Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven

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Cress stifled a yawn, shoving her tablet away and leaning back on her chair. She was just about caught up on homework and was starting to feel a bit hungry. Standing up and tossing a frozen pizza in the oven, she grabbed the packages on the dinning room table and brought them upstairs to the loft. She wasn't to keen on the idea of the baby sleeping downstairs in the spare room for the first few days, worried she wouldn't be able to hear her cry, so she'd been working on setting up a bassinet in the corner of her and Carswell's room.

So far is was coming together perfectly. Iko would definitely approve. She glanced at her port watch. It was only 2:30; Carswell wasn't supposed to be home for a another half hour and she really wanted to have finished her homework and gotten the rest of the bassinet put together.

Downstairs, the oven dinged that her pizza was ready. Which, obviously, meant she had to take a break and at least eat. Carswell would have insisted.

Settling on the sofa with the fire keeping her warm, Cress dig into her pizza while watching one of her favorite Earthen sitcoms. Keys jingled in the door and Carswell walked in.

"You're early!" she said with a grin, setting her pizza down and standing up to hug him.

Carswell kissed the side of her head, then shrugged out of his jacket and kissed her stomach. "Is there enough for me?" he asked, nodding to the pizza. "I didn't get a chance to eat."

"Yeah, of course! I was just starting."

Carswell kept his arms round her shoulders as they both sank down on the sofa.

Cress grinned to herself, eating another bite of pizza. They watched the show for a while before Cress reluctantly said she should finish her schoolwork.

"Aight, cool. Hey, I was gonna work on some scripts if you want to bring your books down here." Carswell shrugged.

Cress nodded. She started toward the stairs but Carswell said he'd get her things for her so she settled on the sofa.

"You still wanting to go the the Kelsey's for Thanksgiving, right?" he asked, handing her her tablets.

Cress grinned. The Kelsey's! She wondered if any of the other Rampion Crew referred to them as the Thorne's. Probably not because they all called Carswell "Thorne." Oh well.

"Yeah, I still want to. If the baby comes when she's supposed to," she added with a partial grimace. "I've heard horror stories of first time babies coming weeks late."

"Well fingers crossed."

Cress nodded. "Did you talk to Wolf or something?"

"No, I was just curious. I know we had talked about it a while ago, but since it's in a few weeks I wanted to double check."

"I should send Scarlet a comm and make sure they're still up for everyone coming."

"I'm sure she is." Carswell sank down onto the ground between the sofa and coffee table, propping up his own tablet and starting in on the script he was writing.

Cress forced herself to get back into the swing of homework, determined to finish by the time he did. She paused only once to get another slice of pizza and ended up getting all three of her assignments turned in before Carswell finished.

"Are you going to the studio tomorrow?"

Carswell nodded, pushing up off the ground and sitting beside her. "Yeah, you wanna come?"

Cress nodded, grinning. "Yes please."

Carswell kissed the side of her head. "I'm trying to get another jump on getting things recorded."

"So you don't have to do anything over Thanksgiving?"

"More so I don't have to do as much when the baby's here."

Cress's smile warmed.

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