Chapter Twenty Five

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The rest of the tour through the UK sped by way to fast. At least that's what Cress kept saying. Thorne didn't agree. He felt like it was taking them forever, even though they finished an entire week ahead of schedule.

Scarlet said she and Wolf would take an airplane back to France so the Rampion didn't have to fly back and forth across the globe.

"Only if you want to, we don't mind taking you both back," Thorne said as he poured himself a bowl of cereal and then took a seat at the galley table.

Scarlet waved a spoon in the air. "Nah. I haven't flown in forever, so that'll be fun."

Thorne frowned, glancing at Wolf who was also frowning.

"I mean on a plane. Flying in the Rampion is different. I forget we're in the air half the time. Except when you're landing and taking off and I'm afraid for my life."

Thorne made a face. "Fine, fly in a boring third-class commercial air plane. Have fun with your package of stale peanuts. When will you leave?"

"I don't know. I'll start looking for tickets this afternoon."

Thorne nodded. He looked around and lightly frowned. "Cress hasn't come down yet?"

Scarlet shook her head. "I haven't seen her."

Thorne quickly finished his cereal, dumping his bowl and spook in the sink and then starting back to Cress's room. She was still in bed, curled up in a tight little ball with the blankets wrapped around her.

"Hey sleepyhead." He smirked, sinking down beside her.

She blinked her eyes open and smiled, but it looked strained.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I don't feel well."

Thorne lightly frowned, touching a hand to her forehead. "You don't have a fever; what doesn't feel well?"

"I don't know. My head hurts and I feel really... achy."

"Can I get you anything?"

Cress shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

"Will you drink some water? Or maybe some hot tea?"

Cress faintly sighed. "Tea sounds good."

Thorne nodded, leaning over and kissing her forehead before standing up. He adjusted the blankets, tucking them tighter around her, before moving back to the galley.



"Can I borrow some of that tea you got in New York?"

Scarlet didn't even up from her portscreen. "Yeah, but only if you give it back."

Thorne rolled his eyes.

Scarlet looked up. "I'm kidding, genius." She turned around to glance at the cabinets. "I think it's in that one."


"I thought you hated tea."

"It's for Cress. She doesn't feel well."


While the tea was steeping, Thorne leaned back against the counter and picked at his fingernails. "You know, I was thinking—"

"Oh stars above."

"Why are you always so grumpy?"

"I'm not grumpy. I'm just a little apprehensive to you thinking again. It never works out well."

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