Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Dinner was immediately served in the hotel's courtyard, which had fairy lights strung from the trees and pillars. Cress noticed a few heat-lamps had been set up for when the temperature dropped, though right now the weather was perfect.

Carswell kept his hand laced through Cress's as they started towards their own private table. He had mimicked the way most wedding receptions were arranged—every couple had their own table, but they were close enough that everyone could participate in conversation. One table under an arch of desert flowers was laden with foods, buffet style.

Now that she wasn't plagued with nerves and anticipation, Cress was starving. The food was similar to the food they had eaten with the caravaners—different kinds of soups and breads and desserts—all which were delicious.

Iko must have been in charge of the music and she proved to be an excellent MC. The first lull during dinner, she insisted everyone get up and dance so they could work up their apatite's again.

Carswell laughingly pulled Cress onto the dance floor before everyone else followed.

As the sun continued to fall, the sky turned a darker shade of blue. The fairy lights turned on, keeping the courtyard warmly illuminated.

When the music slowed, Cress begged for a rest.

"All that worrying left me wiped out." She grinned, all smiles again. She hung on to Carswell's arm as they started back towards the table. "Cinder looks so amazing in the suit." She added, glancing at Cinder as she and Kai started towards them.

"Yeah, she really does." Carswell agreed, reaching for his water glass.

"So this is where the satellite crashed?" Cinder asked as she sat down.

Carswell shook his head. "No, it crashed like 200 miles from here. We met up with the caravan just outside the city."

Cress didn't think it was quite 200 miles, but she kept quiet. "And when we go inside I'll show you where he flirted with, well... Iko—"

"I wasn't flirting. I knew she was an escort."

"Whatever. Right over there is where the kidnappers lured me to their van while he was inside not flirting."

Carswell's arm around her shoulders tightened. "Hey, don't joke about that. That was one of the most horrible moments in my entire life."

Cress smiled, leaning in to him. "I'm sorry. I'm glad you came after me."

Carswell kissed the side of her head.

Another fast song started. This time the first on the dance floor was Winter and Jacin, followed shortly by Scarlet and Wolf.

Cinder and Kai, and Cress and Carswell eventually joined in. Cress didn't stop laughing and smiling and she was glad Iko had made sure she stayed well rested because as the hours ticked by Cress found her strength staying with her longer than she would have expected.

For dessert, Carswell had picked her favorite things in the entire world—chocolate cake, lemon cookies, and shortbread. Cress was so full she didn't think she'd be able to eat another bite until she saw the cake.

Around 11, the collective energy began to wane. Winter and Jacin were the first to disappear inside and Cress secretly hoped she and Carswell would be the last. She wanted a private dance with him and she suspected he was thinking the same thing as very shortly after Winter and Jacin left, Scarlet and Wolf, and Cinder and Kai, likewise said goodnight.

"I'll leave the music on." Iko whispered as she started inside.

"Thanks." Cress whispered. She broke away from Carswell just long enough to give Iko a hug. "Thank you. For everything."

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