Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One

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Thorne jogged down the hospital steps and out into the cold morning air. He sent Alex a comm, knowing he probably wasn't awake yet. He knew he had at least three full episodes recorded and edited already, so they could just release one of those today. Hopefully Cress would be allowed to go back home so he could finish the rest of the ones he had on backlog.

He went ahead and called the studio, leaving a voice message for whoever got there first, just in case Alex was late or didn't check his port or something.

Thorne's port buzzed just as he hung up. It was Wolf. "Hey, what's up?"

"This is really random, but Scarlet and I are here in Washington. We went and stayed with Winter and Jacin since they're not gonna make it for Thanksgiving and we have a six hour layover here. You and Cress want to grab some early lunch?"

Thorne almost laughed. "Um, we're actually at the hospital right now."

"Oh stars, is everything okay?"

"What, what's wrong?" Scarlet's voice asked.

"They're at the hospital."

Scarlet audibly gasped. "Is Baby Thorne coming?!"

Thorne couldn't help grinning. He nodded. "Yeah, any minute. So I gotta go, but I'm sorry we won't be able to make lunch."

"No worries," Wolf said.

"Hey is it Washinton Central Hopsital?" Scarlet asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"We're literally ten minute away, so if you guys need anything, let us know."

"Thanks so much." Thorne hung up and then jogged back inside. His heart leapt to his throat as soon as he walked back into Cress's room, seeing at least four more nurses. Cress was wide awake and looked like she was about to cry.

"Hey, what happened? I was hardly gone twenty minutes."

"I know, but my contractions started getting bigger and closer together."

"Oh, gotcha." Thorne moved next to her again, sinking down as best as he could beside her so he could wrap her in a hug.

"Everything okay at the studio?"

"Yeah. I left Alex a voice message. Wolf called, that's why I ended up being a bit longer. Sorry about that."

"Oh it's fine. What did Wolf want?"

"He and Scarlet have a layover for a few hours and wanted to get together for lunch."

"Aww, man!" Cress visibly deflated.

"We'll have lunch with them another time okay? With a baby."

Cress tiredly grinned.

One of the nurses had her sit a little more upright so she could check her progress again. Thorne glanced at the clock, wishing he had something to do and not liking how everyone else around him was buzzing around and being helpful.

Cress groaned, lightly arching her back and pressing a hand against the side of her stomach.

Thorne waited for one of the nurses to do something to help her, but the one closest to her didn't seem overly bothered.

"We're gonna try pushing, okay Crescent?"

Cress nodded, swallowing. A tear trailed down the side of her face that Thorne brushed away. He slid his arm around her shoulders, again feeling that horrible sense of helplessness as she struggled.

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