Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

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Thorne kept his hand around Cress's, rubbing the inside of her wrist and trying to gauge if she was nervous. She'd grown quiet, but she didn't seem scared. As soon as he settled in his chair, her sitting on the arm and leaning in to him, he couldn't help grinning.

The guy manning the sound board—aces he'd already forgotten his name—gave him the go ahead. For the first few minutes Cress stayed rigid but after a short time she loosened up and even slid down to sit across his lap. He made sure not to try to talk to her so she didn't have to say anything, even n owing they could easily edit it out.

"'What made you want to start a podcast?' A couple things. I didn't like not having anything to do on the off seasons, and it would have been pretty selfish to keep all these amazing stories and awesomeness from the rest of the world so here we are."

Cress giggled, slapping a hand over her mouth.

"Apparently Cress agrees."

She grinned.

"Okay this one I oddly get asked a lot... not sure why, but 'would you, Kai, Wolf, and he-who-shall-not-be-named make a good boy band?'" Thorne slapped the tablet down with a smirk.  "And that'd a hard no. First of all, what's-his-face—"


"—has a strict anti-fun life motto, so he'd definitely be out. I don't know that that's really Wolf's thing..." he cast a glance at Cress, who shrugged. "Kai would actually be good in a boy band, I feel like."

Cress nodded.

"Have anything to add?" he asked her, lightly nudging her shoulder.

Cress shook her head, grinning. "No."

"You wanna read them?"

Cress hesitated a beat before nodding, taking the tablet with all the questions he handed her. "So, just read them off?"

Thorne nodded. "Preferably out loud."

She almost laughed. "Ooh here's a fun one—'any tips for up and coming criminals?'"

Thorne scoffed. "Find a cute hacker to work with you and who believes you're more than a criminal, then give up criminaling for good."

Heat climbed to Cress's face and she snuck an arm around his neck in a hug. "'Criminaling'?"


"That works. Okay, um 'what is Kai like in real life?'"

Thorne lightly scowled. "Wonderful--a real life Prince Charming. Next?"

Cress giggled again. "Do you have an eight pack?"

"As in abs?

"I think so."

"No. I don't know—here count them."

Cress laughed, turning red. "No!"

"Why not?"

"I'll count them later."

Thorne smirked. Aces she was cute when she got all embarrassed. He nudged her waist.

"'Any siblings?'"


"Dream job?"


"Can you braid hair?"

"Yes!" Thorne grinned. "Cress has been letting me practice on her," he added, running his hand through her hair.

"And you're really good, too."

Thorne grinned lopsidedly.

"Are your abs photo shopped?"

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