Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One

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"So what bet did you lose with Cinder?"

Carswell scoffed, sliding out of his jacket and hanging it up. "Doesn't matter because she cheated."

Cress smirked.

"I did not cheat you're just a terrible at air hockey," Cinder called from the kitchen.

"Hey I'm en expert air hockey player so if you won it's because you used some kind of algorithm in your brain."


"See? She admits it."

Cress forced a smile, following after him and he started into the kitchen.

"I admit nothing. I just have better things to do with my time."

Carswell scoffed again. He nodded to Cress. "What have you been up to?"

"Oh you know, looking at colors for the baby's room and I cleaned out the closet."

"Sounds productive."

Cress steeled herself. "Um—"

"Okay who took my port?" Scarlet demanded as she sauntered into the kitchen. "Thorne?"

"Why in the known universe would I take that outdated dinosaur?"

"Excuse me, I got it last month."

"Could have fooled me."

Scarlet made a face. "You haven't seen it?" she asked with a nod to Wolf who shook his head.

"I can ping it, hang on," Cress said, hesitating before going back to the living room for her tablet. Less than three seconds later a shrill ring pierced the air and Scarlet found her port stuck beneath the sofa.

Okay, now to get Carswell alone.


A loud bang made everyone jump, but Wolf had knot dropped a pan.

"Now what are you doing?" Carswell asked.

"Three guesses."

"Can I talk you real quick?" Cress asked, her words mashing together in haste to get them out.

Carswell nodded, grabbing a few oreos from the cookie jar.

"I mean like... upstairs."

"Ooh, secret rendezvous with the wifey."

"It's not like that I just have to talk to you about something."

"I'm sure."

Wolf, hunched over tht counter, straightened. "Guys, for real?"

"I'm sorry—I really just have to talk to him," Cress said around a blush.

Carswell laughed. "Okay, come on."

Cress breathed a sigh of relief, taking his hand and starting through the living room.


Cress paused as Iko hurried in, carrying a box.

"Check out these amazing color samples for the baby's room."

"Can it wait like 5 minutes? Maybe 10?"

"Yeah but this will only take 5 seconds."

Cress stifled a groan. "Okay, just gimme five seconds," she said to Carswell. "Don't go anywhere."

"Yes ma'am."

Cress reluctantly followed Iko into the nursery, casting a glance over her shoulder at Carswell who was sitting down on the sofa.

Cresswell: The Lunar ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now