Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Cress grinned as the clouds disappeared beneath her. She could see the Pacific Ocean sparkling in the sunlight and she could imagine the rest of the Rampion Crew all splashing and goofing around on the beach.

"Do you think they'll pick us up at the airport?" She asked without taking her eyes from the window.

"Probably not."

Cress finally leaned back in her seat, giddy with excitement. She wrapped both her arms around one of Thorne's, faintly squealing.

Thorne smirked, kissing the side of her head.

"I'm so excited!" She squealed.

"No way."

"Are you?" She asked, suddenly worried.

Thorne nodded enthusiastically. She'd planned the whole trip for his birthday over the past few weeks, but she asked him about everything. "Oh yeah." He grinned at her and he could see her relax. "Sorry, I'm still half asleep." He added defensively.

"That's fine. I shouldn't have had that second coffee; I'm all jittery."

"Eat something."

"I can't, I'm to nervous."

Thorne frowned. "To land?"

"Not nervous." Cress clarified. "Excited. We're gonna see everyone again and get to go to the beach and stay in Jacin and Winter's big house... agh, it's gonna be so fun!"

"I know! You said we're doing dinner with everyone on my actual birthday?"

Cress nodded. She'd told him that much, but she didn't tell him which restaurant. She wanted to surprise him with at least a few things, she said.

Once they landed and were in a hover towards Jacin and Winter's house, Cress finally got excited enough to eat something and they stopped for breakfast on the way.

They ended up being the last to arrive at Jacin and Winter's house, Iko running out of the giant mansion to help bring in their luggage.

"Aces it's so warm!" Cress grinned, pulling her sweater off and tossing it in her bag.

"I know. Or, I'm told." Iko shrugged, grabbing her suitcase and starting towards the house.

Thorne took Cress's hand as Iko led them towards the house, which he had to admit was beautiful. He could hear the ocean from there and as soon as they stepped into the foyer, he could see it through the bay window at the opposite end of the dinning room.

"There's three rooms left, so you guys can take your pick. One of them looks out over the ocean."

"We'll take that one." Thorne murmured. "Where is everyone?"

"Cinder, Kai, and Winter are in the kitchen I think... and Scarlet and Wolf went for a walk."

Thorne nodded.

"Here, I'll take your stuff for you—go say hi to everyone, they're in the kitchen." Iko said, waving towards a wide corridor.

"Thanks Iko." Thorne said, taking Cress's hand.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Cinder said when they walked into the brightly lit kitchen. 

Thorne rolled his eyes. "Nice to see you too."

Cinder smirked, but she walked around the island and gave him a hug. "We're making guacamole, you want some?"


Cinder slid a bowl of tortilla chips across the counter.

"So I notice a lack of ice here, where's what's-his-name?" Thorne asked as he dunked a chip into the bowl.


Thorne nodded.

"He has another entrance exam, so he'll fly down in a few days." Winter said. "Should we do pizza for dinner?"

"Pizza sounds good."

"Entrance exam for what?" Cress asked.

"He's going to med school!" Winter grinned, her entire face brightening.

"No way."

Winter nodded.

"He'll make a good doctor." Thorne added. He reached for another handful of chips. Glancing up, he froze at seeing everyone staring at him. "What?"

"Did you just compliment Jacin?" Kai asked.


"You said he'd make a good doctor."

"And what do doctors do? Stab people with needles and charge them for it. They literally make a living off other people being in pain. Seems right up Jacin's alley." Thorne shrugged. He knew the shoulder smack was coming and managed to catch Cress's hand.

Winter, however, didn't appear to be overly bothered; probably used to Thorne's teasing by now.

"Can I help with dinner?" Cress asked, wrapping her arm around Thorne and taking one of his chips.

"Nah, I'll just comm an order that way we can all relax. Cress, Captain, the dresser and closet in your room is empty so you can unload all your stuff if you want."

Cress nodded. "I'm gonna go check out our room." She said.

Thorne nodded. "I'll be right there." He pinched her side as she walked away, smirking when she squirmed. "So what's on the agenda for the week?"

"Nothing!" Cinder groaned, grinning. "Absolutely nothing."

Kai kissed the side of her head.

"Ah. Sounds relaxing."

*         *         *

Cress's eyes popped open as she surveyed the room Iko told her was theirs. It was so big. So big and open and bright and beautiful. There was door that led to a giant bathroom complete with a jetted tub and walk in shower, a private balcony that overlooked the ocean, and a massive four-poster bed that she immediately threw herself onto. The blankets were soft.

"You look comfortable."

Cress grinned as Carswell walked in. "I am." She reached her hand towards him. "Come join me."

Carswell kicked off his boots and sank down onto the space beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him. "Aces, this is comfortable."

Cress nodded.

"Dinner will be here soon."

"Goody. I'm hungry."

"Want to go for a quick walk?"

"Ooh sure." Cress grinned, pushing herself up and sliding her shoes back on. She slung her sweater over her arm as they walked back out into the corridor and downstairs.

By the time they got back, the pizza's had arrived and everyone had settled on the deck outside.

"Who's down for a beach day tomorrow?" Scarlet asked, folding a leg beneath her as she sat down.

"Aren't all our days for the next few months going to be beach days?" Carswell asked.

"I meant like, we could take a picnic down to the beach." Scarlet retorted.

"Ah. I'm in."

"Me too!" Cress grinned. Now that she knew how to swim, and was a fairly strong swimmer, she enjoyed going into the water. Plus, she had just bought a new bathing suit in preparation of their summer getaway at Winter and Jacin's. She leaned back in her seat, staring out at the beautiful ocean and setting sun.

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