Chapter Thirty Five

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Thorne dug through the box of wedding garb in search of some tacs. Kai was hanging garlands of white flowers around the columns and Wolf was single-handedly dragging the massive coffee table out of the way.

"That bookcase needs to go." Thorne said as he stooped to gather a bundle of flowers as the same time Jacin lifted a roll of gauzy white fabric from the ground.

"No, no, no, leave it there. I'm gonna use it to string lights," Jacin said as he continued digging through the box for a collection of fairy lights.

"Okay but it's kinda invading in my creative space," Thorne said, waving a hand around his near vicinity.

"Since when is this 'your' creative space?"

"Since I claimed it five minutes ago."

Jacin rolled his eyes, ignoring Thorne as he started to string a long line of fairy lights across the shelves.

Thorne threw down the bunch of flowers he had picked up and started dragging the bookshelf away. Jacin dropped the lights and grabbed onto the other end.

"Oh that's mature."

"Says you."

"Hey. Do we need to separate you two?" Kai asked as he dragged a chair to the opposite side of the fireplace.

"Jacin started it."

Kai stifled an eye roll. "Leave the bookshelf."

"But it's in the way of the alter."

"The alter's gonna be above the fireplace."

"Says who?"

"Me." Kai shot him a dare-you-to-argue look.

Thorne gave the bookshelf one final yank, mainly out of defiance, only to lose his balance and trip. The bookshelf took the brunt of his fall and, thrown off balance, crashed to the ground.

Thorne dusted his hands off, getting to his feet and accepting the box of tacks Kai handed him. Not two moments later Cinder came thumping down the stairs.

"That was Thorne." Jacin said.

Cinder said something else before she came around the corner and poked her head into the living room.

"What's going on? What was that noise?"

"Iss all unner control." Thorne glanced over his shoulder just as Cinder's gaze shifted to Kai, who shrugged.

"We had a disagreement about a bookshelf. But Thorne's right, we got this under control. How much more time do you think we have?"

"Iko is doing her hair right now. Maybe... half an hour?"

Kai nodded and Cinder disappeared back up the stairs. Kai's gaze followed her out of the room.

"Hey, prince charming." Thorne snapped his fingers in Kai's direction. "Focus, we got a wedding to..." he waved his hand in the air, "have."

Kai made a face but went back to helping him hang the drapery. At some point Wolf rejoined them, dressed in his tux, and helped put the finishing touches to the room.

Someone hurried down the stairs and Thorne, Kai, and Jacin all turned startled eyes towards the stairwell.

Cress came to a halt, equally stunned at everyone's attention on her. "Um, Scarlet said someone needs to water the flower beds?"

"I'll do it," Wolf said.

"Don't get mud on your suit," Thorne called after him. He glanced back at Cress. "How're we doing?"

"Good. She's getting antsy." Her eyes skirted the room and she smiled. "Everything looks beautiful."

Thorne smiled right back, his heart doing a leap in his chest. Her port vibrated in his pocket so he pulled it out and tossed it to her.

"Oh, music." Her grin intensified as her fingers danced over the screen. "Winter needs another few minutes and we'll be ready." She leaned back against the wall.

Thorne jumped down and picked up the last of the empty boxes, tossing them down the corridor so they were out of the way.

Someone knocked on the door and Cress darted to answer it. It was Emilie and she was carrying a massive platter that Cress hurried to help her with.

"Thanks." Emilie grinned.

"Over there." Jacin pointed to a table decorated with a white table cloth and garlands of roses.

Thorne tried to sneak a taste but Cress smacked his hand away. Instead, he rested his hand on her shoulder and pulled her around. "So. What do you think?"

"You guys did a great job. Everything is so pretty."

Thorne tightened his arm around her. He wanted to ask her what she thought about the idea of a small wedding. If she thought Scarlet and Wolf's idea was smart or if she thought they were missing out on having a bigger party. His stomach tightened at thought of asking something so explicit and he had just worked up the courage to say something when her port chimmed again.

"Oh that's Winter. Okay they're ready." She squealed, bouncing up on her tiptoes as she started for the stairs again. She shook out her hands, tapping something on her port. Soft music filled the room, wafting up the stairwell.

Moments later, Scarlet appeared at the bottom. She was lightly frowning, but smiling at the same time.

"What... is this?"

Instead of answering, Wolf smiled. "You are the most beautiful sight I have ever laid eyes one."

Scarlet almost scoffed. "And you look like you're about to get married."

Wolf's smile widened and he stepped around the room to clasp her hands in his. "I know how frustrated you've been with the... attention our wedding has brought, and how much you hate what it was turning into."

Thorne walked up behind Cress again, wrapping his arms around her from behind. She rested her hand—her left hand—on his forearm and leaned her head back against his shoulder. Would she mind having a small wedding? She seamed eager enough for Wolf and Scarlet, but would she feel differently about her own? About theirs.

"...I wondered if you might marry me now, here, instead," Wolf was saying when Thorne tuned back in.

Scarlet looked at each one of them in turn. "You were all in on this."

"Wolf had the idea a few weeks ago when he noticed you were getting... upset about the media," Kai said. "That's why he wanted us to all come early."

"So does this mean no thanksgiving?" Thorne whispered in Cress's ear. She faintly giggled.

"I hope not," she whispered back.

"There's no officiant here. Who's going to marry us?"

Wolf looked like he could laugh and he glanced back at Kai.

"Seriously?" Scarlet asked.

Kai shrugged. "I've never done it before, but it is within my powers as the emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth to marry people. It will be perfectly legitimate and binding."

Scarlet was silent a beat longer than was comfortable.

"So? Will you marry me?" Wolf asked as he took a step closer to her.

A smile hinted at Scarlet's face.

"Wait, before you answer that..." Thorne waved an arm around the room, "you should know that the store where we got all this stuff doesn't take returns."

"Well in that case. Yes. Yes, of course I will." She grinned, snaking her arms over Wolf's shoulders.

Wolf bent toward her but Thorne whipped his hand in between them.

Cress laughed when Scarlet and Wolf each kissed a side of his hand. They both immediately jerked back.

"Slow those rockets. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure we're not to the kissing part yet." He wrapped an arm around Scarlet's, pulling her away from Wolf. "Places everyone!"

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