Chapter Sixty Three

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"Do you think there'll be paparazzi at the airport?" Cress asked after one of the flight attendants had come around and handed out drinks.

"I hope not. But probably. I know we generated a lot of attention the few days we were in Kaufra before you arrived; I'm sure word leaked."

Cress shrugged. "Can I put this up?" she asked, nodding to the arm rest that divided their two seats.

Thorne nodded, pushing it up for her and scooping her against him. He sighed, almost moaning. "I'm tired."

"Me too." She activated the screen in front of them, checking their scheduled arrival time in LA, which was 5pm.

"Try not to sleep too much; otherwise it might be hard to tonight."

"That would be a shame." Cress sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder.

They landed an hour ahead of schedule, which was nice, but it took almost an hour for the luggage from their flight to fall onto the carousal.

"Stay awake—we'll be at the hotel in a couple hours." Thorne chuckled, rubbing Cress's arm when she leaned into him.

Cress nodded, yawning.

"Do you want a coffee or something?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Look who's outside."

Cress groaned, glancing over her shoulder at the hoards of paparazzi standing on the sidewalk just outside the airport.

"At least the plane didn't loose our luggage." She tiredly laughed as Thorne hauled both their suitcases off the carousal.

He nodded, stifling a yawn. "The hover's right outside so let's just make a b-line, okay?"

Cress nodded, already looking nervous.

Thorne took her hand as they started toward the doors that opened out onto the streets. He saw the paparazzi notice them approaching, their camera lights flashing and shouts and questions filling the air.

Cress moved closer to him, trying to shield her eyes from the blinding lights.

"Cress! Captain Thorne!"

"Congratulations on getting married!"

"Are you going to live here in LA?"

"Where's the rest of the Rampion Crew?"

"Cress can you give us a smile? Over your shoulder!"

Thorne was glad when Cress slid into the hover. He pushed his way to the back and shoved their suitcases into the trunk before getting in the other side.

The hover sped away, leaving the paparazzi behind.

Cress kept glancing over her shoulder but they managed to get in front of a red light and loose them.

The sun had completely set by the time they checked into their room. Thorne had only stayed at the hotel once before and he didn't remember much of it other than how big and grandiose it was. One of the people behind the counter offered to take their bags for them as they were led into the elevator and up, up, up.

"This place is beautiful," Cress murmured as they stepped into the hallway and were led to their room.

"Isn't it?"

Cress heaved a dramatic sigh as soon as they walked in and she collapsed onto the massive bed.

Thorne laughed, tucking their suitcases in the closet before sinking down beside her.

"Mm, I'm so tired."

"I know, all that sitting is exhausting."

Cress laughed. "I'm gonna take a shower; where's our stuff?"


Cress nodded, yawning as she pushed herself back up and zipped open her suitcase.

Thorne could have easily fallen asleep but instead he hoisted himself up and dug around for his sweats and toothbrush.

"Cress?" Thorne pushed open the bathroom door.


"Where'd you put the toothpaste?"

Cress's head popped out of the shower. "Um... I think it ended up staying in that thing." She nodded towards a bag sitting on the counter.

"Thanks. So what time do you want to start tomorrow?"

"What time does the actual Disneyland open?"

"Eight. So we could do breakfast here if you want or eat in the park and take our time in the morning... whatever you want."

"Can we maybe eat here? Cause... I'll probably want to sleep in," she added with a laugh.

Thorne grunted. "Same here," he said around the toothbrush. Once finished, he moved back outside to the bedroom and changed into sweats before climbing into the soft bed.

The shower turned off and a few moments later Cress emerged wearing a big t-shirt that hit her mid-thigh.

"You're all wet." Thorne grinned, inching towards the edge of the bed and grabbing her around her waist.

"I know, my hair will be all fuzzy tomorrow." She sighed, letting him pull her against him.

Thorne sighed, his eyes closing. "I can't believe it's only ten and I'm ready to go to bed."

"We haven't really slept in like two days, though with all the traveling and jet lag," Cress replied, wiggling down beside him and yawning.

Thorne smirked.

***Follow me on Instagram! @abigailspaggiari and @cressisqueen

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