
One Direction Concet!
Lazy day!
Love making!
Jakes birthday!
What happened?
It was......Him
"Im might just kill him."
Fuck you!
Another Baby Shower?
Baby shower part 1
Dirty Raura edits?
Baby shower part 2!
Help with baby names?
Suprises, thoughts, tours
Getting naughty
Thank you guys!
Home, sex, fun
Home, sex, fun
Fun nights
Happy birthday, Romeo!
Where it starts!
Got you!
New world
Welcome London!
Stress takes over
Birthday getaway?
Will anything go right?
Home sweet home.
Sick baby?
Night out.......?
You knew?
Hate myself!
For Christams?
Hockey troubles?
I'm not dead.
Night in Vegas
Getting at it
Baby problems
Shes ok?

Embarrassing stories

7.1K 119 27
By ashleyash2003

Ross's POV
Laura have been cuddling for awhile then she asked me.

"Rossy can we go to bed?" She asked.

"But baby it's only 8." I said.

"I know I just want to lay and talk to you." She said.

"Ok baby." I said and we got went upstairs getting into bed.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Um how about embarrassing stories!" She said.

Shit I have a lot.

"Ok sure you go frist." I said.

"Ok this is really embarrassing so I was in 7th grade and I was in math class then the bell rang for next period so I stood up and my seat and pants were covered in blood the and like everyone was laughing at me it was so embarrassing I wanted to cry also because that was my first period!" She said.

"Ok I'm really happy I don't get periods." I said with a chuckle.

"Yea well it's your turn." She said.

"Um ok so this was more embarrassing for riker but still for me. Kk so I think I was like 8 and riker was 12 and he was going through puberty so I walked into his room to see his looking at himself naked in the mirror and I saw his private hair and I didn't have that or know why he had it so I just said, "Shouldn't that hair be on your head?"

Laura started laughing.

"God Ross he must have been so embarrassed!" Laura laughed.

"Yea he was but he kinda got me back!" I said.

"What did he do?" Laura asked.

"Ok so years after that I was 12 and riker was 16 and I was going through puberty so I was in my room and I thought I was the only one home so I was just looking at myself seeing all the changes then riker came into see what I was doing and said. "Hey ross shouldn't that hair be on your head?"

"It's was horrible." I chuckled.

"Aww poor rossy." Laura said and I laughed.

"Ok now your turn." I said.

"Ok this is kinda what happened with you and riker but different so I was I think 9 or 10 and Vanessa was 12 and she already got her period and she was going through lots of changes being the child I was when I walked in her room to see she was changing and she was naked so I said, "Wow Vanessa what's happening to your body!"

I started laughing.

"Wow laur!" I said.

"Well it's your turn rossy." She said.

"Ok Laura this one only my mom and dad know and it's really embarrassing so you can't tell anybody!" I exclaimed.

"Ok I won't." She said.

"Gosh ok I was 13 or 14 and we had this thing that filled up with water to show how much it rained or whatever and I thought it would be perfect for masterbating-." Laura cut me off by laughing.

"Ok keep going." She said and I chuckled.

"So then one day my family was going out to dinner and I made up and excuse not to go so everyone left and I went outside and pulled it out of the ground and washed it off then brought it to my room. Tho I got suck I tried pulling it off but it really hurt! I was terrified so I called my dad but my mom answered  she said Dad was in the bathroom so I just said tell dad to come home. I kept trying to pull it off for another 20 minuets. Later my dad came home and came in my room and laughed and said Rocky did the same thing. Let's just say when it got it off 'it' was all red but it was awful!" I said and Laura laughed.

"Oh ross." Laura said.

"God I remember that day it was awful!!" I said and Laura giggled.

"Well I'm tired night rossy." Laura said.

"Night baby." I said and softly kissed her lips then fell asleep.

Laura's POV
I think I woke up like 4 times so far because of how uncomfortable I have been. I wish I had the baby yesterday he would have been in my arms right now! I sighed then fell back asleep and woke up to see it was 8 so I got up without waking ross up and when downstairs on my I pad. Then about 10 minuets later I feel strong arms wrap around me.

"Hi rossy." I said.

"Hey laur." He said and sat next to me and started sucking on my neck.

"Mhmm." I moaned as he sucked on my sweet spot then kissed me lips and pulled away.

"Did you give me a hickey?" I asked.

"Um mabye." He said and I laughed.

"Well the Halloween party is tomorrow!" I said and he smiled.

"So when should we do our pumpkins?" I asked.

"How about today?" Ross asked.

"Ok sure."  I said and ross smiled.

All of a sudden I felt something wet and sticky in my panties.

"Um uh ross I will be right back!" I said standing up.

"Baby is everything ok?" He asked standing up.

"I don't know!" I said and quickly went to the bathroom and closed the door and pulled my shorts and panties down to just see I lost my mucus plug for the frist time and sighed of relief.

"Baby are you ok in there?" Ross asked.

"Yea I just lost my mucus plug." I said.

"Ok I thought something bad happened." He said.


"So rossy when should we do the pumpkins?" I asked.

"Anytime baby." Ross said.

"Ok." I said and pressed my lips to Ross's then pulled away.

"You know your so fucking cute." Ross said and I giggled.

"And your fucking handsome!" I said and he smiled.

"I love you so much and I can't wait for our future in 10 years I see us almost 30 with about 4 or more kids married having the best wedding and I know we will have a awesome honeymoon!" Ross said making me smile.

"I see that too." I said and kissed his cheek.

No ones POV
Ross and Laura cuddled for about another hour then ross had and idea.

"Baby I know what we should do today." Ross said.

"What?" Laura asked.

"Sex!" Ross said and Laura giggled.

"Well I guess we can." Laura said and Ross smiled taking Laura's hand.

"Lets go." He said and they went up to their room.

Should Next chapter be dirty chapter???

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