Chapter Forty Six

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Cress slipped her shoes on and stood up, wobbling only a little. She rested her fingers against the wall, taking a few steps and glad she had decided to practice on the polished wood instead of trying to walk around in her carpeted room. If she could master the hard floors, she'd try the carpet and once she mastered the carpet, she'd be fine.

"You're walking like a newborn horse." Iko shook her head. "It's heel-toe, not whole foot."

"It's foal, Iko," Scarlet said.

"Whatever." Iko waved a hand in the air, reaching for her own pair of heels that were a solid two inches taller than Cress's. Standing up, she strutted down the corridor with the grace of a dancer.

Cress did her best to mimic her, and on her seventh walk down the hallway she finally made it without wobbling. Though she almost wished Scarlet would go back with everyone else, she stayed out with her and Iko the entire time. At some point she even disappeared inside her room only to reappear with her own shoes so she could practice as well.

Cress felt like a supermodel. Or, at least she pretended she looked like a supermodel—walking the runway with Scarlet and Iko on either side of her, or sometimes Iko in the middle. It was fun and she soon forgot that this whole ordeal was to practice for the ball.

Iko finally let them both rest when the gong rang for dinner.

Cress kicked off her shoes, scooping them up and hurrying up the stairs toward her room to change. She had forgotten how much fun it was eating here at the palace and getting dressed up super fancy. She like to pretend she was someone famous or important going to an important dinner or the world premier of... something.

Cress giggled to herself, twisting her hair up and securing it with a sparkly butterfly comb.

Someone knocked on her door. "Damsel?"

"Come in!" Cress stood up as the door opened and Carswell stepped through.

"You look nice." He smiled.

"Thanks. So do you," she added, looking him up and down. She knew he hated wearing suits, but aces he looked amazing. This evenings suit was dark blue, almost black, and made the color in his eyes stand out even more than usual.

Craswell grinned, moving closer and cradling her face before lowering his head to kiss her. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Cress slid her arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the base of his neck. "I'm excited for Cinder's wedding. That'll be fun."

"Yeah, it will." Carswell rested his hands on her waist, sending chills racing down her spine.

"Are you going to be in it?"

"The wedding?"


"I better be."

Cress laughed.

"Come on, let's go." Carswell kissed the side of her head and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they started out into the corridor towards the dinning room.

Dinner at the palace, at least when they were formally dinning, was a long affair. It was fun, but long, so by the time the meal was finally over it was almost midnight. Cress struggled to keep her eyes open and she leaned a little heavier against Carswell than she normally would have as they walked toward one of the sitting rooms. Or maybe it was the library.

"You better not fall asleep on me, Damsel," Carswell whispered as he pulled her towards a sofa.

"I won't," Cress murmured, smiling. Her eyes settled on Cinder and Kai as they walked in. Cinder looked so beautiful in her sleek black pants—Cress had only seen her in a dress twice—and silky blouse. Kai looked just as handsome as he always did.

"What are you staring at?" Carswell asked, frowning suspiciously and following her gaze.

"Nothing." Cress giggled. She leaned into his shoulder and kissed his arm. He shifted, wrapping her in a hug.

"You can fall asleep if you want," he amended.


Cress didn't fall asleep, though she almost did several times. She wondered how everyone else managed to be up so early and stay awake so late. Finally, just past 1, Scarlet and Wolf said they were going to bed and Carswell blessedly followed. He tugged Cress to her feet, catching her when she stumbled, before swooping her up and carrying her the rest of the way.

"I have a sneaking suspicion you're starting to fake being asleep so I'll carry you everywhere."

"Ah, you saw right through me," Cress mumbled, smiling to herself when he brought her into his room. She was too tired to change out of her dress and into some pajamas. Carswell toppled in right beside her and they both fell asleep.

It was still dark outside when Cress woke, though she quickly realized it was because her arm had fallen asleep. With a scowl at her dress, twisted around her and almost cutting off the circulation in her legs, she carefully untangled herself from it and Carswell's arms before creeping into the bathroom and slipping on her pajamas. She left the dress hanging over the bathtub.

"Cheater," Carswell mumbled against her hair when she settled back in beside him.

"It was strangling me."

"Mm." Carswell fumbled in the dark, reaching for the blanket and pulling it up and over them.

Cress fell quickly back asleep and didn't wake again until late the next morning. Her face was smashed against Carswell's chest and he was almost completely on top of her.


He faintly grunted.

"Carswell, you're heavy—get off." She giggled, shoving away.

"Am not," Carswell mumbled. Even still, he shifted away and onto his back. He dragged a hand down his face. "I should probably take a shower before breakfast."

"Mkay." Cress tightened the blanket around her when he got up, letting herself enjoy the peacefulness of the morning. When she heard the shower go on, she reluctantly pushed herself up and stumbled into her own room where she changed into some nicer lounge clothes. Her hair was still up in it's do from last night and when she pulled the combs out, gentle waves fell to her shoulders.

With another yawn, Cress started towards the dinning room. Everyone except Carswell and Kai were there.

Cress was glad she had changed out of her pajamas as everyone was seated around the table. Morning sunlight was streaming through the windows, lighting the room. Quickly taking a plate from the buffet and filling is, Cress slid into a chair beside Winter.

"Where's Iko?"

"Down in the ballroom ordering the staff around." Cinder chuckled.

"They're starting to get ready this early?" Cress's eyebrows shot up.

"They started last night," Winter added. Her dark curls were piled up on the top of her head in a messy bun. Cress hadn't ever seen her with her hair up and aces and spades she was beautiful.

Excitement bubbled in the pit her stomach at the idea of the ball. She had so much fun at the last one, and it being Christmas Eve was even more exciting.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat