Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

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Cress smiled to herself, readjusting her head against the back of Carswell's shoulder. She couldn't see his face so she wasn't sure if he actually fell asleep or not but he was so quiet she didn't want to risk asking him. Instead she listened to the rumble of the ships engines and thought about Disneyland. Hopefully it wouldn't be to crowded.

Carefully reaching for her port, mindful not to wake Carswell, Cress pulled up the latest news feed. She still couldn't believe just how many fan groups and clubs Carswell had, and the number seemed to be growing at a steady incline. The back of her mind wishes so very badly she could shove that in his parents face and show them just how successful he was.

Twirling a piece of hair around her finger, Cress smiled at him. She was so proud of him and loved him so much.

"Whatcha doing?" he murmured without opening his eyes.

"Nothing. Just playing around on my port."

"Stuff for Kai?"

"No, just catching up on gossip."

Carswell smirked, turning over so he could look at her. His arms wrapped around her waist. "What do the gossip feeds have to say?"

"That Captain Carswell Thorne is getting impossibly hotter every day. You were actually named InterGalactic's hottest male of the year."

Carswell smirked. "I actually did know that."

"And you didn't think to tell me?!" she asked, grinning excitedly.

"Ah yes, the typical 'honey I'm home—and by the way i'm the hottest guy in the universe!'"

Cress laughed. "Well it's not like I didn't know that already. I'm gonna frame it."

"Your port?"

"No, I'll have a copy printed and frame it on the wall."

Carswell shrugged, smiling lopsidedly. "Works for me."

Cress, still smiling, pushed up off him and reached for the blanket sitting on the back of the sofa.

Carswell sat up as well, scooting closer to her and wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"Our anniversary is coming up."

Carswell kiss her hair. "I know—the shortest year of my life."

"Mine too," Cress sighed happily.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know; I've been thinking and I can't come up with anything good."

"I don't know if this would be boring or not, but we could always go back to the desert and spend a few days there." Carswell shrugged.

"That was one of my ideas! I thought it would be to boring though."

"I don't think so."


"No. We can make it a tradition."

Cress grinned. "That'll be a good tradition."

Carswell smiled back, starting to say something else when the ship gently chimed. "Hang on."

Cress, still grinning, leaned back against the sofa and sighed. When Carswell didn't come back right away, she stood up and walked into their room. He was probably making a coarse adjustment or something.

"Hey Damsel we're getting ready to land and there's some cloud coverage so it might get a little bumpy," Carswell said over the intercom.

"Okay, thanks for the warning." Cress quickly grabbed her sweater, tugging it over her head and then sitting down at her vanity. While the ship was still steady, she put on a quick coat of mascara and then started braiding her hair back. She didn't think it got cloudy in California and was suddenly glad Carswell insisted she bring more clothes than she thought she'd need.

The ship lightly shuddered and Cress grabbed the wall to steady herself as she stood.

"Should I put some pants on?" she called down the corridor.

"Um, weather says its in the 50s. So yeah, I would."

"The 50's?!"

Carswell laughed.

Cress pulled the dresser drawer out, surveying her options. Yanking out her dark jeans and pink sweater, she quickly changed her clothes--already feeling warmer. She stooped for Carswell's jacket on her way to the cockpit.

"Oh, thanks." Carswell smiled when she walked in with his jacket.

"Its for me," she smirked, sitting down in her seat and sliding her arms through the sleeves.

"Okay then you have to come sit with me and keep me warm."

"While you're landing?"

"Yeah. Just hang on."

Cress almost giggled, moving to his lap. He kissed the side of her head and she snuggled against him, watching the clouds envelope the ship. She tightened her arms around him when the ship shook again, relaxing into a smile when they passed down through the clouds.

"I have to say, I was kinda looking forward to some sun and not more clouds," Carswell murmured.

"Yeah, me too. Hopefully they'll clear up tomorrow or the next day."

"They won't close Disneyland if it rains, will they?"

"Oh no." Carswell scoffed. "Disneyland doesn't close for anything."

Cress nodded, relieved.

The Rampion touched down in only a few minutes and after Carswell talked to the attendants and made arrangements for the Rampion to be cleaned and refueled, he and Cress started down the street toward the hotel.

Thankfully it didn't start raining and they managed to get all checked in and settled in their room before 3.

HEY GUYS!!!!! Thanks so much for everyone who's continued reading, I'm so sorry my upload frequency has gotten so much longer (I've been working a TON on my own stories which you can read here on WattPad if anyone's interested), but I still am working on Cresswell and will NOT be stopping this fanfic anytime soon! :D

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