Anything You Ask Of Me: Jorda...

By Coffeeclifford

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An unpredictable move from California to Boston opens a whole new chapter of adventures, friends, opportuniti... More

Greetings Blockheads/Baby Blockheads♥︎
1.[ Big News]
2.[Why Boston?]
3.[Boston bound☁︎]
5.[Only a dream]
6.[Cheese and Wood]
7.[ Knight Brothers]
8.[I never wanted anyone like this♡]
9.[Meet you halfway]
10.[Tender gestures♡]
11. [So I hold you close to help you give it up♡]
12.[We're The New Kids On The Block♥︎]
13. [So, it's a ____? ♡]
14. [Date with a Knight in Shining Armor♡]
16. [In love♡ ?]
17.[You have my blessing]
18.[So you're dating my baby brother?]
19. [If you were beside me right now ♡]
20. ...Or he's in love ♡
21.[ My girl.♡]
22. [His kiss♡]
23. [Jordan✎♡]
24. [Kisses and Vibes]
25.[ Stay with me baby ♡]
26.[Ghosts of the past☾]
27.[Deja Vu]
28.[Naked heartbeat ♡]
29. [Sunkissed♡]
30.[ Just like this♡]
32. [She can't have you]
33. [Ice cream kisses ♡]
34. [Anything You Ask Of Me♡]
35. [Cloudy thoughts☁︎]
36. [One in a million☽]
37. [Repulsion]
38. [The calm after the storm ♡]
39. [Employed]
40.[Best he's ever had]
41.[In the blink of an eye]
42.[We're gonna fix this okay? ♡]
43.[Every step she takes]
44.[Your lips pressed to my neck♡]
45.[Thank you♡]
46.[ Can't wait ♥︎]
47. [Pink & White Roses♡]
48.[It's a surprise baby♡]
50.[♡Let's Play House♡]
51.[2 in the morning ♡]
52.[All along♡]
54.[Gave him life ♡]
55.[ Happy Birthday J ♡]
56. [So many reasons to love you♡]
58.[ Need♡]
59.[Stress reliever♡]
60. The nakedness, she wears♡
61.[Cake day♡]
62.[I do♡]
63.[Knighty knight ♡]
64. [More ways than one ♡]
65.[Secretly but sincerely mine ♡]
66.[Wanna Know A Secret?♡]
67. [If they tried it again]
68.[ I know ♡]
69. [Sad Girl♡]
70.[She Is Art♡]
71.[Perfect Fit♡]
72. [Until you return♡]
73.[What's up with J?]
74.[Midnight without you</3]
75.[Two Broken Halves]
76.[Broken By You]
77.[Story Of Another Us♡]
78.[Rewinding the tape♡]
79.[Wandering Eyes♡]
80.[Coincidences like ours-♡]
81.[ Back in 92'♡]
Not a chapter but IMPORTANT
82. [Close, but not close enough♡]
83. [Are You Still Mine?♡]
84. [Risky Invites♡]
85.[ No Barriers♡]
86. [ Do I want to know?♡]
87. [ A love that he never deserved♡]
88. [5/5♡]
89. [What could be♡]
90. [ "I trust you-, I don't trust me"♡]
91. [Need you tonight♡]
92. [I want to be your man ♡]
93. [Mixed champagne and Whiskey♡]
94. [When she's ready♡]
95.[Can I Come Over Tonight?♡]
96.[Till Death Do Us Part]
97. [This Man♡]
98. [Forget About You]
99. ['314'♡]
100. [The end? ♡]
101. [Just like the good old days huh?♡]
102. I'm Still In Love With You ♡
103. [When he was her man♡]
104. [The Ashes after the Fire♡]
105. [Not the end♡]
106. [ Back to Boston]

4.[You're not from here are you?]

791 15 9
By Coffeeclifford

☁︎November 1991-Boston Massachusetts☁︎

Upon getting her carry-on and helping her mom with the luggage, Ava could already feel a different atmosphere. It still hasn't hit her that she was no longer in Los Angeles, but the sound of Boston accents was slowly driving her there. Everybody sounded almost foreign to her and she didn't know if she liked it or was scared of it. Ava yawned as she was still sleepy, her mother insisted that she'd throw on her pink hoodie as Wilbert's sister would soon arrive to pick them up. "Honey are you hungry or need to go to the bathroom?" her mother asked and Ava said that she did need to use the restroom. The two went to the ladies' room whilst Wilbert went to pick up their luggage.

When Ava and her mother got back, they saw a petite middle-aged woman with dark brown hair hugging Wilbert, they assumed it was his sister. "Hi, it's nice to finally meet you I'm Raven, Wilbert's sister" she greeted as she pulled in Ana for a hug and then turned to Ava. "You must be Ava, you're so big now". Ava smiled shyly and was pulled into a tight hug. They all chatted amongst themselves, trying to break the ice. As soon as everything was ready to go, they all walked into the parking lot where it was still dark out. Ava gazed at the sky, there was no moon but only endless of shining stars, she felt relaxed but right now, she was in desperate need of a nap or sleep for at least 2 straight days.

On the way to Raven's house, Ava took a nap. Within this nap, she forgot about everything that was going to either change her life for the better or the worse. The drive to her house was roughly 1 hour or 2, but they finally made it before sunrise. Ava was gently shaken awake by her mother and told by Raven that she'd take her to the guest room to get a good rest. Ava thanked her and climbed into the queen-sized mattress where deep sleep took over.

⭐︎The next day⭐︎

Ava woke up still a bit groggy and not well rested. Her eyes fluttered open, she felt weird inside this bedroom. Slowly sitting up, she got up to approach the window slowly and looked out from it. It was no longer, the lonely street in Los Angeles but a few large houses that seemed like they were built in the 18 something to her but they were quite beautiful. The aroma of coffee reached the bedroom and walked outside still unsure of her boundaries. Following the small range of voices coming that led to the kitchen. "Morning sleepy head" Wilbert greeted as Raven and Ana are sitting at the table all with a fresh mug of coffee in front of them. "Morning" Ava responded as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Honey, your stuff is in the bathroom and in your bedroom, Wilbert left your luggage so you can shower and get dressed to have breakfast with us" her mom explained and Ava thanked her before walking back into the bedroom to pick out an outfit and take a much-needed shower.

Stepping out of the shower, she changed into her clothes, brushed her hair and brushed her teeth. Afterward, she returned to the kitchen to eat breakfast and have some coffee. "May I please ask what's the plan, when are we moving into our house," Ava asked Wilbert as Raven went to get more napkins. "The thing is, that our stuff won't get here until Saturday, so we're going to stay here with my sister until the house is ready, it shouldn't take more than a week or so" he answered. "Are we least going to visit it before we settle in?" she questioned him. "Maybe I don't know, but for now make yourself comfortable" Wilbert added. "Ava, I can take you to some of Boston's beloved places so you can start falling in love with the city" Raven suggested with a giddy smile. " It's a beautiful cold day out, maybe we can visit the beach or get some fresh coffee, there's a great coffee shop just 20 minutes away". "That sounds like a fun idea" Ava said and smiled. "Sorry for changing the subject but umm do you have a printer or a scanner, I wanted to make copies of a couple of papers I need for college". Raven immediately shook her head slowly. "No sorry, but there's a library a couple of miles away, I can take you there, in the meantime I can go return the books I finished and grab 2 more" Raven responded. "Oh yeah please, that would be very appreciated" Ava answered and smiled. "Ava has always been on top of her education" her mother interrupted and Ava lightly groaned. "It's part of life" Ava responded modestly. "College is very important and Ava you seem like a really smart young lady with a bright future ahead, don't let anybody get in your way," Raven told her and Ava nodded shyly. "Alright, well I'm going to go throw on a coat and we can get going,"Raven said as she finished the last of her coffee and took it to the sink.

★The library★

Ava was astounded at how huge the public library in Boston was. There were hundreds if not thousands of shelves filled with books of all shapes and sizes. It was surprisingly somewhat empty but still fairly crowded as there were many elderly couples reading and the others were a few young people aimlessly walking around scouring for books. "The printer is over there, here is enough change, just slip it into the slot and it should start printing your things immediately, I'm going to be in the romance section" Raven instructed while giving her a few quarters. Ava nodded and thanked her. She pulled out her small yellow folder that contained most of her important papers and began with making 3 copies of her transcript. After that, she made copies of other papers that she knows she'd lose her mind if god forbid anything happened to them.

When she was done, she looked for Raven but Raven was nowhere in sight. She didn't panic as the car was close by, so she walked around the library admiring the books. Picking up a few to read over the back covers, she saw Raven in the distance. Ava placed the book back in its place and approached her. "Hey Ava, sorry I'm just waiting for somebody to check out my books, why don't you go wait in the car?" she suggested and Ava nodded as she took the keys from her.

The weather was very chilly but not too cold that it was unbearable. In fact, Ava preferred cold gloomy days instead of hot humid days in Los Angeles. This way she could wear her oversized hoodies and have hot coffee. She sighed and basked in the lovely sight of from the car window. There was something about Boston that she was starting to find comfort in, a new environment that she couldn't wait to explore. Her long curly hair still fresh from the shower resting on her lilac hoodie, as she continued to stare out the window. She began to think about her godparents and started to feel her tears forming but was interrupted by the driver's door opening abruptly. "Hey sorry I took so long, are you up for some coffee and ?" Raven spoke as she got into the car. "Yes please," Ava responded shyly.

♥︎ Coffee Shop ♥︎

The coffee shop was very dainty but very crowded. The line was almost outside but Ava and Raven thankfully got there before the rush in. "Ava do you want to sit inside or outside?" Raven asked her. "Outside" Ava answered as she did not like the idea of being in such a small place full of people. "Okay go see if there's a table while I wait in line, what do you want sweetheart?" Raven spoke. " Umm a hot chocolate, I think I've had enough coffee" Ava answered and Raven nodded. Ava brushed through the line of people waiting impatiently for their turn, she took a deep breath of relief as she finally got out. She searched for a table until her eyes finally fell upon an untouched small chestnut brown one with 2 chairs. Thankfully, there were not many people outside as she took a seat and pulled out her folder, afraid to leave it in the car to look over her copies.

She sighed loudly as she took them out one by one. Suddenly, a strong wind picked up, sending one of them flying about and she panicked. Immediately standing up, she chased the paper and stopped dead in her tracks when it landed in front of a young man. "Hey hey oh oh my, I got it don't worry," he said as the paper was trapped under his black shoe, she watched as he slowly picked it up. Her eyes widened when the tall guy approached her. "Does this belong to you?" he spoke in a soft deep husky voice. "Yeah thank you so much" she responded as she slowly took it from him. After folding the paper in two and carefully tucking it into her pocket, she looked up and noticed his features. Bouncy Chestnut brown hair, baby blue eyes, and a killer smile. "You're lucky I was there to save the day" he joked and she chuckled. He had a familiar accent, that she found adorable. "Yeah, I know I would've lost my mind if anything happened to it" She admitted. "Hey" he began as he moved back a loose hair strand from his face and took a few steps back. "You're not from here are you?". "No, I just moved here, today actually" she answered. "Really? from where?" he added. "California" she responded. "Wow, that's somethin'," he said and smiled making her a bit flustered. "I'm Joey by the way" he introduces himself while holding out his hand and she shook it.

"I'm Ava".

I love Joey sm.♥︎ 

Feedback is very appreciated. Don't be shy♥︎

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