Chapter Eighty One

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Thorne yanked a few pairs of jeans out of the dresser and tossed them onto the bed.

"These have a hole in them, you know that?" Cress asked.

Thorne glanced over his shoulder. "No. Give 'em back."

She refolded them and handed them back. "Ooh, bring your grey sweater."


"Cause you look so dreamy in it." Cress grinned, crouching down behind him and snaking her arms around his neck.

Thorne grinned, yanking the grey sweater free. "Here."

Cress kissed the side of his face before standing up and moving back to the bed. "I'm excited."


"Yeah. I didn't think I would be, but... it's been over 4 years since we've been it might be kinda cool to see everything." She added with a shrug.

Thorne nodded, dropping another armload of clothes onto the bed.

"Do you ever fold your clothes before you put them away?"

"Sometimes. If I have time."

Cress laughed, shaking her head as she neatly folded a few more of his sweaters and shirts. "Kay, here, go take these down to the Rampion."

"Yes, ma'am." Thorne ducked his head for a quick kiss before taking the pile of clothes he thrust at her and started down the stairs and into the hallway.

It was raining outside so he had to jog towards the Rampion, freshly cleaned and stocked of food.

Thorne smiled to himself, setting everything down on the bed and trying to arrange them neatly in the closet. He only had to make a few more trips before all the clothes he and Cress wanted to take were packed up and ready to go.

"Will it mess anything up if I bring some books?" Cress asked when he walked back into the apartment.

Thorne lightly frowned.

"Like, weight to fuel wise?"

"Oh, no. It's not that much of a difference so bring as many as you want."

Cress nodded, grabbing a few from the bookshelf and setting them on the counter along side her shoulder bag.

"Still wanna leave tomorrow at 5?"

Cress nodded. "Yep." She glanced at her watch. "I'm not gonna be able to sleep at all tonight."

Thorne smirked. "Me either. Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure! I'll make us some snacks."

Thorne nodded, moving into the living room and sinking down on the sofa. Some old 2nd era sitcom was on. He'd seen it before but it was funny and entertaining and would distract him.

Cress joined him a few minutes later with a plate of left over cheese and crackers, the last package of opened oreos, peanut butter, and—

"Whipped cream?"

"It's gonna go bad before we get back." Cress said. She sprayed some on an oreo and shrugged. "It's good."

"Yeah, sure. You can have that. Gimme the peanut butter."

Cress passed the jar over.

"Your hair's gotten long again." Thorne said, smiling as he ran his hands through her waves.

"It grows so fast." Cress mumbled around a bite of oreo. She glanced sideways at him. "Do you like it longer?"

"I like it however you have it when you ask."

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