Chapter Forty Four

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"Alright, attention everyone!" Thorne shouted as he jumped onto the closing ramp of the Rampion. Stooping for a box on the ground, he ripped it open. "I've got presents before we lift-off."

"Presents aren't supposed to come until Christmas, Thorne," Cinder said, leaning back against one of the walls.

"Well these are bonus presents. Scarlet and Wolf will get theirs on Christmas since they couldn't be bothered to come with all of us. But..."

Cress peered around his hunched form. He picked up a few black rolls from the box, tossing a bundle to each person. He handed Cress's hers and she flung open the black material.

"You don't seriously expect any of us to wear these, do you?" Jacin asked, holding his black t-shirt against his chest. Printed in white were the words Rampion Crew Member.


Cress audibly gasped, grinning. She immediately pulled hers over her white long sleeve shirt.

"Perfect." Thorne gave her a thumbs up, waving a hand towards everyone else. "Come on, suit up. We need a picture."

Cinder glanced at Kai, who shrugged before pulling the shirt over his own head. Everyone else reluctantly followed.

"Perfect! Okay, gather 'round." Thorne waved everyone forwards. "Does anyone know how to set this thing to go off on its own?" he asked, waving his port.

"Everyone in the known universe knows how to do that." Cinder rolled her eyes as she snatched it from him, propping it up on a storage container.

Thorne made a face, slinging an arm around Cress as everyone quickly moved in. "There, see that wasn't so hard." He grinned, checking the photo. "Wait, Cinder you blinked."

Five pictures later and a picture was finally caught where everyone's eyes were open.

"Okay, okay, come on let's go." Jacin herded everyone up the ladder into the main level of the ship.

"Is Jacin flying?" Cress whispered.

Thorne scoffed. "Just lifting off. Apparently he still doesn't trust my flying skills. I mean, I manage to get you to and from places without killing you but apparently that's not good enough."

Cress giggled. She slid her hand around his waist. "Well then at least you get to sit with the rest of us." 

"True." He kissed the side of her head. "Come on, let's get a snack."

Cress walked with him towards the galley. She reached for the package of Oreo's, before sinking down at the table.

"Milk anyone?"

Cinder raised her hand.

"Are those Oreo's?" Kai asked, picking on up.

"Please tell me you've had an Oreo." Thorne groaned, grabbing 4 glasses and the milk from the fridge. Cress already had a second and third package of Oreo's—double stuff and vanilla—out on the table.

"I think maybe once. But for the most part... no."

"Oof. Suddenly being an emperor doesn't sound so hot."

"Yeah, the lack of Oreo's in my life is the real challenge."

Cinder tried to hide a grin, shrugging when Thorne looked at her. As the Rampion soared higher and higher, the rest of the Rampion crew feasted on Oreo's and left over Thanksgiving food Scarlet had sent with them. They were scheduled to land in the Commonwealth early the next morning, so everyone went to bed a little early.

"You're gonna sleep in that?" Thorne asked, smiling as Cress came in wearing the Rampion Crew t-shirt over her pajamas.

"Yep." She grinned, happily climbing in beside him. "And when we disembark. If there are paparazzi waiting maybe they'll catch a picture."

"I'm sure they will. Have you been keeping up with all the gossip?"

Cress scoffed. "No."

"Oh. Well I have." Thorne reached for his port on the nightstand. "You, my dear, have gained quite the fan following. And, at the risk of sounding arrogant—"

"Stars forbid."

"You have been dubbed the luckiest girl in the galaxy according to Intergalactic."

"Oh?" Cress's face lit up ever so slightly as she leaned over his shoulder at the gossip page he had pulled up.

"'Crescent Moon; The Luckiest Girl in the Galaxy," Thorne read proudly, squeezing her shoulder. "You've brought short choppy hair back into fashion, by the way."

Cress touched the ends of her hair. "Really?"

"Yep. Look." Thorne turned his port towards her so she could read the first few sentences of the article, including the bit about how Crescent Moon's "daring new look" is inspiring girls all over the globe to do away with their long locks.

"I'm famous," she murmured, giggling.

"Very famous. Every girl from here to Luna wants to be you."

"That's just because of you, though."

"I don't think so. I think people are seeing how beautiful and smart and clever you are."

Cress laughed, color rising to her cheeks. "Okay, turn that off now."

Thorne smirked, tossing his port aside and sliding down beside her. "So what do you think of Cinder and Kai?"

Cress grinned. "I'm so excited. Although honestly, I'm surprised Scarlet and Wolf waited as long as they did. I thought for sure it would have been Scarlet and Wolf, then Winter and Jacin."

"And Cinder and Kai?"

"Their timing fits about right." She giggled. "I mean Cinder's been working on dissolving the monarchy on Luna so she's had her hands full and Kai's been working on bringing peace back to the Commonwealth."

It was on the tip of his tongue; he couldn't not ask. "And what about us?"

"Oh I knew we were going to be last."

Thorne laughed. "And when the times comes, would you be happy staying on the Rampion instead of, I don't know, finding a house somewhere or even an apartment. A real home."

Cress propped herself up on her elbow. "I know this sounds really corny, but... if it's one thing I've learned over the course of my life is that home isn't a place. It's people. You're my people."

Thorne smiled, his heart filling with warmth. He stretched up to kiss her. "You're my people, too."

Cress smiled, heaving as sigh as she settled her head on his shoulder. "Though a house or apartment would be pretty cool."

Thorne nodded his agreement. Since the Rampion was finally paid off, now anything they made could be set aside into their personal accounts. For a house or apartment, one day. Or wedding. Either one. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. He couldn't see her eyes, but her eyelashes created soft shadows on her cheekbones.



Thorne hesitated. The ring—her ring—was in his nightstand drawer. If he nudged it open just a fraction of an inch, he'd see it. He could reach it. It was temping, but he smothered it. Now was not the time or place. He wanted to make the moment special. Memorable and thought out. 

New Years Eve. That's when he'd ask her. It was less than a month away, he could wait that long, couldn't he?

"I think you're really going to like what I got you for Christmas."

Cress giggled. She sounded tired. "I'm sure I will. I know you'll like what I got you."

"I can't wait," he murmured.

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