•Two souls•

By hiyabitches307

1.1K 32 0

She was born to assist the chosen one and save everyone. He was raised to despise the chosen one and destroy... More

Year 3, Chapter 1
Year 3 Chapter 2
Year 3 Chapter 3
Year 3 Chapter 4
Year 3 Chapter 5
Year 3 Chapter 6
Year 3 Chapter 7
Year 3, Chapter 8
Year 3 Chapter 9
Year 3 Chapter 10
Year 3 Chapter 11
Year 3 Chapter 12
Year 3, Chapter 13
Year 3 Chapter 14
Year 3 Chapter 15
Year 3 Chaptwe 16
Year 3 Chapter 17
Year 4 Chapter 1
Year 4 Chapter 2
Year 4 Chapter 3
Year 4 Chapter 4
Year 4 Chapter 5
Year 4 Chapter 6
Year 4 Chapter 7
Year 4 Chapter 8
Year 4 Chapter 9
Year 4 Chapter 10
Year 4 Chapter 11
Year 4 Chapter 12
Year 4 Chapter 13
Year 4 Chapter 14
Year 4 Chapter 15
Year 4 Chapter 16
Year 4 Chapter 17
Year 4 Chapter 18
Year 4 Chapter 19
Year 4 Chapter 20
Year 4 Chapter 21
Year 4 Chapter 22
Year 4 Chapter 23
Year 4 Chapter 24
Year 4 Chapter 25
Year 5 Chapter 1
Year 5 Chapter 2
Year 5 Chapter 3
Year 5 Chapter 4
Year 5 Chapter 5
Year 5 Chapter 6
Year 5 Chapter 7
Year 5 Chapter 8
Year 5 Chapter 9
Year 5 Chapter 10
Year 5 Chapter 11
Year 5 Chapter 12
Yeat 5 Chapter 13
Year 5 Chapter 14
Year 5 Chapter 15
Year 5 Chapter 16
Year 5 Chapter 17
Year 5 Chapter 18
Year 5 Chapter 19
Year 5 Chapter 20
Year 5 Chapter 21
Year 6 Chapter 1
Year 6 Chapter 2
Year 6 Chapter 3
Year 6 Chapter 4
Year 6 Chapter 5
Year 6 Chapter 6
Year 6 Chapter 7
Year 6 Chapter 8
Year 6 Chapter 9
Year 6 Chapter 10
Year 6 Chapter 11
Year 6 Chapter 12
Year 6 Chapter 14
Year 6 Chapter 15
Year 6 Chapter 16
Year 6 Chapter 17
Year 6 Chapter 18
Year 6 Chapter 19
Year 6 Chapter 20
Year 6 Chapter 21
Year 7 Chapter 1
Year 7 Chapter 2
Year 7 Chapter 3
Year 7 Chapter 4
Year 7 Chapter 5
Year 7 Chapter 6
Year 7 Chapter 7
Year 7 Chapter 8
Year 7 Chapter 9
Year 7 Chapter 10
Year 7 Chapter 11
Year 7 Chapter 12
Year 7 Chapter 13
Year 7 Chapter 14
Year 7 Chapter 15
Year 7 Chapter 16
Year 7 Chapter 17
Year 7 Chapter 18
Year 7 Chapter 19

Year 6 Chapter 13

8 1 0
By hiyabitches307

Harry let out a fake laugh as Slughorn greeted him, patting the chosen one on the back before leaving to greet other guests

"Drink?" Someone asked, approaching the pair of you.

Neville." Harry smiled.

"Hey, Nev." Y/n greeted.

"I didn't get into the Slug Club." He sighed, disappointment flashing across his face.

"That's cause Slughorn has bad taste." Y/n added, taking a drink from Neville, and topping it off with some firewhiskey she had in a small flask, which she hid in her dress.

"It's okay though." Neville smiled slightly.

"No it isn't, Slughorn's a bitch who hasn't grown up. Only gathering purebloods from high class families or famous people? That's such a childish thing to do. Basically that's all the bitchy first years, showing he isn't any more mature than an 11 year old." Y/n scoffed, as Harry took the tiny flask from her, topping himself off too.

"Well, I'm more lucky than Belby. He's handing out towels in the loo." Neville joked.

"Well, looks like Slugy did something right." Y/n mumbled as she sipped her drink.

"Thanks, mate." Harry smiled, as Neville left.

"Hey, how come Hermione's the only muggle born?" Harry asked, nudging you.

"Slugy needed at least one, otherwise it'd look like he's a pure blood prejudice. That's my guess, at least. Besides, Hermione's smart. That's useful to some people, I guess."

"And why isn't it useful to you?" He asked, nudging you playfully, making you sling an arm around him.

"Because, Hazza. We're rich, pretty and well known." Y/n joked.

"Weren't you the same girl who ranted about Slughorn being a prejudice 11 year old."

"In my defense, I'm 16. The man's well over 100. You'd thing he'd be a tad wise." Y/n spoke. She was aware being smart and having brains was important. But sometimes she like to joke around that way with Harry.

"I think that's some drama that we must check out." Y/n spoke, directing Harry's attention to the scrambling Hermione, in a puffy pink dress, hiding behind the curtains.

"It's going to blow up in her face, that's a bet." Harry spoke.

"It's going to blow up in her date's face. That's my best." Y/n added. The two walked their way over to Hermione, wide grins on their faces as they went behind the curtains.

"Hermione. What are you doing? And what happened to you?" Harry asked, slightly panicked. Hermione then looked at you, as you leaned against the wall watching in amusement.

"Don't mind me, I'm enjoying it."

"Whatever! I've just escaped. I mean, I left Cormac under the mistletoe." She panicked, making you snort.

"Cormac? That's who you invited?" Harry gasped.

"This just got more entertaining."

"I thought it would annoy Ron the most." Hermione's mumbled.

"Amen to that!" Y/n laughed, taking a sip of her drink.

"Ron probably couldn't care less right now, he's off shagging Lavender Brown, I bet. Sadly, I got a glimpse of that once. Never wished the bleach my eyes more." And by saying that, Hermione was about to cry... again.

"Nah nah nah. Don't cry. His dick probably isn't even that big." Y/n rambled, trying to reassure the girl.

"That isn't making it better, Y/n" Harry mumbled, trying to reassure Hermione as well.

"Oh look! There's Cormac." Y/n spoke, trying to distract Hermione.

"He's got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant." Hermione grumbled, her tears fading away.

"Tell me you heard testicles too." Y/n whispered to Harry, making him snort and nod in agreement.

"Knew it."

"Dragon tarte?" A waiter asked, appearing behind the curtains.

"This is kinda private conversation. Not a curtain party." Y/n mumbled, declining the odd food.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." Hermione spoke.

"Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath." The waiter spoke, catching Hermione's attention.

"On second thought! It might keep Cormac at bay." Hermione mumbled, taking the whole plate and stuffing it in her mouth. And the waiter left.

"Does she realize what she's eating?" Y/n asked Harry.

"No. What is she eating?"

"You don't want to know."

"Oh, God, here he comes!" Hermione panicked, bending down and escaping from one side as Cormac entered from the other. Her friends shielding her from the man whore.

"I think she just went to power her nose." Harry spoke, confidently.

"Slippery little minx, your friend. Likes to work her mouth too, doesn't she? What is this I'm eating?" Cormac asked, as he ate the weird dragon stuff.

"Dragon balls." Y/n giggles, making Harry snort. Cormac looked mortified as Snape entered the curtain party. Cormac then vomited on Snape's shoes. Meanwhile, you and Harry were trying to silently escape, knowing Snape probably wants something.

"You've just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen." Snape growled, and Cormac stood in front of him, looking uneasy.

"Not so quick, Potter and Spade!" Snape hissed, making the duo curse.

"Actually, Professor, we must join the party, Professor Slughorn—" Harry stuttered, only to be instantly interrupted by Snape.

"Can surely survive your absence for another minute or two. Besides, I only wish to convey a message."

"A message?" The duo asked, surprised.

"From Professor Dumbledore. He asked me to give you two his best and he hopes you two enjoy your holiday. You see, he's traveling, and he won't return until the teen resumes."

"Sketchy." Y/n mumbled.

"Traveling where?" Harry asked. Snape just left with a frustrated look on his face.

"Pop off, Sevy." Y/n chuckled, only to be interrupted by a loud bang of the door opening, and Filch dragging Draco Malfoy into the room.

"Take your hands off me, you filthy squib!" He cursed, as he was dragged to the center of the hall.

"You'd thing he'd be stronger than a 70 something year old man." Y/n spoke to Harry.

"Doesn't he also have the advantage of a wand?" Harry asked, making his best friend shrug.

"Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party." Finch spoke.

"Okay, okay. I was just late to my days, with..." His eyes widen as he pointed at you, making the whole room look. But you instantly moved away, pulling Harry into the spot Draco was pointing at. Making the two boys eyes widen even more.

"Oh shit. Here we go again." Harry mumbled.

"Him! Harry asked Draco so they can reconcile their very very VERY long banter. But sadly, it seemed like Draco stood him up, so I became Harry's date. And I ditched my original one. See, Harry! You didn't have to cry! Draco was just held up by a filthy rodent." Y/n spoke, making up the whole thing on the spot, which pissed off Draco and made Harry feel ashamed.

"Mr. Potter asked Mr. Malfoy to be his date?" Slughorn mumbled in astonishment.

"Hey! We've come into modern times. So what if Harry and Draco are slightly confused about their feelings. We shan't judge and be prejudice. I support Drarry." Y/n said, making a whole speech, which only made the two boys more and more embarrassed.

"I support it. It seems like a pleasant idea." Luna spoke up, making everyone join in and agree.

"But isn't Y/n with Malfoy?" Someone spoke up.

"Hushhhh we don't talk about that. Thrupples exist." She mumbled, smiling through the embarrassment as she shoved him out of the way.

"Enough nonsense. I'll escort him out." Snape spoke as he approached Draco. The blonde boy snatched his arm away from Filch, glaring at Snape.

"Certainly, Professor." He snarled and the two left.

"I think we have some digging to do, m'lady." Harry spoke, holding his hand out to you.

"I think we do, kind sir."

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